Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 675: goodbye pharmacist pocket

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No matter how loyal Langya Xuebing is to Fenghua Nutao, when his life is seriously threatened, he can only betray in aggrieved manner.

Orochimaru did not hesitate to engrave a vicious curse mark on Langya Xuebeng's body. If he dared to betray him, the curse mark would explode instantly, leaving him dead without a place to bury him!

Controlling Langya Avalanche indirectly controls Xueren Village, and Da She Wan can finally let go of his hands and feet.

Under his order, a large number of snow ninja set off from the village, looking for traces of Uchiha Shisui in all directions.

The leaves of the country of fire.

With the cooperation of Fenghuo's sealing technique, pharmacist No Naiyu successfully peeled off the curse seal of the sky on Bai's neck, and sealed it into a scroll.

Out of caution, Fenghuo didn't keep the scroll, but destroyed it on the spot.

And in order to prevent the curse from resurgence, Feng Huo and Bai stayed in the orphanage for a while.

On this day, Bai was playing with his friends from the orphanage when a slightly smiling voice interrupted them.

"Are you white?"

When Bai and his friends from the orphanage turned their heads, they saw a silver-haired, round-rimmed spectacled Sao Nian walking in with a smile.

"Brother Dou."

"Brother Dou came to see us."

The person who came was the pharmacist pocket!

After Yaoshidou sneaked into Konoha, relying on the strong relationship between Fenghuo and Danzo, he successfully participated in last year's Chunin exam, and recorded the intelligence information of all newcomers who participated in Chunin.

Of course, during this period of time, he also came to the orphanage to help.

After all, he also went out from here.

Although the orphans who were as old as him have grown up and left, this place has always been his home.

After coming and going, Yaoshidou became good friends with the current group of orphans.

"You know me?" Bai looked at the pharmacist pocket strangely.

With a few words, the pharmacist coaxed the little kids around him to the back to play, and then looked up at the whites of their eyes.

"Of course, how could I not know you, the descendant of the Minazuki clan that has been wiped out in the Wuyin Village of the Water Country, who owns the precious Ice Escape Blood Successor Boundary?" test smile.

"Who are you?" Bai immediately became alert.

He is no longer that naive and inferior child. He has already learned about the boundary of the Frozen Blood Inheritance in his body and his origin from other people, and the person in front of him, who revealed his origin as soon as he came, obviously knows him very well. .

The visitor is not good!

"Me?" The pharmacist smiled and didn't answer, but asked, "He should be here too."

Although it was a question, the tone was very certain.

"Dou, you're here." Pharmacist No Naoyu had arrived behind them at some point, interrupting their conversation, looking at Pharmacist Dou with tender eyes, "Come in."

"Ah." Pharmacist nodded and walked past Bai.

The eyes of the two collided when they crossed, which seemed to sparkle.

With a chuckle, Yaoshi put his hands in his pockets, and calmly followed Yaoshi Nonaiyu all the way to the basement. Bai followed closely, his brows slightly frowned.

"Bai, this is Yao Shidou, and he is also an orphan who went out from here. Back then, Feng Huo taught him ninjutsu." Yao Shi Nooyu noticed the vigilance on Bai's face, and introduced him with a smile.

"Ah?" Bai was startled: Could it be that he is Brother Feng Huo's disciple?

Afterwards, the pharmacist No Naoyu said to the pharmacist Dou, "Why don't I introduce Bai?"

"Ah, after all, I'm just collecting information." Pharmacist laughed at himself.

Soon, the three came to the basement.

Fenghuo has come here ahead of time.

Just now, the shadow avatar told him the news of Pharmacist Dou's arrival, and he was also very surprised. He thought that this kid was still working under the Red Sand Scorpion of the Akatsuki organization, but he didn't expect that he had already entered Konoha quietly. up.

"Brother Fenghuo." Seeing Fenghuo, Bai quickly walked to him and stood beside him.

Pharmacist looked at the whites of his eyes amusedly, then looked at Fenghuo, and greeted with a smile: "Long time no see, Brother Fenghuo."

"When will Konoha come?" Feng Huo smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down.

"Let's chat, I'll go outside and have a look." Pharmacist No Naiyu was very smart, he took the pharmacist inside and then went out directly, so as not to hear anything serious.

"It was only last year." The pharmacist said concisely.

Feng Huo asked him: "Did Scorpion send you here?"

"Oshemaru also wants me to come to Konoha." Yao Shidou replied.

A smile appeared on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth.

Many years ago, he was troubled by the blindness of the kaleidoscope. He pressed the treasure on the body of the pharmacist, asked him how he was, taught him ninjutsu, and gave him chicken soup for the soul. Blindness is a problem, but the seeds planted back then have finally germinated.

For Yaoshidou at this time, the most important people in his heart are Yaoshi No Naoyu, Fenghuo, Dashewan? Even if it can be ranked third, it is useless.

As for the red sand scorpion, hehehe.

After chatting for a few words, the pharmacist took out a scroll from his pocket, handed it to Feng Huo, and said: "This is information about the scorpion, of course, there is also some information about that organization, but very little, they hide it very deeply~ www.readwn.com~ I can't find any more useful information."

Feng Huo took it, opened it, looked at it, and smiled lightly.

Like the original book, the Red Sand Scorpion has embarked on the road of being a human puppet, and has now completely replaced his heart and brain. That is to say, the Scorpion at this time is completely free from any illusions. Of course, his weakness is also very, so Is the 'regenerated nucleus'.

The regeneration nucleus is hidden in the body of the scorpion, as for the exact location, even the scorpion doesn't know.

Fenghuo looked at the information on the members of the Yanxiao organization, Payne, Xiaonan, Xie, Jue, Itachi, Kisame, Fei Duan... huh?


This guy…

Feng Huo had some impressions. He remembered that when he betrayed Konoha, he ransacked his house and made a windfall.

I didn't expect this guy to join Akatsuki. It seems that the breeze blown by my own wings is strong enough!

Feng Huo put away the scroll of intelligence with a smile, and asked, "Being a spy is hard, isn't it?"

The pharmacist tilted his head and said with a smile, "I was scared at first, but later found it quite interesting, and now I'm used to it, so it's good."

"If you can't bear it, you can come to me." Feng Huo said.

"Of course, I won't be polite to you." Yaoshi Doudu said, "By the way, Dashewan has not stopped looking for...the late four-generation couple all these years."

Feng Huo twitched his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "The filth is reincarnated, don't worry about it."

Pharmacist Doudou nodded, but he was extremely surprised: Sure enough, the four-generation couple did not die!

However, Yaoshi's pocket was not pierced, and he chatted with Fenghuo for a while before taking his leave.

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