Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 685: 1 Ice Cave 1 Detonation Talisman of Ice Cave

Orochimaru rushed out of the ice cave as fast as lightning at a speed of 100 meters and 2 seconds.

On the snow peak, the cold wind mixed with a lot of ice shards whizzed past, and slapped Dashemaru's face, making him calm down slightly.

He checked his body carefully to make sure that there was no messy detonation talisman, and then turned to look at the ice cave, his eyes half-closed.

The seal of the Uzumaki Clan and the technique of multiplying the detonation talisman with each other are absolutely correct. This place must be the secret base of Uchiha sealing the fire!

Thinking of his secret base in the north, Orochimaru burst into anger.

He immediately made a seal, intending to spray a pillar of fire towards the ice cave, directly detonating all the detonating symbols inside!

But when he made the final seal gesture, he stopped.

The explosion of the detonating symbols of the eight wooden boxes is powerful enough to flatten this place. This is not the key point. The key point is that it will also trigger an avalanche in all the surrounding snow peaks!

Orochimaru looked around. The nearby snow peaks are nearly a thousand meters high. Once a chain reaction avalanche is formed, the power will surely destroy the world.

Naturally, he could survive, but the snow bears under the mountain were probably going to die.


Orochimaru let out a cold snort, then split out into the ice cave as a shadow clone, and took away all the detonating symbols inside!

At the same time, the moment Orochimaru cracked the seal outside the ice cave, the fire seal far outside the snow mountain range instantly sensed it.

"There is no ninja in the Snow Country who can undo my seal, Orochimaru, I didn't expect to be found by you."

Feng Huo formed a seal quickly with a dignified face, and slapped the frozen ground with his palm, channeling the second form of Chaolun Wu.

He disliked the second form for being too ostentatious before, so he would rather run by himself, but now that Orochimaru has found it there, he naturally doesn't care whether it is exposed or not.


The second chaotic round dance screamed and spread its wings, and quickly flew towards the snow-capped mountains.

Half a day later, Orochimaru once again sensed a familiar aura on a snow peak.

Looking over, it turned out to be another ice cave sealed by the Uzumaki Clan's sealing technique!

"It's not another detonator, is it?"

Orochimaru untied the seal with a sullen face, went in and took a look, and it turned out to be a big wooden box with mutual detonation charms, and there were nine wooden boxes in this batch, one more than the previous ice cave!

Orochimaru confiscated all the wooden boxes again.

There are seventeen detonating symbols in large wooden boxes before and after, which are of amazing value, and the money sold is enough to support Orochimaru to build a secret research laboratory!

But there was no joy in his heart, but a trace of ominous signs arose instead.

Two hours later, his ominous omen came true.

Orochimaru dug another ice hole, and there are more large wooden boxes inside, thirteen in total!

Orochimaru's face was not happy, he silently took out a few seal scrolls that he carried with him, and realized that he could only hold two more large wooden boxes.

Mountains of gold and silver are right in front of you, but Orochimaru can only watch helplessly.

take away?

How to bring it?

Each of these thirteen large wooden boxes is a cube with a side length of one meter. An ordinary person can carry at most one at a time, and even a ninja can only carry two.

You can't ask Xueren at the foot of the mountain to carry it, can you?

Moreover, Orochimaru intuitively believes that there may be ice caves storing detonating talismans among the peaks in front of him. If he finds one, he will empty one, fearing that he will be held back by these detonating talismans!

'If Uchiha Fuho arrives before I find Namikaze Minato and his wife, it will be bad. '

Orochimaru stared coldly at the thirteen large wooden boxes on the ground.

If you turn a blind eye and let these detonating symbols stay here, Orochimaru will be unwilling.

Can't move, can't blow up...

Orochimaru gritted his teeth, and snorted coldly: "The mutual multiplication detonating talisman must rely on the corresponding magic formula to cast it. As long as I destroy the magic formula on the ground, I can break Uchiha's mutual multiplication detonating talisman!"

Orochimaru did what he said, and destroyed all the magic formulas on the ground at that time.

Of course, this is a bit self-deceiving and disgusting. After all, for Feng Huo, these spells have been destroyed, so he can just draw it again. In fact, it is a waste of some time and there is not much loss.

But Orochimaru really can't help it, he can't move it away, he can't blow it up, and he has to compete with Fenghuo for time, that's all he can do.

After setting off again, Orochimaru had only traveled less than half a mile before sensing the familiar breath of the seal again.



Orochimaru stood under a snow peak, his face was very dark.

The Snow Ninja behind followed tremblingly.

"Master Orochimaru, what's wrong?"

"Master Orochimaru, we, shall we go forward?"

"Master Orochimaru, we..."

The unlucky Yukino hadn't finished speaking, and the furious Orochimaru had already turned around and slapped his head away with a slap. In an instant, blood splashed everywhere, turning into blood-colored crystals in the ice and snow, and falling to the ground clangingly .

"Keep going!"

Orochimaru said coldly, he knew he couldn't waste any more time on these detonating talismans, besides, as long as Namikaze Minato and his wife were caught, wouldn't all the detonating talismans in Xuefeng belong to him?

Even though he thought so, when he sensed the familiar seal breaths one after another, Orochimaru panicked.

That's right, panic!

Behind each of these sealed breaths~www.readwn.com~ must be a large wooden box full of detonating symbols. He just did a little calculation, and his scalp was numb from the terrifying amount of detonating symbols.

If Uchiha seals the fire and sticks a detonation talisman on his body...

Whoops, headache.


Suddenly, an extremely high-pitched, threatening and warning eagle cry came from the front.

Orochimaru was overjoyed: It's Uchiha's psychic snow eagle who sealed the fire!

But then his heart skipped a beat.

This high-pitched eagle cry was transmitted back and forth among the snow peaks, and the snow on the tops of all nearby snow peaks rolled down at that time, and in just two breaths, it turned into a white torrent, overwhelming the sky and roaring downwards Long crushed.

Orochimaru looked around, all the nearby snow peaks had avalanches rolling down, there was nowhere to hide!

"It's over, it's over, we're dead!"

"Master Orochimaru, you must save us!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!"

When the Snow Ninja saw this scene, several of them had a mental breakdown and cried loudly.

Panic spread rapidly as the avalanche grew louder and closer. Some Xue couldn't bear the pressure and ran backward on tiptoes.

But all the nearby snow peaks were in avalanches, and there were avalanches falling from the sky in all directions, and there was nowhere to run.

Orochimaru was about to speak, when suddenly there was another extremely high-pitched and angry eagle cry, which came from far behind.

Orochimaru's face suddenly became serious.

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