Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 669: Uchiha seals the fire, you are finished!

Although diving in the soil is a C-level ninjutsu, it is very practical. It can turn the solid sand and gravel soil into a fluid, allowing it to swim quickly.

Orochimaru held Shiro tightly, with no expression of joy or anger on his face.

Only in my heart, the waves are turbulent.

Not to mention the fire-sealing kaleidoscope, why did his ninjutsu power have such a terrifying improvement?

The two thunder escape ninjutsu before were clearly both B-level ninjutsu Thunder escape-pseudo-darkness, but their power differed by more than ten times. Even though Orochimaru was well-informed, he was also confused and wronged in his heart at this time.

'He has been staying in Taki Shinobi Village... Could it be that he took the hero's water? '

'wrong! Hero's Water is a forbidden item to increase chakra. With Uchiha's ambition to seal the fire, he will definitely not take this forbidden item at the cost of losing vitality! '

Then, Orochimaru's expression suddenly changed.

'Could it be... Immortal mode? '

Orochimaru thought about it, and it seems that only in the sage mode can the power of ninjutsu be increased to this level.

But in the ninja world, there are only three holy places that have the inheritance of the immortal model.

Longdi Cave is also one of them!

In fact, Orochimaru has also practiced the immortal mode, but his aptitude in this area is worse than that of Fenghuo. After many years of practice, he had to give up in the end.

If it is really a fairy mode, then the problem is coming.

Where did he learn the immortal mode?

Mt. Miaogi?

Or wet bone forest?

Jiraiya's apprentice Namikaze Minato also masters the sage mode, and has a good relationship with Uchiha Fuenhuo. It is not impossible to teach the sage mode privately!

In particular, he has confirmed that the fourth Namikaze Minato is not dead!

Of course, Tsunade is the descendant of Shibone Forest and the teacher of Uchiha Fuuhuo. It is also possible that Tsunade asked the slug of Shibone Forest to pass on the fairy mode to him.

'What a lucky fellow! '


Orochimaru gritted his teeth hard.

Kaleidoscope, Sage Mode, Three-Tails Jinchuriki...

Orochimaru felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

All of these things are beyond his reach, and he has even put in a lot of effort for this, but in the end it is the result of stealing chickens and losing money, such as capturing Uchiha Itachi’s kaleidoscope...


Suddenly there was a terrifying cracking sound on the ground, and a large number of cracks appeared in the ground, as if the crustal plates moved, and there were huge fractures and shifts. This directly interrupted the fluid path formed by the submerged soil!

Orochimaru didn't panic, he changed direction directly, brushed the underground fault in a circle and headed north again.

But as the avatars he separated out died one by one, Orochimaru's eyes gradually became gloomy and ugly.


There was another huge vibration on the ground, but Orochimaru ignored it and just hurried on his way.

The thunder escape-pseudo-darkness that sealed the fire before went straight to the top of Orochimaru's head, but the celestial technique-thunder escape-pseudo-darkness that added the fairy chakra attacked the seven inches of Ten Thousand Snakes. What does this mean?

It means that as long as Bai is in his hands, Uchiha will not dare to use too terrifying ninjutsu on him, otherwise, it is uncertain whether he will die, but Bai will definitely die!

Orochimaru smiled at the corner of his mouth: 'Uchiha Fuu, this is your weakness! '

Orochimaru was in a desperate situation, but he did not give up hope.

With Bai in hand, he was born invincible.

If he couldn't escape, he could create a clone and threaten Bai's life to buy his own body time to escape.

But Orochimaru didn't want to accept failure.

He was thinking about a strategy to turn defeat into victory.

He has found the weakness of Uchiha Hienhuo.

This little **** Bai has already made him so afraid, if someone who is closer to him is dug out, then...

Under the desperation, the brain cells of Orochimaru crashed like a sandstorm, generating countless sparks of inspiration in an instant.

Then a huge spiritual light pierced through his mind like a beam of light piercing through the sky.

'Namikaze Minato, Kushina! '

That's right, as long as you find them, you can kill Uchiha with one blow!

Nearly ten years have passed since the Tailed Beast Rebellion!

In the past ten years, Namikaze Minato and Kushina did not appear in the ninja world even though they were alive. Their son was bullied by the children in the village and did not appear.

It shows that their condition is very bad, even bad!

As long as you find them, you will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory!


Where was the couple hidden by Uchiha? !

The hiding place of Namikaze Minato and his wife may not be a remote and quiet place, but in order to prevent accidents, it must be under the eyes of Fenghuo at all times!

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils exuded a ferocious light, and he frantically recalled all the information about Fenghuo in his mind, especially the places where he often stayed.

The Temple of Fire in the Land of Fire?

The sacred tree of Taki Ninja Village?

and many more…

Shisui, Obito, Shiro, Psychic Ninja... Reverse Spiritualism!

I understand!

Snow Country!

A cold smile finally appeared on the corner of Dashewan's mouth.

Meanwhile, the sea, arrived.

On the coastline of Tanokuni, among the cliffs exposed to the wind and sun, a corner of the tough cliff suddenly melted like flowing water. Orochimaru grabbed Shiro, jumped out of the fluid, and then jumped into the sea cleanly.


The second form of the super round dance instantly locked onto the figures of the two jumping into the sea~www.readwn.com~ Spreading their wings, they swooped down quickly.

"Want to escape from the sea?"

Feng Huo raised his eyebrows, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. When the second chaotic round dance dived to the surface of the sea, Feng Huo jumped off the eagle's back.

Afterwards, he released Sanwei Isota directly.


As soon as he entered the sea, Isota excitedly stretched out his tortoise's head and roared to the sky, and the violent momentum instantly flattened the waves of the sea.


Feng Huo stood on Jiji Guier's head with his arms folded.


Rocky plunged headlong into the sea, and with its three tails curled up, it immediately produced a huge thrust, and its huge body was like an arrow flying from the string, splitting through heavy currents and going straight to the bottom of the sea.

Orochimaru sensed Isato's breath, and his face remained unchanged.

He opened his mouth with a sneer, and white snakes gushed out of his throat, swimming quickly in the sea, or diving into the bottom mud, or drilling into the coral reef, or directly offering sacrifices into the mouth of a heavy rain, or running wildly .

Orochimaru swam fast, spitting out snakes frantically, and nearly a thousand white snakes had been spitting out along the way.

Each of these white snakes has his soul breath, as long as one escapes, he can be resurrected with residual blood, but this way, the consumption of his soul is also huge!

Orochimaru's face became paler, but thinking about his previous inference, his pale face overflowed with a trace of perverted blush.

Uchiha seals the fire, you are finished!


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