Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 673: Konoha 1 day

Seeing that the pharmacist No Naiyu was able to guess correctly, Feng Huo was convinced.

He stepped forward to undo the five-element seal on the Seal of the Curse of Heaven, so that pharmacist Nonaiyu could examine it more carefully. At the same time, Feng Huo also told her some basic information about the Seal of Curse of Heaven.

After the inspection, the pharmacist No Naiyu pondered for a while before he said: "I need some time to observe some changes in the curse seal, seal the fire, can you stay?"

Bai hurriedly nodded, and then looked at Fenghuo expectantly.

"Yes, but our whereabouts need to be kept secret." Feng Huo said.

"No problem!" Pharmacist Nonai Yu said with a smile.

This orphanage is already remote, and even going to the village to buy daily necessities is often done every ten days and half a month, so as long as the time is controlled within two or three days, there will be no problem at all.

Fenghuo also knew this, so he agreed.

The next day, Feng Huo left a shadow clone in the orphanage, while the main body disguised himself and went out shopping openly and aboveboard.

The village is becoming more and more prosperous, with people coming and going, and horses and horses constantly coming and going, especially the commercial street, which is far less prosperous than Takinobu Village.

Fenghuo spent a long time shopping in the commercial street, and went to Konoha Fried Chicken to buy two chicken legs. Then he went back to his home and saw the walls of his mansion, which were messy with graffiti, all kinds of cats Portraits of dogs, dogs, etc., and insulting words such as 'stupid, idiot' abound.

Looking at the entire village of Konoha, Naruto is the only brat who can do such a **** thing!

Feng Huo raised his head to look at Huoying Rock, the place was quiet, solemn, and unbelievably clean, and he suddenly felt unbalanced.

This is different from the original!

Feng Huo silently took out a small notebook, and recorded what Naruto did, so that he can settle accounts after the fall!

Feng Huo didn't enter the house, anyway, he had already taken away the valuables at home, and the rest was dispensable to him, and it was possible to scare the snake and expose himself.

So Fenghuo turned around and walked towards the ninja school.

This meeting is the break between classes in the ninja school, and the noise and chirping of the bear children can be heard across two streets.

After Fenghuo used the Chakra perception technique to confirm that there was no strong Chakra fluctuation around the ninja school, he disappeared immediately.

With his skill at this time, ordinary ninjas would never even think of discovering him.

Feng Huo arrived at the roof of the teaching building of the Ninja School smoothly. After checking it out, he went to Xiao Li's class first.

Xiao Li is in the same class as Tian Tian and Hyuga Ningji, but the relationship between the three is average, especially between Xiao Li and Hyuga Ningji.

Xiao Li's self-confidence has been built up after receiving Fenghuo's guidance. Even though his ninjutsu and illusion skills are zero, he still catches up with the vast majority of the class by virtue of physical skills.

And Ningji Hinata, because of his father committing suicide, has always been annoyed by Feng Huo who stood by and watched at that time, and even has a very poor sense of Xiao Li. The unrighteous three views of waiting underground caused him to teach Xiao Li righteously when he had nothing to do in the class, and he never tired of it.

Xiao Li challenged Ningji Hinata several times, but unfortunately he did not master Bamen Dunjia, so he was not yet an opponent of Rouquan, and ended up losing in the end.

Then Fenghuo went to Naruto's class.

This class is much more lively.

Choji Akimichi, who was eating potato chips, circled the two pillars with **** Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, next to Naruto, who was envious and jealous, who was always thinking about it, Inuzuka, who played with dogs, and Shino, an oily woman who played with bugs , Nara Shikamaru who dozed off, and Hinata Hinata who only stared at Naruto the whole time.

It's nice to be young.

Feng Huo felt a lot of emotion when he saw the faces of these little brats fighting and being jealous.

Then the interest in sealing the fire increased, and one by one class peeped down, and found that except for the Naruto class and Xiao Li class, the ninjas in other classes were not good, and it seemed that they were playing tricks.

After the trip, it was time for school to leave, so Feng Huo left with a sigh.

Go back to the orphanage, close the fire to avoid the children playing in the yard, and go to the basement.

Pharmacist No Naoyu has already begun to try to extract the cells belonging to Libra Shigego in the Seal of Heaven's Curse.

"Sister Yao Shi, how is it?" Feng Huo asked.

"I'm almost sure, but I still need to rely on your sealing technique." Pharmacist No Naoyu said with a smile.

"So fast?" Feng Huo's eyes lit up. It only took half a day, so the efficiency is too high.

Pharmacist Nonoyu said: "I guess this curse seal has not been successfully developed, it is a semi-finished product, so it is easier to unlock it. But I want to remind you, once this curse seal is unlocked, the person who releases the curse seal will have Perceived."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "It's okay, Dashewan doesn't dare to appear in front of me now."

"Okay, let's start now!"

After sailing on the sea for more than half a month, the sea ship that Orochimaru was on finally approached the Snow Country, but in the sea area in front of him, there were already countless floes, and the further they went, the thicker, tougher and huge the ice floes became, and in the end it was continuous Into a piece, like a continent of ice, in such an environment, it is impossible for the sea ship under Orochimaru to pass here.

The captain and sailors who were coerced by him helplessly looked at Orochimaru who fell into silence ~www.readwn.com~ They had already mentioned this situation before they came, but this ninja-sama didn't listen at all, now, they The only hope is that this ninja-sama will not become angry and kill them all.

But what can Orochimaru do?

He is also very desperate.

Once the news of his coming to the Snow Country is leaked, Uchiha Fenghuo will definitely rush back to the Snow Country as soon as possible, and the situation will be complicated by then.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, Orochimaru could only choose to kill people to silence them.

A series of poisonous snakes emerged from Orochimaru's body, swallowing snake letters and crawling towards the captain and sailors behind him.

"Damn it, he wants to kill us all!"

"Hurry up, jump into the sea!"

"In such cold water, jumping into it will only lead to death."

But under the kiss of so many poisonous snakes, staying on the boat is also a dead end.

Some brave and lucky sailors jumped into the sea, and the remaining hesitant people had no choice but to jump off the ship unwillingly in the face of more and more poisonous snakes.

But what frightened them was that as they jumped off the boat, those poisonous snakes also rushed down one after another, opened their ferocious snake kisses, and bit them fiercely.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, lifeless corpses floated on the sea.

Then Orochimaru jumped lightly, jumped directly onto a floe in front of him, and then ran quickly.

Suddenly, Orochimaru stopped in his footsteps, and his golden vertical pupils narrowed slowly.

The curse seal of the sky left on Bai's body...was untied?

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