Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 672: Help Nonoyu

In a port town in the Iron Country, Orochimaru is inquiring about the merchant ships in the Snow Country ahead, but unfortunately, no merchant ships can pass to the Snow Country in a short period of time, even within these few months.

The Land of Snow is covered with ice and snow all year round, and even the nearby seas are often frozen. Only during the period from late spring to early autumn, because the climate is slightly warmer, the sea will not freeze completely, so it can barely navigate. As for other times, especially In winter, the sea is frozen and navigation is impossible.

But who is Orochimaru?

You can't do it if you say no?

Orochimaru directly threatened a sea ship, the captain of the sea ship and all the sailors by violent means, and set sail directly to the snow country.

As for the frozen sea, he didn't care at all. The ice wasn't thick, so he could use ninjutsu to break through the ice, and if the ice was very thick, he could just get rid of the merchant ship and go on the road alone.

With the strength of Orochimaru, this is nothing.

In Taki Ninja Village, Feng Huo brought Bai to the room, and then checked the Heaven's Curse Seal on his neck.

The seal of the curse of the sky is centered on three black hook jades, surrounded by a circle of fine black prints.

What's interesting is that the three black Gouyu are very similar to the Gouyu in Sharingan.

Fenghuo sneered.

Orochimaru has always been thinking about Sharingan, no, even the curse seal developed by the sky is modeled after Sharingan.

It can be regarded as never forgetting, and there must be an echo.

Fenghuo slowly released the five-element seal, and in an instant, the three hooked jades of the curse seal of the sky immediately emitted a scorching light, and a trace of natural energy was absorbed by them, and immediately the circle of fine prints outside the three hooked jades was derived in an instant. A large number of black prints, like a flame, exudes this hot breath, covering most of Bai's body!

At the same time, Bai's body also began to metamorphose, his hands gradually 'beast-like', and the muscles all over his body swelled crazily, his hideous appearance was exactly the same as that of Libra.

Feng Huo touched his chin and nodded slightly.

This curse seal of the sky can make Bai, like Tiancheng Chongwu, absorb natural energy to become a "pseudo-immortal" and gain powerful power, but after all, Bai is not Libra Zhongwu, and his physique is different. When he bears these powerful energies, he will also be affected. Huge erosion is a sharp double-edged sword.

Although he used the five-element seal to seal it before, Taki Ninja Village is close to the holy tree, and the natural energy is quite strong, so the curse of the sky was wiped out.

Immediately, Fenghuo quickly used the five-element seal to seal the curse of the sky again.

Bai's body changes slowly stopped, and then slowly recovered.

Bai was sweating profusely, panting heavily, with a distressed expression on his face.

"Brother Fenghuo, what's wrong with me?" Bai was a little scared, did he become a monster?

Feng Huo smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

The root of this Heaven's Curse Seal is Tian Ping Chong Wu, as long as the traces of Tian Ping Chong Wu are erased, this Heaven's Curse Seal will be abolished.

Judging from the occurrence of the curse seal of the sky just now, its core root is the three hooked jades, which must contain traces of the balance of Chongwu, which should be related to the cells.

So as long as the cells belonging to Tiancheng Zhongwu in the Gouyu are taken out, the curse seal of this day will be broken by itself.

So here comes the problem.

How to extract cells?

Dig out this piece of meat directly?

With Orochimaru's method, it must not be that simple.

Fenghuo's brain hurts.

Bai looked at him pitifully and didn't speak.

The fire sealing head is bigger.

When it comes to cells, his medical skills are obviously not enough, so he can only ask for help.

Fenghuo thought for a while, judging from the last time he got along with Tsunade and Shizune, Tsunade had obviously started to teach Shizune medical ninjutsu. With the latter's aptitude, this should be a very good medical ninja.

But it will take a lot of time to find their mother.

Afterwards, Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and he looked for the pharmacist No Naoyu!

It happened that Bai also missed her very much, so he could kill two birds with one stone by going to her.

Fenghuo immediately separated a shadow clone to bid farewell to Shiki and Obito, while he took Bai directly on the road and set off for Konoha, the land of fire.

After leaving Taki Ninja Village, the natural energy from the outside world was diluted a lot, and the curse seal of the sky on Bai's neck suddenly calmed down. Bai touched his neck, and then asked, "Brother Fenghuo, where are we going?"

"Let's go back to Konoha to find someone to help." Feng Huo replied.

Bai Wenxian knew the elegant meaning, and his eyes lit up: "Is it Sister Yaoshi?"

There is nothing to hide, Feng Huo nodded, and said: "This trip is a secret operation, so it cannot be discovered by others, you know."

"I got it!" Bai Kai jumped up.

Half a month later, Fenghuo and Bai came to the outskirts of Konoha.

Now the ninja world is generally in a period of peace. Of course, with the "friendly help" of the Akatsuki organization, a very small number of small countries have civil strife, but this does not hinder the peaceful situation of the five major countries.

In this peaceful situation, most of the barriers outside Konoha are closed, and those that are open are mostly warnings, which can be avoided as long as they are careful.

It is worth mentioning that these warning barriers have not changed for many years, and are the same as Fenghuo when he was on duty in Anbu. Therefore, even with his eyes closed, Fenghuo can easily kill him. out.

Leading Bai through these barriers, Feng Huo shook his head in disappointment.

From these enchantments that have remained unchanged for many years, it can be seen that the three generations really have no enterprising spirit~www.readwn.com~Then the two of them took a detour to avoid the civilian settlements, and they arrived at the pharmacist until nightfall. Nonoyu's orphanage.

Although Bai was very excited, he was silent all the way, very calm and obedient.

Feng Huo felt that Bai had grown up very well, both in terms of strength and character. With time, he would definitely be able to stand on his own and become an excellent ninja not inferior to Konoha Twelve!

Feng Huo checked with Chakra Sensing Technique, and only the chakra fluctuations of the pharmacist No Naoyu were nearby, so he took Bai into the orphanage with confidence.

Pharmacist No Naoyu was very vigilant, when Fenghuo and Bai approached her bedroom quietly, she woke up and was shocked all over immediately.

"Block the fire, Bai?"

The pharmacist Nonoyu who has been in the root for a long time, in addition to medical ninjutsu, perception is also very good.

She opened the door, and Bai rushed forward.

"Sister Pharmacist, I miss you so much!"

Pharmacist No Naoyu hugged Bai's thin shoulders, with tears in his eyes.

When Bai left, he only reached her chest, but now he is shoulder to shoulder with her.

"Bai, it's great that you've grown up." Pharmacist No Naoyu smiled happily.

"Okay, stop being sensational, let's get down to business first." Feng Huo hummed behind him.

Pharmacist No Naoyu greeted Fenghuo and the others to the basement with a smile before asking about the business.

"Sister Yao Shi, you should take a look at Bai's neck first." Feng Huo said.

Pharmacist No Naoyu was slightly startled, and hurriedly pulled Bai over, pulled off his collar and looked at him, his eyes became slightly serious.

"This is... the curse mark?"

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