Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 668: Immortal Art - Lightning Escape - False Darkness

Outside Yinren Village, about a hundred civilians huddled there, looking at the raging flames in the village with fear on their faces, trembling.

Next to these civilians, there are more than a dozen corpses, all of which are subordinates of Orochimaru.

That is to say, Kidomaru, Jirobo, Tayuya, Jin, Chitongkai, etc., without exception, were all killed by the fire, and they couldn't die anymore!

The reason why these civilians are not killed... is because they are only civilians. Although Fenghuo is decisive in killing, but the enmity between him and Orochimaru will not take his anger on these civilians.

Feng Huo watched nearly one-tenth of the Yinren Village shattered in his own hands, and his mood was sour.

He raised his eyes to appreciate Orochimaru's wonderful expression, but unfortunately, in the billowing black smoke, Orochimaru's figure had disappeared in the distance.

"Want to run?"

There was a clear howl of sealing the fire, and a sharp eagle cry came from high above the sky.


Chao Rondo II flapped its huge white-gold wings, its huge body sliced ​​like a giant in the air, its sharp eagle eyes locked onto Orochimaru's position tightly, and then swooped down at a high speed, from the top of Otono Ninja Village Glide over.

Feng Huo tiptoed, his figure was like lightning, he quickly jumped onto the back of Chao Rondo II, and tightly grasped its bird feathers.


Chao Rondo II screamed excitedly and recklessly, and the eagle's cry resounded through the sky.

At the speed of Chao Rondo II, he quickly caught up with Orochimaru.

Orochimaru looked up at the huge snow eagle in the sky, his face changed slightly.

Immediately, he decisively sealed and channeled ten thousand snakes.


A huge burst of white smoke dissipated, and Wan Snake's huge dark purple body hovered there like a prehistoric giant flying, swallowing snake letters to the sky.

At this time, the wingspan of the second form of the Chaolun Dance has reached nearly 25 meters, but compared to the body of Wan Snake, it is still insignificant, and it is far worse!


No, when Chao Lun Wu II saw Ten Thousand Snakes, his cry changed, as soft as a sheep.

Fenghuo has a black thread all over his head, wishing he could pluck all the bird feathers of the second chaotic round dance!

"Is there any promise!"

Feng Huo patted its neck angrily, "Rush down, peck it!"


Chao Rondo II gently expressed that he is a little bird and not good at fighting.

Seal the fire!

Below, Wan Snake stared at Xue Ying hovering above its head, humming and chirping: "Oshemaru, it's just a little ninja eagle, but it also channeled me. You are really getting worse every day."

Wan She's greedy eyes shot at Da Shewan, as if he was considering whether to swallow him in one gulp.

"That ninja is just a small character, and the real opponent is on the back of that ninja." Orochimaru said, "Wan Snake, don't stay here, go north, and rush to the sea as fast as possible!"

Uchiha's kaleidoscope pupil power has been restored, and Sanwei Isao is in his body, coupled with his rich combat experience, it can be said that Uchiha's kaleidoscope is already at its peak at this time, even in the heyday of Orochimaru. Dare to speak lightly to win.

What's more, after several reincarnations, his soul has been damaged, and it is extremely difficult to resist Uchiha's kaleidoscope illusion. This alone makes him dare not face Uchiha's kaleidoscope lightly.

Wan Snake curled its tail, directly knocked down more than a dozen trees as thick as a man's waist, and then swam towards the north at a speed as fast as lightning. Those giant trees could not stop it at all under the huge body of Wan Snake. !

"Hurry up!"

Feng Huo was so angry that he kicked the back of Chaolun Wu Ershi ruthlessly.

"Chirp~" Chao Lunwu 2nd Style yelled softly, hanging behind Ten Thousand Snakes not too far away, but no matter how Fenghuo urged, it didn't dare to get close to Ten Thousand Snakes.

After all, Wanshe came out of Ryuji Cave, one of the three holy places in the ninja world. Not only is he powerful, but he also followed Orochimaru to fight north and south. dimension!

And Chaolunwu 2shi, including his brother Chaolunwu 3shi, hadn't grown up during the Third World War, and later had to guard four generations of couples, so Fenghuo seldom channeled them to fight, so compared to Ten Thousand Snakes, Of course it's not enough.

Since he can't count on the second form of the Chaolun Dance, Fenghuo can only rely on himself.

Fortunately, although the second form of Chaolun Dance is timid, at least it occupies a high altitude, allowing him to do whatever he wants without any scruples.

Feng Huo turned over and came to its eagle claws from the back of the Super Rondo II.

The pair of huge claws of Chaolun Wu Form 2 were bigger than Feng Huo's entire body, Feng Huo stood firmly on one of the paws, and then made a seal with both hands: "Lei Dun-False Darkness!"


A black thunder and lightning roared like an angry dragon, and the violent thunder sounded like a beam of light penetrating the sky and descended on the top of Da Shewan!

Orochimaru sneered and formed seals with both hands: "Feng Dun-Wind Blade!"

The violent hurricane turned into an invisible giant blade in the hands of Orochimaru, cutting towards the black lightning beam like a cutting machine.

Wind Dunk already restrains Thunder Dunk, and Wind Blade is A-level ninjutsu, while False Darkness is only B-level, so as soon as Wind Blade comes out, the black lightning beam of light is suddenly weakened crazily, and it has become a ninjutsu in just a few breaths. A strand of lightning as thick as a hair was fleeting in the air.

Orochimaru gave a confident smile.

After sealing the fire, it's a small sample, still laughing?

He immediately unlocked a yang seal.

Immortal Chakra poured into the body, sealing the fire again: "Immortal-Thunderbolt-Pseudo-Darkness!"

boom! !

The violent thunder resounded through the world again, deafening!

A black-purple thunderbolt as thick as a water tank in the air flowed down like mercury, seemingly slowly and quickly, and almost teleported to the seven-inch place of ten thousand snakes.

Thousands of snakes stood up like scales and hairs, and all the souls of the dead came out.

In the crisis of life and death~www.readwn.com~ Wan Snake turned into white mist immediately and fled back to Longdi Cave.

When Orochimaru reacted, the time left for him was to make some simple ninjutsu marks. Of course, even if he had time, he wouldn't dare to accept such a terrifying thunder escape ninjutsu.

"Earth Dungeon - Diving in the earth!"

Orochimaru made a decisive decision, grabbed Shiro and fled directly into the ground to escape.


The thick and thin black lightning beams of the water tank finally blasted into the dense forest, and a large number of lightning exploded crazily, turning into a piece of lightning with a radius of 100 meters, crackling, and all the giant trees in this area were scorched black by the lightning, and finally burned blazingly .


Seeing Fenghuo being so domineering, the shouts of Chaolunwu's second style suddenly became high-pitched and sharp!

...Well, the main reason is that Wan Snake fled back to Longdi Cave.

Seeing Orochimaru escaping into the ground, Feng Huo summoned shadow clones with seals and threw them down one by one.

After landing, the shadow clones immediately use chakra perception.

Soon, they sensed the chakra fluctuations of Shiro and Orochimaru.

What's interesting is that the chakra fluctuations of Orochimaru appeared in several places in different directions at the same time, and they were going away quickly.

A shadow clone immediately released itself and transmitted its memory back to Fenghuo's mind.

Feng Huo lifted his eyelids, and then shouted to the bottom: "I'm going to chase Bai, you scattered to follow!"


"no problem!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Fenghuo's mouth, although the purpose of this operation was to save Bai, but if he could kill Orochimaru, that would be great!

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