Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 679: looking for snow eagle

Chapter 679: Looking for the Snow Eagle (Page 1/1)

In the Snow Country, Orochimaru and Fenghua Nutao reached a cooperation, and then started their own operations.

Orochimaru collected all the information about the treasures of the Snow Country and started to crack it.

But the wind, flowers and raging waves sent a large number of people to rush towards that remote village.

After witnessing Uchiha's kaleidoscope sharing eyes recovering pupil power, Orochimaru really did not dare to appear in front of Uchiha Shisui who also has kaleidoscope sharing eyes, especially Uchiha Shisui also has the white eyes of the Hyuga clan , Orochimaru dare not take any more risks!

However, Uchiha Shisui is powerful, but his weaknesses are also very obvious.

This guy has a very honest personality, and sometimes he will feel compassionate even when facing ninjas from enemy countries, let alone unarmed civilians.

When the people arranged by Fenghua Futao entered that remote village, Uchiha Shisui confirmed with blank eyes that these people were just a group of civilians, and he did not take action against them.

As for Xia Rixing and his wife, they are also kind-hearted people. Although they wondered why so many people suddenly appeared, they did not take any extreme measures.

"According to plan!"

After the people arranged by Fenghua Nutao came to the small village, they separated several teams to rush towards the snow mountain behind the village, while others stayed in the village, looking for information while observing the movement of Uchiha Shisui and Xia Rixing couple.

At this time, in Uchiha Shisui's small hut, a fire was burning, and an iron pot was hanging on the fire, which was emitting heat.

Uchiha Shisui took off the iron pot and poured two cups of tea for Xia Rixing and his wife who were kneeling in front of him.

Because his left eye is a white eye, in order to prevent it from being coveted by others, it was covered with a cloth, making him look like a one-eyed young man.

Xia Rixing took a sip of hot tea, glanced at Ying Huxing next to him, and then cut straight to the point, and asked directly, "Zhishui, there are so many people in the village suddenly, what do you think?"

Uchiha Shisui also poured himself a cup of hot tea, and then seriously replied: "Those people came prepared, and the target may be us, but I observed for a while, and found something a little different."

"Why don't you grab two of them and ask them?" Ying Huxing glanced at Smail and suggested.

He doesn't worry about those civilians attacking him, but as a father, he has an obligation to keep his son away from any danger!

Uchiha Shisui said: "Doing this will intensify the conflict between the two sides. Although the other party is some civilians, there must be a ninja drive behind it."

"I also think there are ninjas behind them! Shishui, do you think the ninjas from Xingren Village have united with Xueren Village?" Xia Rixing asked nervously.

She was very worried that the ninjas of Star Ninja Village joined forces with Xue Ninja Village in order to obtain the sealed 'Meteor'.

If this is the case, then there is a big problem.

No matter how powerful their couple is, it is impossible to fight against the two ninja villages!

Unless it's Uchiha Fenghuo doing it himself!

As for Uchiha Shisui, this guy usually doesn't show his face, so Xia Rixing and his wife don't know how powerful he is.

Uchiha Shisui thought for a while, and said, "Whether the two ninja villages join forces or not, let's wait and see what happens."

After transplanting back to his own kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Shisui's strength has recovered by 60% to 70%. Even if Xingren Village and Xueren Village join forces, they cannot be his opponents!

In the capital of the Snow Country, a steady stream of information came from the village where Uchiha Shisui was located.

Orochimaru was surprised when he got this information.

On the snow mountain behind the village, apart from some common beasts, no trace of snow eagle was found!

And Uchiha Shisui, who was indifferent to the arrival of those people?

Isn't he worried that the secret of Namikaze Minato and his wife will be discovered?

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils flickered, and thoughts flickered in his mind.

Through these intelligences, he got a lot of information that he possessed.

For example, the Namikaze Minato couple, there is a high chance that they are not there!

Another example, Uchiha Shisui, probably doesn't know the secret of Namikaze Minato couple!

Since this is the case, then there is no point in focusing on that village!

Orochimaru stored the information in his hands, and then went out to find Feng Hua Nu Tao.

"Let your people withdraw."

"Your business is over?" Fenghua Nutao was a little strange, this Orochimaru, one of the Sannin who is famous in the ninja world, is that all he needs to help?

It's that simple?

What about entertaining him?

Orochimaru seemed to see what he was thinking, a sneer sneered from the corner of his mouth, and he hummed softly: "The matter is far from over."

If Namikaze Minato and his wife were not near the village, where should they find them?

The Snow Country is not big, but it is not small. It is quite difficult to find the Namikaze Minato couple with only the clue of the psychic Snow Eagle.

Wind Flower Rage knows it's not that easy.

"I want you to find two psychic beasts, snow eagles, with a wingspan of 20 meters, no, it should be more than 20 meters." Orochimaru said slowly.

"A snow eagle with a wingspan of more than twenty meters? A psychic beast?"

Feng Hua furiously frowned, "I grew up in the Snow Country, and I have never heard of such a huge snow eagle, and it is also a psychic beast, hum, Orochimaru~www.readwn.com~ You are not lying me!"

Orochimaru half-closed his eyes, and the terrifying murderous aura poured out like a galaxy, oppressing Fenghua Futao's heart incessantly.

It's a pity that Fenghua Nutao has been in charge of the power of the Snow Country for more than ten years, and he is an outstanding Jnin. Facing the murderous aura of Orochimaru, his face is not red and his heart is not beating, his waist is not sore and his legs are not hurting, he is full of momentum Da Shewan stared back.

Orochimaru let out a cold snort, and the huge Chakra gushed out of his body in an instant, turning into ripples and rushing towards the raging waves.

After all, he is a veteran powerhouse, Fenghua Futao couldn't hold back the ferocious momentum of Orochimaru, he took two steps back unwillingly, and said through gritted teeth: "Oshewan, if the psychic snow eagle you mentioned really exists in the Snow Country, I will definitely Recruit it! But don't forget our agreement!"

"Don't worry, I will help you find that treasure." Orochimaru turned and left, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. A treasure in a small remote country is of limited value no matter how precious it is.

Orochimaru casually took out one or two forbidden techniques, which was enough to shut Feng Hua Nu Tao's mouth.

However, the appearance still needs to be done.

Orochimaru, an excellent ninja who is well versed in people's hearts, returned to his job with a sneer, and picked up those trivial and useless information to look through.

On the other side, Feng Hua Nu Tao immediately ordered the withdrawal of those people, and then sent more men to collect information on Xue Ying.

The snow eagle is a unique ferocious bird in the Snow Country. Generally, it is already a big beast with a wingspan of six or seven meters, let alone a wingspan of twenty meters. Therefore, as long as someone has seen it, there will definitely be one. deep impression!

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