Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 674: Information from 15 or 6 years ago?

Orochimaru stood on a huge ice floe with an uncertain expression on his face.

The curse seal of the sky and the curse seal of the earth are powerful curse seals developed by him through Tianliang Shigego. Although it is still one step away from the real completion, it is not easy for anyone to untie it. Orochimaru has this confidence!

But at this moment, the feeling from the depths of his soul was telling him unmistakably that the seal of the sky curse left on Bai's body had been released!

"Uchiha's sealing fire is really impressive."

Orochimaru tapped his toe and set off again.

It's just that he was very restless in his heart.

Did the kid who practiced behind Tsunade's **** and was active in the World War Three behind Namikaze Minato unknowingly grow to this point?

If Uchiha Fenghuo is allowed to grow unscrupulously, let alone him, I am afraid that even the Akatsuki organization will not be able to suppress him... right?

Orochimaru also thought about provoking a fight between the Akatsuki organization and Uchiha Fenghuo. If successful, no matter who wins the battle between the two, he will be the winner. Unfortunately, the big plan of the Akatsuki organization is still in the first place. At the stage of raising money, at this time, it is impossible for Payne to attack Uchiha with great fanfare.

Therefore, now Orochimaru can only rely on himself.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's footsteps became more and more determined, moving forward on the ice floes as fast as lightning.

After traveling so fast for four days, Orochimaru finally saw a white horizon appearing in front of him.

Snow Country has arrived!

Orochimaru's eyes glowed, and his speed increased sharply again.

Half a day later, Orochimaru landed smoothly, and what appeared before his eyes was a country covered in ice and snow. As far as the eye could see, there were endless mountain ranges one after another, completely out of sight!

Orochimaru made a shadow clone, and then searched for it in all directions. He had to find the nearest town to supply it first!

The Snow Country is not big, but it is not small. It is not easy to find the Namikaze Minato couple.

Orochimaru now has too few clues, he must find more information.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time.

A few days later, Orochimaru successfully found a small village. There were hundreds of households in the village, and it was still a bit energetic. Orochimaru replenished it, and then bought a map of the Snow Country, and then followed the towns marked on the map, Head towards Xueren Village.

Orochimaru can infer from the people around Fenghuo, Bai, Didala, Shisui, Obito, etc., that he is an ambitious person. How could such a person place his subordinates in the Snow Country, and let Xueren Village go?

So Orochimaru concluded that there must be clues in Xueren Village!

It took more than half a month to find Xueren Village in the snow-capped mountains. Orochimaru sneaked in cautiously, but after walking around, he didn't find any traces left by Feng Huo and others.

Orochimaru frowned, and then knocked on the door of the leader of Xueren Village in the middle of the night.

"who is it?!"

The leader of Xueren Village heard the movement and stood up cautiously.

Under the dim moonlight, one can see that the leader of Xueren Village is in his prime, and he is not bad looking. Of course, if Fenghuo is here, he will definitely recognize this guy. !

At that time, the two classes of Fenghuo and Kakashi, and others came to the Snow Country, because Tsunade went to the casino to gamble, and finally confronted Langya Avalanche, Hail Dongkuma, Feixue Fuyan and others. After the fight, Feng Huo and others successfully made the three of them feel like they were dying. If the three of them were not rescued by the passing wind, flowers and raging waves at the last moment, the three of them would have been frozen into bone scum.

However, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have blessings. After Langya Xuebing joined Fenghua Nutao, he counterattacked all the way with his Chakra armor. In the end, he turned himself into a serf and sang, and killed the former leader of Xueren Village. New leader!

Langya Xuebeng knows Fenghua Nutao's ambitions, so he manages Xueren Village with great care. As long as the event is successful, the entire Snow Country will fall into Fenghua Nutao's hands!

And he is the biggest hero!

It's just that the posture of the biggest hero now is a bit indecent.

After Orochimaru came in, he didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and he calmed down with a neat move of the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand.

"I ask, you answer." Orochimaru's voice was hoarse, cold, and deep, and in this cold snowy night, there was a strange sense of gloom.

Langya Xuebeng was lying on the ground trembling all over. In the dim moonlight, he could only see a pair of golden vertical pupils exuding a gnawing aura, just like a giant python that chooses to devour people!

"You know Uchiha Fenghuo, right?" Orochimaru asked the first question.

"Uchiha... seal the fire?"

Wolf Fang Xue Beng blinked his eyes twice, subconsciously shook his head, but then seemed to remember something, nodded, then shook his head again.

Orochimaru was annoyed, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, a poisonous snake opened its mouth and bit it down.


Spike Avalanche let out a shrill cry.

It's a pity that Orochimaru has blocked the sound in this area, no matter how loud he yells, it is impossible for people outside to hear him.

"Answer my question!" Orochimaru said coldly.

"I, let me think, I, I can think of it soon."

Langya Xuebeng bit his lip and waited for someone to save him, but after half the payment, with the colder smile on Orochimaru's face, he realized that his life and death had been completely controlled by the person in front of him~www. readwn.com~ Just as Orochimaru's patience was gradually disappearing, Langya Xuebeng was so blessed that he yelled: "I remember! Uchiha Fenghuo? That's right, it's him, that kid back then, **** it, it's him!"

Orochimaru frowned slightly, the guy's tone seemed to be a bit different from his previous guess, but since there is information about Uchiha sealing the fire, let's just listen to it.

Langya Xuebing didn't wait for Orochimaru's urging, he told how Tsunade made money in his casino back then, how he shamelessly won money, and then he was beaten up when he came forward, and finally he was sealed and thrown in the ice and snow.

"If it wasn't for Master Feng Hua Nu Tao passing by and saving us, we would have already died!" Langya Xue Beng recited Feng Hua Nu Tao's name emphatically, but unfortunately, there was no abnormality on Da She Wan's face.

What does this mean?

It means that either the other party is not afraid of the Wind, Flowers and Rages, or he just came to the countryside and doesn't know what the name of the Wind, Flowers and Rages stands for in the Snow Country!

Just when Langya Xuebeng was slandering Orochimaru, a bumpkin from the countryside, in his heart, Orochimaru's patience was finally exhausted.

After wasting half a day, the information he asked turned out to have happened fifteen or six years ago. What use is this **** to him?

Orochimaru strangled Langya Xuebeng's neck with his right hand, and was about to end his life when Langya Xuebeng couldn't control himself.

"My lord, don't kill me, I can help you with anything! I beg you, I am the leader of Xueren Village, I will definitely be useful to you!"

Orochimaru paused, and slowly released his right hand.

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