Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 682: Snake cave!

The sound from the broken window finally woke up many Xue Ren, but when they rushed over, how could there be anyone in the office?

"What's going on? Where's the leader?"

"Damn it, someone broke in!"

The Snow Ninjas rushed to the broken window and looked out, only to see a thick ice fog outside the window, the visibility was only two or three meters at most, and the intruder could not be seen at all.

"Damn it, hurry up!"

"Surround the entrance and exit of the village!"

"Absolutely don't let them out."

Xue Nin moved very quickly, but when they successfully surrounded Xue Nin Village, Feng Huo and Bai had already fled away with Spike Avalanche.

In a snowy forest, Spike Avalanche was hung upside down under a frosty tree, swaying from side to side with the cold wind.

Fenghuo, Shiro, and Obito and Didara stood scattered in the four corners to prevent accidents from happening.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, what exactly do you want?" Langya Xuebing gritted his teeth.

The feeling of hanging upside down was uncomfortable, blood from all over his body poured into his head, and his face slowly turned a sauce red.

His eyes wandered back and forth among the four, and he recognized the disfigured young man on the right side, Obito Uchiha, who came to the Land of Snow two years ago.

But if it wasn't for Orochimaru, he still didn't know the identity of this person.

"Langya Xuebeng, you should know the purpose of my arrest, right?" Feng Huo said with a smile, "Did you speak up yourself, or let me..."

Before Feng Huo could finish speaking, Langya Xuebeng shouted anxiously: "Don't dream, I will never betray Master Orochimaru!"

No way, after being banned by Orochimaru, Langya Xuebing didn't have the courage to betray even if he wanted to.

"Your bones are very hard, hum!" Didara snorted coldly, looked at Fenghuo, and said, "Give him to me, my art can help him recognize reality, eh!"

Obito immediately retorted: "Let me do it, what's the use of your bombs other than blowing up mountains?"

Didara's eyes twitched slightly, and he said angrily, "Obito Uchiha, you..."

"Enough!" Feng Huo interrupted them violently, then looked at Langya Xuebeng, and sneered, "Very good, since I don't say anything, I can only watch it myself."

As he said that, his black pupils turned into three-gou jade again, and the tyrannical pupil power directly invaded Langya Xuebeng's brain, reading his memory.

This is the crudest, most savage, and cruelest method of gathering intelligence. Whether it succeeds or fails, the outcome of Wolf Fang Avalanche is already doomed.

Sure enough, with the intrusion of pupil power, Spike Avalanche howled miserably at that time, his face turned purple red, and blood vessels overflowed from under his skin as if they were about to explode.

At this moment, the pain he endured was as if someone was scraping his brain with a knife, one knife after another, endless, endless, life would be better than death!

The next moment, Feng Huo frowned suddenly, and then quickly retreated on his toes.


Langya Xuebeng's heart burst suddenly, and a large cloud of flesh and blood gushed out from his left chest, dyeing the snow red.

Shiro, Obito, and Didala also reacted quickly and avoided each other.

"what happened?"

Seeing such a **** scene, Obito couldn't bear it.

"Restriction, Orochimaru imposed a restriction in his body." Feng Huo sighed, "I was careless!"

Just as he was about to read the memory of Langya Xuebeng, he triggered the restriction that Orochimaru had left in Langya Xuebeng's body, and the restriction broke out, directly killing Langya Xuebeng!

As a result, not only Spike Avalanche died, but he was also alarmed.

"Brother Fenghuo, I have a few documents here, which I got from his office." At this moment, Bai took out a few documents he had brought over from Langya Avalanche's office.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and after receiving Yimu Shixing, his eyes gradually glowed.

"I didn't expect that apart from Xueren Village, even the famous names of the Snow Country would be dragged into the sea by Orochimaru."

Feng Huo rubbed his chin and muttered.

If only Xueren from Xueren Village helped Orochimaru, it would not be afraid to seal the fire, but if you add the civilians of the entire Snow Country, it will be troublesome.

The Chaolun Dance Brothers are huge, and their daily food requirements are astonishing, so their hunting range is extremely wide. Under such circumstances, it is not uncommon to be seen by some civilians who make a living by hunting.

A sense of urgency arose in Feng Huo's heart, and when he rolled his eyes, he immediately took it to heart.

After disposing of Spike Avalanche's body, he said to Didala, "Didara, use the giant clay bird to take us to the nearby snow mountain!"


The capital of the Land of Snow, Daming Mansion.

Orochimaru put down the information about the treasures of the Snow Country in his hand, and a weird chuckle appeared on his cold face.

"Spike Avalanche is dead... Hehe, Uchiha Fenghuo, your reaction is really fast."

However, this also indirectly proves that his guess is correct, the Namikaze Minato and his wife are hiding in the Snow Country!

Leaving the high mountain where Xueren Village is located, Fenghuo and others searched for three snow peaks in a row, stretching for dozens of miles. It was not until noon of the next day that Fenghuo found a remote, secret and inaccessible snow peak!

"It's here!"

Feng Huo looked at this with satisfaction, and then directly psychic out the second form of Chaolun Wu.


The second chaotic round dance pose is a symbolic scream.

Feng Huo was overjoyed, and encouraged: "Two, hurry up, fly up into the sky, and scream!"

Chao Lunwu II shut up with a dazed expression~www.readwn.com~ stared at Fenghuo foolishly with sharp eyes.

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, and he kicked it's huge black eagle claw fiercely, and said angrily: "Fly up quickly, scream, louder!"


Chao Lunwu II flapped its wings and flew into the air, with a very gentle cry, which made Fenghuo so angry!

This is a donkey, right? !


"Fenghuo, what are you doing?" Obito was in a daze, completely unable to understand the operation of Fenghuo.

Didara snorted coldly: "Idiot, he is leading the snake out of the hole, you can't even see this, eh."

Obito blinked his eyes twice, and quickly reacted.

"I see!"

Since Orochimaru is looking for the chakra dance brothers, as long as the news of the chakra dance 2 form here spreads, orochimaru will definitely come!


Obito squinted his eyes and stared fiercely at Didara, "Little brat, who are you calling an idiot!"

Didara glanced at him disdainfully, and snorted, "People without self-knowledge are really a headache, eh."

"Damn it!!" Rustic.

Beside him, Feng Huo, who had turned from embarrassment into anger, made seals with his hands without hesitation, and sprayed out a huge fireball.

A huge fireball with a radius of several meters was like a volcanic eruption, and quickly spanned a distance of tens of meters and exploded under the Super Rondo II.

The scorching air wave accompanied by countless sparks like ripples turned the Chaolun Dance 2 pose into a somersault.


The second chaotic round dance form immediately let out a high-pitched scream, which resounded through the sky and swayed back and forth among the peaks.

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