Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 670: Orochi pill brain pain

As a fighting tortoise among tortoises, Mio Isota's speed in the sea far exceeded Orochimaru's estimation. It took him less than half a day before he was blocked by Isota!

Fenghuo didn't look half happy.

He is not blind, he can see those small movements of Orochimaru, but what is the effect?

The sea is too vast, the fish are as numerous as stars, the view of the seabed is dim, and the terrain is rugged. Trying to kill all the white snakes spit out by Orochimaru is simply looking for a needle in a haystack, idiotic dream.

Now, the only thing he wants is to save Bai!

Orochimaru looked at the huge sandpiper in front of him and the fire seal on its tortoise's head faintly, with a smile on his face, and an unpredictable sense of sarcasm in his eyes, as if the victory was in his hands.

Fenghuo opened his mouth and spit out a string of bubbles, signaling Orochimaru to hand over Shiro.

Orochimaru also spit out a string of bubbles, and then slowly floated towards the surface of the sea.

Without ordering the fire to be sealed off, Isota stirred the three giant tails full of Lentz, quickly broke through the sea, and steadily set off shocking waves.

Orochimaru got out of the sea, facing the waves without dodging or evading, and didn't mind being splashed like a drowned rat.

"Oshemaru, hand over Bai." Feng Huo didn't bother to threaten him anymore, this guy is really as slippery as a snake, trying to kill him without careful preparation and a complete plan is really difficult more difficult.

"Don't you want to talk about some conditions?" Orochimaru gently pulled out a smile, and said, "You destroyed my Yinnin Village, and I'm afraid you killed a lot of my men? And Shigego, Junma Lu, hehe, Uchiha sealed the fire, this time, I suffered a big loss."

Feng Huo folded his hands on his chest: "Yeah, I've already felt your grievance, poor thing, do you want me to say something to comfort you?"

"Your sharp teeth and sharp mouth are really disgusting!" Orochimaru smiled coldly, "I hope you can still have such excellent eloquence in the future!"

When I find the four-generation couple, I must get back all the things I lost, including principal and interest!

Orochimaru's heart was surging, and he stared at Fenghuo viciously.

Then he picked up Bai who was still in a coma in his hand, his eyes flickered fiercely, and then he bit Bai's neck fiercely.

Fenghuo's heart skipped a beat.

"Consider it as a gift to him."

After biting, Orochimaru stretched out his tongue happily and licked his lips, as if reminiscing the sourness of biting white just now.


But at this time, Bai Meng, who was in a coma, woke up suddenly, clutching his neck and screaming terribly!

Orochimaru threw Bai to Fenghuo without hesitation, and then jumped into the sea.

Feng Huo didn't bother to chase, he reached out to take Bai, and then poured Chakra into his body for inspection.

"Brother Fenghuo...It hurts so much!"

Gritting his teeth, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Feng Huo tried his best to pull away Bai's hand covering his neck, and saw a strange pattern there, which was three black hook jades!

"Heaven's Curse Seal?"

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then Feng Huo stretched out his right hand without hesitation, an illusory flame of different colors emerged from the fingertips of the five fingers, and then pressed on the three hook jades.

"Five elements seal!"

Soon, Bai's screams of pain stopped.

"Brother Fenghuo, where am I?" Bai Yan gradually recovered his sanity, "By the way, where is Orochimaru?"

"He ran away, don't worry, it's all right."

Fenghuo breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a good thing that he is good at sealing technique, otherwise, it would be a lot of fun if Bai, like Er Zhuzi, turned into a monster that was neither human nor bat because of the seal of the sky.

Bai touched his neck, looked around, and couldn't remember what happened at all.

"Okay, let's go back first."

With a big wave of Fenghuo's hand, Isato immediately swung off the three tails and swam towards the shore quickly.

When Feng Huo and Bai returned to Taki Ninja Village, Didala had also returned.

This fellow chased Dashemaru's clone with a clay eagle for several days and nights, and finally found that he was cheated. When he was wronged, he blew up two mountains with clay bombs to vent his hatred.

Didara breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Feng Huo brought Bai back safely, but his mouth was still very strong: "Hmph, it's a disgrace to the title of artist to be so worried at such an old age, eh! "

Bai smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Feng Huo didn't want to watch their love scenes, so he went directly to the village to find Shemu and asked about the situation of the others.

"Lord Feng Huo, we captured the man named Jun Ma Lu, but after Zhongwu woke up and saw Jun Ma Lu's appearance, he became very aggressive and killed many of us, and then fled with Jun Ma Lu Already!"

When mentioning this matter, Shiki still had a resentful expression, and then he said, "By the way, Obito-sama is still in a coma. We have checked with the medical ninja in the village, but there is no way to wake him up. Sorry, Lord Fenghuo, we did our best."

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "Take me to see Obito quickly."

Obito lives in a medical clinic not far away, with a blue face, eyes closed, and unconscious.

Fenghuo checked with Chakra and found that Obito was poisoned by snake venom.

He took out the detoxification pill and gave Obito to take it, but unfortunately the snake venom is so strong that this ordinary detoxification pill is of no use at all.

Also, if it is useful, Taki Ninja Village will not be powerless.

Helpless, Fenghuo had no choice but to take out the bottle of detoxification pill that Tsunade specially made.

This bottle of detoxification pills is very precious~www.readwn.com~ One less pill, although you can find Tsunade to refine it again, but it will take several months just to find Tsunade, let alone use Tsunade's Urine, wanting her to work for you for nothing is simply a daydream.

Produced by Tsunade, it must be a high-quality product.

After taking a detoxification pill, the snake venom on Obito's body slowly dissipated at that time, and his face also became rosy.

Feng Huo took a look and confirmed that Obito's poison had been cured, and he would be able to wake up after half a day of cultivation.

At the same time, after Oshemaru carefully fled back to Otonin Village, he found that all the civilians in the village had escaped.

Nearly half of the buildings in the village were burned to ashes!

It turned out that at that time, Fenghuo used the celestial technique - fire escape - Haohuo to extinguish it, and then went straight to chase Da Shewan. At that time, there were only ordinary civilians in the village. Faced with such a terrifying fire, how could it be possible to extinguish it?

As a result, the fire burned more and more vigorously, and finally burned nearly half of Otonin Village before it was finally extinguished by a heavy rain!

Orochimaru's face was extremely gloomy. This ninja village was built by him with a lot of hard work, but he didn't expect it to be set on fire by Uchiha!


Then, Orochimaru found the bodies of his subordinates who had been buried and dug them up. All the subordinates in Yinnin Village were dead.

Brain pain.

Thinking of Junmaro and Chonggo again, Orochimaru's temples throbbed.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, I will definitely make you pay the price! Bastard!!"

Orochimaru couldn't take it anymore, and immediately left everything behind, and headed towards the Snow Country alone!

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