Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 683: witty orochimaru

Chapter 683: Witty Orochimaru (Page 1/1)

After Feng Hua Nu Tao learned of the death of Langya Xue Beng, he didn't feel much sadness. This rebellious boy, death is not a pity!

Anyway, Xueren Village has already been controlled by him, the big deal is to change someone to be the leader, which will not affect his power at all.

Of course, it won't affect his cooperation with Orochimaru!

On this day, Feng Hua Nu Tao's subordinates finally sent definite information, and it was two at a time!

After reading the information, Fenghua Nutao showed a strange smile, went straight to Dashewan's room, and handed him the two pieces of information in his hand: "Daoshewan, there is news!"

Orochimaru picked up the two pieces of information with great interest, and after reading them, he couldn't help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Interesting."

"It shouldn't be a coincidence." Fenghua Nutao was able to kill his brother and usurp the power of the Snow Country, so he was naturally not a mediocre person. He had obtained these two pieces of information before, and he knew that one of them must be 'false'!

Orochimaru said: "The opponent can't be underestimated, but using this method to lure me over, hmph, it's so naive!"

Feng Hua Fu Tao asked curiously: "Have you seen through it?"

Orochimaru got up, and on the wall behind him was a map of Snow Country.

The location of Xueren Village is very obvious, and one of the locations in these two pieces of information is very close to the location of Xueren Village, only four or five days away at most.

'After the death of Langya Xuebeng, the news of the psychic Snow Eagle came out here, Uchiha sealed the fire...'

Who are you looking down on? !

Orochimaru raised his eyelids and looked at the location of the second intelligence.

There, it is impressively among the mountains in the north of the Land of Snow.

"Where is this?" Orochimaru asked, pointing there.

"It is the largest snow-capped mountain range in our country. It stretches for hundreds of miles. There are no fewer than a hundred snow-capped peaks. Wild beasts are everywhere. Even ninjas dare not go deep into it easily." Fenghua Nutao replied.

Orochimaru laughed.

right here!

Two days passed, Fenghuo, Bai, Obito, Didala and others were on guard day and night, but unfortunately, the surrounding area of ​​Xuefeng was very quiet, there was no movement at all.

"Could it be that Orochimaru and the others didn't receive the information?" Feng Huo frowned and looked at the second chakra dance that was screaming in the sky, "Or, he has seen through it..."

Feng Huo rubbed his chin with some confusion.

"Fenghuo..." Obito came from behind, also with a troubled expression on his face, "Actually, I wanted to ask a long time ago, what is Orochimaru looking for?"

Yeah, what is he looking for?

Orochimaru is one of the three ninjas in the ninja world, and he is powerful. It would be nonsense to say that he fell in love with the chakra dance brothers.

Orochimaru's psychic beast, but Wanshe, who was born in Ryuji Cave, has a background that the Chaolunwu brothers can't compare with.

Besides that, what else can attract Orochimaru?

Obito was puzzled.

Didara and Bai also came over at this moment, and they also wanted to know the answer.

Fenghuo fell silent.

The matter of Namikaze Minato is top-secret information for him, and he cannot tell anyone, because if it is leaked out, the relatives, friends and family members of those people that Namikaze Minato killed during World War Three may swarm over to take revenge.

Even if the fire is guarded 24 hours a day, it may not be able to stop the crazy assassination.

But now, is it still necessary?

Orochimaru already knows...

Feng Huo frowned slowly.

No, as long as Orochimaru hasn't found the specific location, I absolutely can't reveal it!

"Fenghuo?" Obito saw Fenghuo was distracted, and hurriedly called him.

Feng Huo took a deep breath and said, "Obitu, this matter is very important, I can't tell you yet!"

Obito immediately turned his face, groaning, eyes are not eyes, nose is not nose, dissatisfied: "You guy is always like this, you hide everything by yourself, and never tell us! Damn it! I'm a brother!"

Provocative method?

Moral kidnapping?

Fenghuo squinted at Obito, but unfortunately, it didn't work for me.

Looking at Fenghuo's appearance, he was so earthy that his endocrine was disturbed.

Bai hurriedly grabbed Obito and persuaded him: "Brother Obito, Brother Fenghuo doesn't want to talk about it, there must be his own difficulties, we should not force him anymore."

Although Bai was also curious, he still stood up to support Feng Huo in a very sensible way.

Feng Huo patted Bai's shoulder in relief, and smiled at Obito: "Look at you, they are all ninjas, why is there such a big difference in being a human being?"

"You bastard..." Obito gritted his teeth.

"Hmph, it's so mysterious, there must be nothing good, um." Didara didn't hear the explosive content, and lazily turned around to rub the bomb.


The Chao Rondo II in the air is still screaming hard. It has been screaming for a few days, and its voice is hoarse, but the **** below is still not satisfied, and the Chao Rondo II expresses a little panic.

Feng Huo looked up at it, and his heart moved: Shall I go back and have a look?

In case Orochimaru really finds it there...

No, no, no, I can't go back!

Feng Huo looked around, if Orochimaru had been hiding in the dark to monitor him, wouldn't he have directly exposed Namikaze Minato's hiding place once he went back?

It’s not going to go, it’s not going to go.

The head of the fire is too big.

He originally wanted to use the second chakra round dance to attract Dashemaru, but now, he was in a dilemma.

And when Fenghuo was tangled, Orochimaru had already brought a group of Xueren into the northernmost snow mountain range of Snow Country!

There are few people here, and wild beasts are everywhere~www.readwn.com~Snow leopards, snow wolves, snow bears, and all kinds of fierce birds in the sky, not to mention civilians, even ninjas with ordinary strength dare not easily go deep.

However, although the snow mountain range is dangerous, it also has huge profits.

Those snow leopards, snow wolves, snow bears' fur, flesh, bones, and precious medicinal materials grown here are very marketable in the Snow Country, and are very valuable. Therefore, every few years there will be some snowmen who claim to be powerful. Shinobi enter!

Some of these snow ninjas died under the jaws of wild beasts, some died in the harsh environment, some were frozen into ice sculptures, but some came out alive!

The information about the Chao Rondo brothers was provided by a ninja who went deep into the snow mountain range!

Orochimaru's intuition told him that the destination he was looking for was here!

But, Namakaze Minato and his wife, why did they choose to survive in such a harsh environment?

As he went deeper into the snow-capped mountains, Orochimaru looked up at the white cold wind blowing from the top of Bingfeng, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

Namikaze Minato and his wife are not dead...but that doesn't mean they are still alive!

'Could it be... Could it be that they were frozen by the Uchiha seal fire? ! '

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's scalp tingled, his heart surged, and his breathing became short of breath!

There was an explosive event in early October. I saw that the intentions were sinister. Everyone went out to play on the National Day in October. If you organize such an event, isn’t this a different way to let us stay at home and code?

Witty, I resolutely refused.

I want to go out to play, I want to go out and surf! !

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