Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 677: foreboding

happy mid-Autumn Festival!

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The treasure of the Snow Country is a secret passed down from generation to generation by the successive kings of the Snow Country. It is said that as long as you get this treasure, you can change the entire Snow Country!

It was only after hearing the secret of this treasure that Fenghua Nutao staged a coup d'état, killed his brother and ascended the throne!

It's a pity that after becoming the big boss of the Snow Country, Feng Hua Nu Tao searched for more than ten years, but he didn't find the slightest clue about the treasure.

So he started looking for his brother's daughter, also his own niece, Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Unfortunately, Fenghua Xiaoxue seems to have disappeared and evaporated in the snow country.

Fenghua Nutao guessed that Fenghua Xiaoxue left the Snow Country, but the ninja world is too big, and the Snow Country is still in a corner, no matter how much Fenghua Futao hates, he can only send some hooligans to pursue him secretly. As for whether he can succeed, it depends entirely God will not reward the face.

In the past few days, the changes in Xueren Village also caused a stir, but he trusted Langya Xuebeng very much, and let him toss around without asking.

But he didn't ask, Langya Xuebeng came to look for him under the order of Dashewan.

"Lord Nutao, my lord wants to meet you." Langya Xuebeng said.

Feng Hua Nu Tao is tall and strong, wearing a black armor, with awe-inspiring aura.

Just standing there, he was a head taller than Langya Xuebeng, looking down at Langya Xuebeng condescendingly, and snorted, "Xuebeng, what are you talking about?"

Your lord...isn't it me?

I see myself and need you to report it?

Fenghua Futao's expression was a little strange.

In fact, the expression on Spike Avalanche's face was also very strange.

Feng Hua Nu Tao is his savior, and even his benefactor, but now, he is controlled by the vicious curse of Orochimaru, and he cannot tolerate the slightest betrayal.

"Cough." Langya Xuebeng coughed dryly, and said bravely, "Master Nutao, my lord, I want to see you."

Anger flashed across Feng Hua Nu Tao's face: "You want to rebel!"

As soon as the words fell, the black armor on his body shone with chakra light, and a powerful force oppressed Wolf Fang Avalanche like substance.

But in the next moment, a small white poisonous snake suddenly came out of Langya Xuebeng's neck, swallowing snake letters.

Wind Flower Rage stepped back cautiously.

Then the white poisonous snake's mouth opened, and it opened wider and wider like a balloon, and then a human head crawled out of the snake's mouth.

"You are..." Fenghua Nutao looked at Dashewan's golden vertical pupils, with a gloomy and indifferent temperament, and his face was solemn.

"You are the name of Snow Country." Orochimaru smiled softly, "I am Orochimaru."

The wind, flowers and raging waves change color at the same time!

"Oshemaru? The legendary Konoha Sannin?"

Fenghua Futao's expression changed again and again.

He looked at Langya Xuebeng, no wonder Langya Xuebeng rebelled, it turned out that he took refuge in this powerful existence who was famous in the ninja world!

Although he is very confident in the Chakra armor he has developed, the other party is a big shot who has been famous for many years after all, and he dare not be careless in the slightest.

"What is your purpose in coming to the Snow Country?" Fenghua Nutao narrowed his eyes and looked at Orochimaru.

"Don't worry, I don't have the slightest interest in this country." Orochimaru sneered, "However, I need your strength to help me do something."

"What if I refuse?" Feng Hua Nu Tao narrowed his eyes.

"Then this country will have to change its name." Orochimaru sneered, there are troublemakers in the backcountry, this is really true, the name of a small country, dare to reject yourself?

Do you know how to write the word dead?

Facing the threat of Orochimaru Chiguoguo, Fenghua Nutao looked at Langya Xuebeng again, and said with a dark face: "I can help you, but you have to promise me two conditions!"

"Tell me." Orochimaru asked with interest.

"One, don't get involved in the political affairs of our Snow Country afterwards, and two..." Fenghua Nutao showed a hint of greed, "Help me find the treasure of the Snow Country!"


Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips: "Deal."

Taki Country, Taki Ninja Village.

Obito has been completely recovered, and he can jump up and down. He is alive and well and has started the great cause of helping the old grandmother to help the road in Longin Village.

As for these old grandmas wanting to introduce him to girlfriends, Obito thought about Lin's beautiful appearance, and refused righteously.

Didala took Fu to blast around the village every day, and the artistic effect shocked the civilians in the entire Takinobu village. Even Takinobu Anbe was crying and chasing after them for autographs every day!

Didara is a low-key person, every time Taki Shinobu Anbe comes after him, he runs away, and the real thing is to go away, hiding his achievements and fame.

As soon as Fenghuo and Bai arrived at Takinobu Village, Shiki brought a group of Takinobu Anbe to complain.

"Master Fenghuo, this guy Didara is too much, please make him stop, don't destroy our Taki Shinobi Village again!!" Shibuki was still very young, not much older than Naruto, but his face was very determined, There was three points of grievance in the fortitude, and two points of grief and anger in the grievances, with a resolute posture that dared to pull the emperor off the horse.

Needless to say, Fenghuo knew that it must be Didala who was engaged in terrorist bombing activities again.

Feng Huo said to Bai: "Bai, call Didara back."

"I see~www.readwn.com~ Bai nodded.

"There's also Fu, Shiro." Sheki said hurriedly.

"Well, I understand." Bai was still very friendly to Shiki.

Then Shemu took out another letter, handed it to Fenghuo, and said, "Master Fenghuo, this is a letter from my father. Because you were not around, I kept it with me for a while."

Feng Huo took it with a smile, and said: "Shemu, you are more and more like a leader."

"Wow, no way." Hearing the compliment, Shemu was beaten back to his original shape by the way, scratching his head in that shy foolishness.

"Cough cough."

Behind him, the leader of the Taki Ninja Ankumi coughed twice, reminding Shibuki to look like a leader.

Shemu hurriedly put on an old-fashioned look, and said to Fenghuo, "I still have business to deal with, so I'll take my leave."

"Well, take your leave, Master Shemu?" Feng Huo teased.

Shiki blushed again.

After Shiki left, Fenghuo opened the letter and read it.

After Orochimaru’s northern stronghold was destroyed by the fire seal, Sheyue took the money from the fire seal and went to the Land of Iron to buy a ship. This time it went smoothly and did not encounter any accidents. She Yue drove the ship to the Land of Taki After opening a small pier, he and his confidantes began to arrange at the pier, and then collected supplies, preparing for a commercial voyage in the late spring in a few months.

It's just that in the letter, something was mentioned that made Feng Huo quite concerned.

More than a month ago, someone coerced a ship, its captain and sailors at the pier of the country of iron, and sailed away from the coast. Until now, they have not returned.

For some reason, when he saw this message that seemed to be mentioned inadvertently, Feng Huo suddenly felt ominous.

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