Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 681: Catch Spike Avalanche

Xueren Village is located on a snow-capped mountain. Every morning, the village is surrounded by ice and fog, and the sun pours down, reflecting magnificent colors, like a fairyland on earth.

At this time, a few ninjas were wearing chakra armor and shuttled through the icy fog around the village, patrolling and guarding.

However, from the way they yawned, it could be seen that these forbearances were just dealing with errands.

After all, the Snow Country is too remote, with a small population base, so there are naturally few ninjas. The Snow Ninja Village basically includes more than 80% of the ninjas in this country.

Moreover, the environment in the Snow Country is harsh, and no wandering ninja is willing to come here. In this way, in the Snow Country, Xue Ninja Village is a superior existence.


Suddenly there was a slight sound of ice cracking coming from the front, which attracted the attention of several ninjas.

"Who is there?"

"Is it a beast? How could someone come at this time."

A few subordinates muttered and walked forward, suddenly, a pair of dreamy blood-colored three-gou jade eyes were reflected in their eyes, and the three gou-yu slowly rotated, and their minds were involuntarily addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

Unknowingly, they seemed to hear someone whispering in their ears, asking something, and they subconsciously told everything they knew without any precautions.

When they reflected, the surrounding area was filled with ice and fog, as if everything before was a dream.

"What's going on? I just seemed, like..."

It seems that nothing can be said.

"I feel like I had a dream, are you all okay?"

Several subordinates saw that they were all fine, so they didn't care, and continued to patrol.

After they left, two figures slowly walked out from the ice mist, it was Fenghuo and Bai.

"Brother Fenghuo, the psychic Snow Eagle that Xue Ren sent people to look for, could it be the Chao Lun Wu brothers?" Bai Mian showed worry, "Why is Xue Ren Village looking for the Chao Lun Wu brothers?"

Feng Huo laughed and said, "It's not Xueren Village looking for it, it's Orochimaru!"

"Oshewan? But didn't they say that this was an order from Langya Xuebeng?" Bai recalled the gloomy appearance of Orochimaru, and subconsciously touched his neck with a look of lingering fear.

Feng Huo didn't answer, but led him through the ice fog and quietly entered Xueren Village.

Everything that Xueren Village does is encouraged and supported by Orochimaru behind the scenes, so as long as Orochimaru is driven away, Xueren Village will naturally not do those messy things again.


Wolf Fang Avalanche?

This name... emmmm, if Fenghuo remembers correctly, this guy should have been thrown into the ice and snow after being defeated by himself, didn't he freeze to death?

"Brother Fenghuo, Brother Obito and Brother Didala won't fight?" Bai You asked worriedly.

"Those two guys..." Feng Huo had a headache. Before these two **** got along with each other, it wasn't that exaggerated.

Soon, Fenghuo and Bai groped to the center of Xueren Village.

Through the chakra perception technique, the small building in front of me, which is slightly more luxurious than the surrounding buildings, is the head of Xueren Village, which is also the office of Spike Avalanche.

Surrounded by Xue Ren and civilians, they seemed to be in harmony.

"Brother Fenghuo, are we really going to attack Spike Avalanche? Will this cause a war between Xueren Village and Konoha?" Bai asked curiously.

Feng Huo laughed and said, "As long as we don't reveal our identities, who knows where we are?"

The two quietly came to the back of the small building, and then entered through the window.

With the chakra perception technique, Fenghuo has already locked on the most powerful chakra wave. Not surprisingly, this chakra wave is Spike Avalanche.

"who are you?"

Suddenly, a vigilant voice came from behind the two of Fenghuo.

"Brother Fenghuo, we have been exposed." Bai lowered his voice.

"It's okay." Feng Huo lifted his eyelids, and his black pupils instantly turned into blood-colored three-god jade, and the moment he turned around, it was a high-intensity illusion.

That Xue Ren was pulled into the illusion world in an instant, and when he came back to his senses, there was nothing in front of him, how could there be half a figure?

"Huh? I seem to be...what's going on?"

The man rubbed his head, completely unable to remember what happened just now.

At the same time, Fenghuo and Bai also came to Langya Xuebing's office door.

Bai reached out and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A dignified voice came from the office.

Feng Huo pushed the door open with a smile and entered, and saw a familiar figure sitting at the desk, reading a document.

"Long time no see, Langya Avalanche? It's not bad that you have become a CEO." Feng Huo smiled and walked in front of him. Over the years, Langya Xuebeng's appearance has not changed much, but there are many A bit of the momentum of a superior.

When Langya Xuebeng heard this frivolous voice, his expression immediately dropped.

You are the leader of Xueren Village, which **** dares to speak to him in such a tone?

Are you courting death? !

Langya Xuebeng slowly raised his head, with a gloomy expression on his face, staring at Fenghuo indifferently.

But soon he noticed something was wrong.

What about Yukino Anbe?

He shouted, but none of his confidantes jumped out to help him deal with the two **** in front of him.

He sensed that something was wrong.

"Who are you...?!" Wolf Fang Xue Beng finally asked.

"Ah, I didn't recognize me." Feng Huo was a little disappointed.

But it's not surprising, Feng Huo was just a kid when he came to the Snow Country, and after more than ten years, he was a ghost if he could recognize it.

Langya Xuebeng narrowed his eyes, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com looked Fenghuo up and down, and snorted: "Boy, don't play tricks in front of me, this is Xueren Village, not a place where you can play wild!"

"Really?" Feng Huo opened and closed his eyes, and his black pupils had turned into blood-colored three-goed jade.

"Sharingan?!" Langya Xuebeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he reacted suddenly, "You are Uchiha Fenghuo!"

"Come with me." Feng Huo slowly stretched out his hand.

"Are you kidding me?!" Langya Xuebeng had formed seals with both hands at that time, wanting to strike first!

But what he didn't know was that when Fenghuo's Sharingan opened, he couldn't resist anymore.

"what is this?"

The hands with the wolf tooth avalanche seal were suddenly nailed by two huge iron nails, and he couldn't move for a while. He looked down in disbelief, and found that even his body had been nailed by seven or eight iron nails!

Fenghuo's hand lightly landed on Langya Xuebeng's shoulder, then grabbed him and went straight through the window.

Bai was about to follow out when he suddenly saw the documents on the table. He blinked twice, grabbed them, and then jumped out of the window. Then he swayed a large number of ice crystals, turning into an ice mist, covering him and the sealing fire.

Seeing the ice mist, Feng Huo smiled and said, "It's not bad, Bai."

Bai showed a smile: "Brother Fenghuo, leave the rest to me!"

As they said that, the ice mist covering them spread rapidly, and in just a few breaths, it had spread to a radius of 100 meters, compressing the nearby vision to the extreme.

In this way, even if someone passes by, they will not be seen.

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