Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 678: almost?

The Country of Iron is a country of warriors, and there are no ninjas in the country, so in the face of certain natural disasters, its survivability is far inferior to that of ninjas.

It's like encountering a storm at sea, the merchant ship was destroyed, the samurai fell into the sea, and basically waited to die, but the ninja could step on the sea water to look for islands, and the difference can be seen by comparing the two.

The sea is dangerous, and the country of iron has no ninjas, so the routes opened up by the country of iron have been fixed for many years.

Among them, the two most important are naturally the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth.

However, whether it is going to the Land of Thunder or the Land of Earth, there is no need to exaggerate the hijacking of merchant ships, because the coastlines of these two countries are long, and even in the coldest winter, it is impossible to freeze all the coastlines of these two countries , so as long as the price is reasonable, any merchant ship will be willing to go to sea!

Unless it is the Land of Snow.

Every year at the end of autumn, the cold air blowing from the north will freeze all the seas near the coastline of the Snow Country until the next spring slowly melts.

Under such circumstances, no merchant ship would choose to go to the Snow Country at this time, of course there are exceptions, such as if you pay money that people cannot refuse, or... hold hostage by force.

Thinking about what Pharmacist said before, Feng Huo vaguely made a bold guess.

Orochimaru, he may already know that he 'hid' Namikaze Minato and Kushina in the Snow Country!

Although this possibility is very small, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Fenghuo will not deceive himself or others.

Moreover, Orochimaru's IQ is very high, otherwise it would be impossible to master so many forbidden techniques, and live to the finale, and even to the next Bo Renzhuan!

"It seems that no matter what, I have to go to the Land of Snow."

After Fenghuo destroyed the letter, he used Chakra perception to find Deidala who did damage, Obito who did good deeds, and Shiro.

"Hey, what are you doing? Take me with you."

Fu, with short blue-green hair, dark skin, and orange pupils, was thin and followed Didara. At this moment, she held her hands behind her back, raised her head, and looked at Fenghuo expectantly, "Uncle, bring the I take me."

This girl is young, but her temperament is bright and reckless, and she has been wild behind Didara's **** for a while, and she already has the air of a wild child at this time.


What the **** is uncle?

Feng Huo's expression was not good, and he immediately separated the shadow clone and called Taki Ninja Anbe to take this wild girl away.

Fu cursed and was very dissatisfied, but her slender arms couldn't resist her thighs, and her resistance was useless.

"Shut up, what happened?"

After Fu left, Obito asked.

"If it's okay, don't blame me for not reminding you, there is a price to be paid for disturbing my artistic inspiration, eh!" Didara snorted dissatisfied.

"Something may have happened in Snow Country, we have to rush over there immediately!" Feng Huo cut to the chase, "Everyone pack some warm clothes, we'll set off right away!"

"Snow Country? I don't want to go to that kind of remote place!" Didara said dissatisfied.

"Shouldn't artists travel all over the ninja world and look at thousands of mountains and rivers to find inspiration?" Feng Huo said.

When Didara heard this, he immediately felt that it made sense, and he couldn't refute it for a while.

Next to him, Obito also said with a bitter face: "Feng Huo, I'm going back to the Land of Snow again, it's so boring."

"Stop talking nonsense, act quickly, the snow country is impassable now, we can only cross the land country, it will waste a lot of time!" Feng Huo said solemnly, "It's too late, Zhishui may be dangerous!"

"What? Shisui will be dangerous? Is this true?" When Obito heard it, he stopped doing it at that time. After the Uchiha clan was destroyed, there were only a few people with the surname Uchiha in the ninja world. Obito said he was the only one. Don't want to lose!

Feng Huo nodded solemnly, and then asked: "Can I still lie to you?"

Obito shook his head subconsciously, but when he thought about it carefully, since he was a child, Fenghuo really lied to him a lot.

Seeing Obito's suspicious eyes, Feng Huo became annoyed, kicked him away, and shouted, "What are you still doing!"

Under Fenghuo's coercion, Obito and others dared not speak out. They beat eggplants like frost one by one, bought warm clothes in Longin Village, and then left Longin Village with Fenghuo.

There is a vast country of earth between the land of Taki and the country of snow. With the strength of Fenghuo and others, it will take more than a month to cross the country of earth. Fenghuo does not want to waste too much time, so he plans to psychic out The chakra brothers, but Didara threw out a modified version of the clay giant bird directly.

"Don't look at it's bloated body, but it flies very fast. Using it to travel can save at least half the time!" Didara threw four giant clay birds in one breath, and watched them fly in the air in a row. Looking around, he couldn't help nodding in satisfaction, "It's really art, eh!"

"In that case, let's go!"

Fenghuo didn't talk nonsense, and directly sat on the ugliest one.

The speed of the giant clay bird is really fast, and the average jonin is far behind. Unfortunately, these giant clay birds consume chakra when flying.

Didala's strength is good, but after flying for a long time, his chakra can't hold it anymore.

"Can you do it?" Feng Huo looked contemptuous.


How can a man say no?

Deidara wanted to save face and suffer, and held on for a long time, and finally couldn't hold on to the exhaustion of Chakra, and lay tired in the air.

Several giant clay birds lost control and began to fall freely.

Fortunately, Fenghuo reacted quickly, separated the shadow clone in time, and rescued Didara and Obito. As for Shiro, he directly used the ice escape to create a flying eagle condensed by ice crystals, and carried him to the ground slowly.

"Damn it, I'm hungry~www.readwn.com~ Didara put his hands on his knees and found himself a step down.

Obito sneered and added insult to injury, directly took out a handful of Bingliang pills and handed them over, kicking the 'step' away.

Didara was so angry looking at these Bingliangwan!

"Okay, stop messing around."

Feng Huo shook his head with a wry smile, and then channeled the second form of Chaolun Wu.

The wingspan of the Super Rondo II is now nearly 25 meters, and it is not a problem for four people to sit.

Moreover, the speed of the Super Rondo II is not comparable to that of the giant clay bird. With the spread of its wings, it has already pierced the sky, and the cold air whistled past the four people's ears.

Didara was even angrier: "You should have psychic out this bird earlier!"


Chao Rondo II screamed high-pitched, feeling insulted, it is clearly an eagle, okay?

Feng Huo said with a smile: "The second form of Chaolun Dance is really fast, but when encountering rock rain..."

As soon as the words fell, fine stones began to fall from the gloomy sky. The bird feathers of the Chaolun Wu Form 2 were as tough as iron, so they were naturally not afraid, but Feng Huo and others couldn't hold on. At such a violent speed, these The stones falling from the sky were like bullets hitting their faces.

Can't afford to provoke.

Feng Huo hurriedly let the Super Rondo II land.

"Didara, have you rested enough?" Feng Huo looked at Didara.


Didara's face turned black, he had only rested for less than half an hour, the chakra in his body...



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