Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Peace letter?

land of earth.

Fenghuo and his team took the Super Rondo II to drive when the sky was clear. If it rained on rocks, they took Didala's giant clay bird and spent most of the day on the road.

On this day, a group of people had arrived at the hinterland of the Land of Earth, only two days away from Nayanyin Village.

"Let's take a rest." Fenghuo greeted the second chaolunwu and flew to the bottom of the cliff, and then released the psychic.

After landing, everyone stretched their muscles and bones, and then seized the time to rest.

After eating something casually, Didala jumped to the top of the cliff, looking in the direction of Yanyin Village.

He still remembered that that fellow Heitu suddenly ran to him back then, saying that he would teach Uchiha a good lesson and avenge the dead Master Huitu.

Didara felt a lot in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he took out a little explosive clay and stuffed it into the mouth of his left palm. After chewing for a while, he spit out a very ugly little flying swallow.

Then Didara wrote another short letter, stuffed it into Xiaofeiyan's mouth, and then let it fly.

Xiaofeiyan flapped its wings twice and flew towards Yanyin Village.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Obito suddenly appeared behind him, looking at him vigilantly, "Are you reporting to Yanyin Village?"

"Hmph, ugly, you can't pay the price of insulting an artist, eh!" Deidala swung her golden ponytail proudly and jumped off the cliff.

"Damn it, bastard, who do you call ugly!" Obito gritted his teeth, and directly focused on his own face.

Didara stepped on the cliff and ran down quickly. During the period, he looked back at Obito, whooping, his hot eyes were hot, and he hurriedly shifted his gaze.

Obito felt that his self-esteem had been tarnished, so he yelled angrily, and after falling down the cliff, he would have a big fight with Didala to set the record straight.

Feng Huo lay on a rock, looked at them sideways, and couldn't laugh or cry: "I said, there are still four or five days to go. Don't you take the time to rest, aren't you tired?"

"Fenghuo, this guy just sent an ugly bird to Yanyin Village, he must be tipping off the news!" The villain with soil complained first.

"Ugly bird?!" Didara's disdainful face immediately turned red when he heard it. He grabbed Obito's collar and roared again and again, "Bastard! How dare you insult my art? You want to die, eh!"

"I'm even prettier than your bird!" Obito unceremoniously grabbed Didara's collar back and looked at him affectionately.

Bai hurriedly came over to persuade the fight: "Brother Obito, Brother Didara, please let go, everyone has something to say."

Didara stared at Obito intently, and asked: "My Flying Eagle, what's so ugly?! If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I'll blow you up to the sky today, eh!"

"Is it because of the ugly monsters you made?" Obito brought his right cheek up, "You made those things for my face, right?"

Deidara's eyes were burning with anger.

Feng Huo couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Bai directly: "Bai, let them calm down."

Bai turned his head, looked at Feng Huo hesitantly, and then he gritted his teeth, and a large number of ice crystals gushed out of his hands instantly.

In the next instant, Didara and Obito were frozen together.

"Brother Fenghuo, isn't this bad?" Bai looked timidly at the ice sculptures in front of him, fearing that they would freeze to death.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Feng Huo yawned, squinted his eyes lazily, and quickly fell asleep.

The clay swallow released by Didara flew at an extremely fast speed for more than half a day, and finally flew to Yanyin Village.

Following the breath of the black soil, it flapped its wings and delivered the letter to her hand.

When Heitu saw this clay swallow, he was slightly taken aback and then showed great joy.

"It's Brother Didala, it's Brother Didala!"

This must be Brother Didala's safety letter!

Didara has been captured by Uchiha Fenghuo for several years. Heitu was so worried that he even stalked her grandfather to send members of the blasting team to look for it. Unfortunately, the blasting team found nothing and lost a person with a blaster. A member of Escaping Blood Successor Boundary.

After that, Ohnoki said nothing and never sent anyone to the Land of Fire.

Now, Didara's letter of safety has finally arrived!

Heitu happily opened the letter, and when he saw it, his face drooped with joy.

Report safe?

too naive!

What kind of letter is this to report safety? This is clearly a threatening letter!

Didara was arrested by Fenghuo, and now she is almost becoming someone else's minion. The bottom line is that it's all because of the black soil!

Didara couldn't swallow this breath!

The letter clearly stated that as long as he seized the opportunity, he would definitely blow up Yanyin Village, and even blow up her black earth to pieces!

To vent his hatred of Didara!

After reading the letter, the black soil is like a funeral examination.

What about the promised childhood sweetheart?

What about brother and sister love?

Heitu fiercely tore the letter into pieces, revealing two small canine teeth: "Didara, you idiot, don't appear in front of me in the future, otherwise, or I will bite you to death, hum! hum!"

"Who are you going to kill?" Onoki suddenly descended from the sky like a ghost.

"Ah!" Heitu was taken aback, "Grandpa, you are too much!"

Ohnoki laughed loudly, but when he turned his eyes, he saw the clay swallow made by Didara, and his eyes froze: "This is... Didara?"

"Grandpa, Brother Didala sent a letter, saying that he wants to take revenge on me." Heitu said aggrievedly in the form of a little girl.

"Oh, that **** is so hateful." Onogi's tone was grim, but the happy expression on his face betrayed him.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Didara sent a letter to kidnap his precious granddaughter. If that was the case, he would definitely break Didara's legs!

No, three!

Heitu looked at Onoki's face, but he didn't know what was going on in his heart, he snorted dissatisfiedly, turned and ran away.

Ohnogi watched her leave with a smile, and then his face gradually darkened.

Didara actually appeared near Yanyin Village. Could it be that Uchiha Fenghuo is also here?

This guy, why did he come to Yanyin Village if he had nothing to do, why did he have nothing to do when he was full?

Ohnoki hurriedly notified Anbu to be vigilant, and then sent people outside to inquire about the news~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, after calming down, Obito and Didara calmed down, and the four of them hurried on their way again. Four days later, they sealed the fire and the party We have finally arrived at the border of the Land of Earth and the Land of Snow!

The gray soil and the white ice peak meet underground, forming a strong visual impact. Feng Huo and Bai sat on the backs of the Chaolun Dance II, wearing windbreakers to protect themselves from the cold, while admiring the rare sight beautiful view.

As for Obito and Didara, these two guys seem to be getting more and more disliked by each other. Although they don't quarrel very much, their respective eyes discharge and cold arrows from time to time, silently confronting each other.

Feng Huo didn't bother to deal with these two guys anymore.

Not long after entering the Land of Snow, Fenghuo commanded the second form of the Chaolun Dance and landed in the snow below.

"Fenghuo, don't we just go back to the village?" Obito finally looked away from Didara.

"Well, let's go to Xueren Village first!" Feng Huo pondered.

If Orochimaru really arrives in the Snow Country, it is impossible for him to find the Namikaze Minato and his wife in a short period of time by himself. He must rely on the power of Snow Ninja Village!

"But didn't you say that Shisui is dangerous?" Obito was startled, and then became annoyed, "You really are lying to me!"

"Uh, how can you say it's a lie about the ninja?" Feng Huo said haha, "Let's go, it's important to hurry."

"Bastard!" His face turned red with rustic anger.

"Idiot." Didara said something indifferent, and Shi Shi ran away.

"Brother Obito, Brother Fenghuo won't lie, I think, I think that..." Bai couldn't continue.

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