Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 671: 0 A kaleidoscope that cannot be summoned

On the third day after Orochimaru left, Tianping Shigego came back with the disfigured Jun Ma Lu on his back.

"Kimaro, is this here?"

Tianping Zhongwu looked at Yinnin Village, which was nearly half burned by the fire, and was a little at a loss.

Jun Malu lied weakly on Tiancheng Chongwu's back, raised his head slightly, revealing a horrible face, covered with black and red scars from burns, like a ghost.

"How could this be?" Jun Malu was anxious when he saw the miserable condition of the village, his eyes darkened.

"Jun Ma Lu, don't get excited, Master Orochimaru will be fine." Tian Tian Shigewu hurriedly comforted him.

When Junmalu's breathing gradually calmed down, Tianping Shigego said again, "Kunmalu, why don't we leave here first, find a medical ninja to heal your injuries, and then, then..."

Thinking of Feng Huo's words, the phrase 'then I'll go to Oshemaru-sama' can't be said anyway.

Jun Ma Lu didn't know what Tian Ping Chong Wu was thinking, nodded and said: "Okay, let's go to the capital of Tian Zhiguo first, there should be Master Orochimaru's men there, let's go there to meet them first."

Tiancheng Zhongwu was somewhat repelled, but thinking of Jun Malu's injuries, he had no choice but to nod and go.

Taki Ninja Village in the Country of Taki.

After waking up, Obito vomited and had diarrhea for a long time before recovering, but his legs were trembling and he was still unable to get out of bed and walk.

Feng Huo brings Bai and Didala to visit him.

"Damn Orochimaru, next time I meet him, I will definitely make him look good!"

When Obito found out what he found after he fainted, he was very annoyed and swearing crazily, but immediately showed a decadent expression, "Fenghuo, am I very useless?"

"Isn't this nonsense." Didara nodded bluntly beside him, "You should have realized it by now. If it wasn't for you, how could Orochimaru capture Shiro? Hmm."

Obito raised his head and glared at Didara viciously: "What are you talking about, bastard!"

"Do you want to deny it?" Deidara said fiercely.

"Stop arguing, I'm not fine." Bai hurriedly stood up to persuade the fight.

"That's because someone saved you!" Didara glanced at Fenghuo, who was covering his forehead with a headache on his face, and snorted, "Of course, if I hadn't been deceived by Orochimaru, I would have been the one who saved you, um !"

After approving Bai's ice escape art, Didala really treats Bai as a younger brother, let alone Orochimaru, Fenghuo would not agree to bully Bai.

Obito was sulking while lying on the hospital bed, and he was really ashamed to be ridiculed by such a kid.

Obviously, like Feng Huo, he is from the Uchiha clan, why is his strength so weak?

Why do you hold yourself back every time?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I have been dragging my feet since the beginning of ninja school.

After so many years, I really haven't improved at all.

Then he thought of Lynn again.

I'm not in Konoha, and I don't know if Kakashi's grandson has taken advantage of the situation and put a cuckold on himself...

The more Obito thought about it, the more uncomfortable and angry he became, tears rolled in his eyes, the emotions in his mind were so complicated.

Seeing his ugliness, Didala snorted coldly, turned his head away in disdain, as if his eyes were hot even to look at him.

Feng Huo glared at Didara angrily, turned his head to see that Obito was crying, and tried to comfort him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Feng Huo was speechless.

I saw Obito's right eye, which had already turned on the state of three hooked jades at some point, and the three pure black hooked jades were slowly rotating in the blood-colored pupils, turning and turning, turning and turning, faintly, faint traces appeared. Signs of Fusion Evolution!


Obito is about to open a kaleidoscope? !

Feng Huo was overjoyed, and immediately shut up, for fear of disturbing Obito.

But when he shut up, the others spoke 'in due course'.

"Brother Obito, don't cry, I'm not angry, and I don't blame you." Bai said seriously, "After all, the opponent is Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin, and any accidents are excusable. "

As soon as Bai spoke, Didara couldn't control his mouth anymore: "Really, you're still crying at such an old age, tsk!"

"Didara, stop talking, brother Obito didn't do it on purpose!" Bai took Ladidara's hand.

Didara snorted coldly, and said arrogantly: "Bai, you are too soft-hearted, but with me around, no one can bully you, eh!"

Beside him, the corners of Fenghuo's mouth twitched slightly, and the corners of his eyes also twitched slightly.

I saw that the three Gouyu that were about to fuse with Obito slowly stopped spinning.

Stopped spinning?

Sealing the fire is all bad.

On the hospital bed, Obito didn't know that he missed another chance to win the ninja world again, he gritted his teeth and stared at Didala: "Little devil, do you know that you look so annoying!"

Didara said disdainfully: "I didn't make you like me, idiot!"

"Damn it!" Obito said that if he hadn't been unable to get out of bed, he would have made Deidara unable to get out of bed for three days today!

Feng Huo covered his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

What's the matter with this Nima?

"Okay, ok, that..." Fenghuo originally wanted to tell him Obito's 'symptoms' just now, but he thought that if Obito had a 'psychological preparation' because of this, it might backfire, making it impossible for Sharingan to evolve into a kaleidoscope.

Let it be.

So Feng Huo also pretended not to see ~www.readwn.com~ and said, "Obito, you continue to rest, we won't bother you."

As soon as Shiro and Didara came out, Nanao Jinzhu Lifu of Takishinobu Village was already standing outside, waiting for Didara and Shiro with glowing eyes.

"Brother Didala, Brother Bai, let's go outside to play!" Fu was protected by Taki Shinobu Anbe these days, and she couldn't even get out of the gate, but she was suffocated.

As for the play in her mouth, it is natural to appreciate Didara's 'art' exploded.

Just as Bai was about to speak, he suddenly shrank his neck, and then stretched out his hands to tightly cover his neck.

Feng Huo took a look, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "Didara, you go, Bai stays with me, I have to check his body."

Didala glanced at Fenghuo, then at Bai, and walked away proudly with Fu.

"Brother Fenghuo, on my neck..."

After returning, Bai saw the mark on his neck through the mirror.

Although the curse seal of the sky was suppressed by the seal of the five elements, the three black hook jades were still conspicuous, and just now, Bai felt a little pain again!

"This thing is called the Curse Seal of Heaven, and it is a forbidden technique developed by Orochimaru!" Up to now, Fenghuo has not concealed it, and said directly, "This curse seal can give you great power, but it has serious sequelae. , and it does not rule out that Orochimaru left other things in this curse seal, so I sealed it, but now it seems..."

"Can't it be removed?" Bai asked nervously.

"I don't know, the things made by Orochimaru are more troublesome, I have to check it carefully to confirm!"

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