Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 684: 1 bite crunchy!

After waiting in place for another two days, Fenghuo finally lost his composure.

"Obito, Shiro, Didara, you stay here, if Orochimaru appears, don't touch it head-on, run if you have to!"

Before they could react, Feng Huo directly separated two hundred shadow clones, screaming and running in all directions, but disappeared in an instant.

Bai, Obito, and Didala looked at each other in blank dismay.

"This guy, he talks to himself every time, and doesn't consider other people's feelings at all, really!" Obito complained dissatisfied.

Didala also rolled his eyes: "It really is his style."

Two years ago in Konoha, before and after the night of the Uchiha extermination, he was also sealed off and left alone in the mansion, ignoring him, hmph, what a bastard!

The two hundred shadow clones of Fenghuo ran while using Chakra perception to search around. As the shadow clones spread out, the search area became wider and wider. After a while, they found that there were many chakras hidden in the periphery. Fluctuations, although they are all weak, are extremely numerous, obviously they are ninjas sent by Xue Ren Village to monitor them.

In other words, their tricks have indeed been seen through by them!

Feng Huo's eyes flickered coldly, and he violently murdered without hesitation!

"No, we're exposed!"

"It's the shadow clone of Uchiha Fenghuo, everyone pay attention!"

"Damn it, there are too many shadow clones, we don't even know which one is real."

Compared with two hundred shadow clones, the number of these snow ninjas is not enough, and any shadow clone of Fenghuo has a three-tailed chakra, and they can crush them with chakra. Such a disparity, they want to Can't even resist!

After a commotion, these snow ninjas collectively received their lunch boxes.

Then Feng Huo disbanded most of the shadow clones while running, leaving only a few around him, and was responsible for using Chakra perception to guard the surroundings.

snow mountains.

A group of Xueren trekked to the depths of the Snow Mountains with difficulty. They thought they would be safer due to the large number of people, but they did not expect that there would be a large number of snow wolves and snow leopards attacking them at night, causing heavy losses along the way!

Orochimaru watched the whole process coldly, without any intention of intervening to help.

The relationship between him and Feng Hua Nu Tao is just a mutual use, there is no need to take special care of these Xue Ren.

As we went deeper, the surrounding environment became more and more harsh. The cold wind was as cold as a knife. When it was blown on your face, it was like someone was slapping your face with a steel knife.

Moreover, food became increasingly scarce, and they could only rely on Bingliang Pills to satisfy their hunger.

Orochimaru tried to release the snake that was psychic out of Ryūchi Cave, but unfortunately, the temperature here was too low, even the snakes in Ryūchi Cave could not resist such a low temperature.

"It's much more troublesome than I imagined."

Orochimaru looked at the several poisonous snakes that had frozen into a lump, his face was a little ugly.

"Master Orochimaru, we can't go in anymore, we can't hold it anymore!"

"That's right, the deeper we go, the more snow wolves are inside. If we go any further, we'll all die here!"

Just as Orochimaru was pondering, the snow ninjas finally couldn't bear such a harsh environment, and surrounded them to make a voice of justice.

Orochimaru lifted his eyelids, and stared at these people coldly with his emotionless golden vertical pupils.

All the snow ninjas were photographed by the power of Orochimaru, and they couldn't help but backed up in unison, with a look of horror on their faces.

Orochimaru suddenly smiled: "You guys will change your mind soon."


Just when Xue Nin was puzzled, Orochimaru flicked his hands, and instantly threw out dozens of poisonous snakes, and got into the mouths of Xue Nin with lightning speed!

Some unlucky ghosts even swallowed two, or even three poisonous snakes!



The snow ninjas couldn't bear this taste, they were lying on the snow at that time, retching with their throats shut.

But no matter how hard they tried, the snake that got into their belly couldn't spit it out no matter what.

A irrational Xue Nin couldn't accept the fact that the poisonous snake had entered his stomach, so he took out his kunai and peeled off his stomach, reached in and dug it out, and ended up digging himself to death.

Then the poisonous snake in his stomach came out of his abdomen, and then quickly burrowed into the mouth of a snow ninja next to him.

This scene deeply stimulated these Yukino, they knelt down under Orochimaru's crotch, crying bitterly.

"Master Orochi, Orochimaru, help me."

"Master Orochimaru, let me go, I will obey you!"

Orochimaru said calmly: "Everyone, then, who else wants to quit?"

All Xue Ren shed tears.

Didn't I just complain to you a few words, as for doing such a thing that both people and gods are angry with? !

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, how dare the Xueren dare to resist Orochimaru at this moment?

"Keep going!"

Orochimaru smiled.

A few days later, the surrounding snow-capped mountains became taller and steeper. As soon as Orochimaru stepped here, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

With a change of expression, he quickly galloped up a snow mountain.

Then, through sensory ninjutsu, a cave-like entrance was dug out under the ice wall of a snow mountain. At the entrance, there was the breath sensed by Orochimaru: a powerful seal restriction!

"That's right, this restriction is the restriction of the Uzumaki Clan!" Orochimaru excitedly stuck out his tongue and licked his face.

In the next moment, the tongue was frozen outside, as hard as a popsicle, the corners of Dashemaru's eyes twitched slightly, and then the teeth moved up and down!


Orochimaru directly bit off his tongue, and blood spurted out instantly~www.readwn.com~ When it fell to the ground, it had already formed blood-colored ice crystals.

There was no pain on Dashewan's face, his body had been modified by software, and in just a few breaths, the severed tongue grew out again!

Then he took a step forward, and made a seal with his hands like a phantom.



Although Orochimaru's sealing technique cannot be compared with Fenghuo who has mastered the sealing technique of the Uzumaki Clan, it is only a mere sealing restriction, and for Orochimaru, it is a piece of cake.

A few minutes later, the seal restriction was lifted by Orochimaru!

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue excitedly, then seemed to wake up, and retracted his tongue hastily.

Orochimaru walked into the cave slowly, looking around vigilantly with his eyes.

A few wisps of icy breath came from the cave, but Orochimaru didn't smell the slightest breath of life.

Finally, Orochimaru came to the deepest part of the cave, and looking around, it turned out to be eight sealed large wooden boxes, all of which had been frozen into a hard lump.

Then, Orochimaru noticed lines of strange spells engraved on the ice under these wooden boxes.

The scope of the technique is very wide, covering all eight wooden boxes, it is like offering sacrifices to gods and demons.

"This is…"

Orochimaru's pupils contracted slightly. The technique on the ground looked familiar. Orochimaru tried hard to recall, "It seems to be...mutually multiplied...a detonating talisman?!"

Orochimaru's pupils suddenly shrank into a ball, and then ran out quickly.


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