Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 686: Orochimaru wants to be ripped off

In the sky above the peaks, two high-pitched cries of eagles triggered a continuous avalanche, and the violent snow piled up like Mount Tai in an instant, crushing all the snowmen to death.

Many of the nearby beasts also suffered and died tragically under the avalanche.

In fact, since the Chaolun Dance Brothers 'settled' here, their high-pitched calls have caused many avalanches, but the scale is far less than this time.

After these two birds evolved into ninja eagles, their spiritual intelligence was wide open. They already knew that they were guarding Namikaze Minato, who had saved their lives and named them. When they saw outsiders coming in at this time, it was naturally desperate Hissing at the top of his lungs, he wished he could directly knock down all the snow peaks and crush all these outsiders to death!

The violent avalanche finally subsided slowly, and a large amount of snow dust filled the air, completely blocking the situation below the snow peak.


On the top of the snow peak, there were a few frightened eagle cries, but it was the mother bird of Chao Lunwu brothers that screamed in fear.

On the contrary, their children, Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San, were born as ninja eagles, with a high starting point and good talent, and watching the excitement is not a big deal, they are chattering and shouting non-stop.


Under the snow dust halfway up the mountain, a white snake of the same color as Bai Xue was frantically swimming towards the steep snow peak like a sharp sword, but halfway through the swim, the white snake stopped.

It opened its mouth, and Orochimaru crawled out of its mouth with a black face.

Through perceptual ninjutsu, he sensed that the position two hundred meters below the top of the snow peak also had the aura of seals, but when he got closer, he realized that the aura of the seals was extremely mottled, and it was one after another sealing technique The complex atmosphere formed by superimposing together.

Orochimaru made a brief distinction, and sensed at least six powerful sealing techniques!

He silently calculated, it takes him two minutes to solve one sealing technique, and six, 2*6, that is twelve minutes...

Moreover, there are definitely more than six sealing techniques above!

Even if he rushed up smoothly, he didn't have time to solve it!

Uchiha Fenghuo is already behind!

Orochimaru is a person who cares about face. Instead of rushing to face the enemy in embarrassment, it is better to stand firmly in place and wait for the arrival of Uchiha Fenghuo.

Of course, the backhand is also to be kept.

He slowly narrowed his eyes, under the snow, the corpses of the dead Xueren suddenly started to move, but it was the snakes that had burrowed into their stomachs that started to 'control the corpses'.

These snakes all stored his soul breath, if one escaped, he would not die.

With the help of the snow dust all over the sky, these corpses 'swim' outward like snakes under the snow.


The second form of the Chaolun Dance descended from the sky arrogantly, flapping its wings and hovering back and forth above the snow and dust.

Chao Lun Wu Sanshi flew over the top of the snow peak, and his sharp eagle eyes were also staring closely at the bottom.

Feng Huo opened the Sangouyu Sharingan, looking down at Xuechen below.

"Hehehehe..." Orochimaru's cold laughter came from the snow dust.

Feng Huo raised his eyebrows, and immediately sealed his seal: "Huo Dun - Hao Fire Ball Art!"


A huge fireball with a radius of nearly five meters integrated into the three-tailed chakra fell like a meteorite, crushed violently, and turned into rippling waves of fire amidst the sound of the explosion, sweeping all directions.

The hot fire wave instantly melted the thick snow formed by the avalanche, turning it into a huge 'pool', and the snow dust in the air was also burned and melted into water vapor and fell under the aftermath of the fire wave.

As the snow and dust dissipated, the scene below was finally exposed.

At this time, Orochimaru was standing in front of the 'pool' formed by the fire waves of Hao Fireball, with his head slightly lowered, his long black hair covering his cheeks, but he could see a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Oshewan, I really underestimated you, but you managed to find this place." Feng Huo stared at Orochimaru with a complicated expression.

If he wants to keep the secret that Namikaze Minato is hiding here, he must kill Orochimaru to silence him, but he has already learned how difficult it is to kill Orochimaru, if he can't kill him... he will suffer backlash!

Once the news that Namikaze Minato is frozen here spreads, there will never be peace here.

No, if the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki of the Land of Earth gets this information, as long as he comes over and unleashes a few powerful ninjutsu, the towering snow peak where Namikaze Minato is located will be razed to the ground in an instant!

Orochimaru raised his head slightly, looked at the fire seal on the back of the second chakra dance, and a hoarse voice sounded slowly: "Uchiha seal fire, what are you going to do next?"

Orochimaru's tone was slightly frivolous, "If you can't kill me, the information about Namakaze Minato here will spread throughout the ninja world, hehehe."

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "Oshemaru, if news spreads that Brother Minato is here, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth!"

Orochimaru smiled disdainfully: "I appreciate your self-confidence, but the ninja world is too big, if I want to hide, you can't find me!"

Feng Huo was silent. Indeed, the ninja world is huge. If Orochimaru is hidden, he really can't find it. Even if he can find it, how can he kill it?

Fenghuo seemed to be stuck in a knot, and found that no matter how he tried to untie it, he couldn't untie the knot!

At this time, Orochimaru is also telepathic ~www.readwn.com~ Whatever Orochimaru does, it has a strong purpose.

His purpose in tracking down Namikaze Minato and his wife is to threaten Uchiha to seal the fire with them, and it is best to kill him directly!

Unfortunately, he was only half a step away from the goal, but no matter what, he was the biggest winner in this round!

Because, having mastered the precious information that the Namikaze Minato couple is frozen here, Orochimaru can still coerce Uchiha to seal the fire!

Next, is to reap the fruits of victory.

"If I'm not wrong, the Namakaze Minato couple should be frozen behind the seal on this snow mountain. The half-dead state must be uncomfortable!" Orochimaru resisted the urge to stick out his tongue and lick his face. A confident smile on the face.

"What do you want to say?" Feng Huo asked with narrowed eyes.

"Hehehehe." Orochimaru spread his hands and said with a smile, "Actually, for me, no matter whether Namikaze Minato died in the Tailed Beast Rebellion ten years ago or in the near future, as long as it doesn't affect me , I can turn a blind eye."

Orochimaru's style of painting turned quickly, and he couldn't keep up with the fire.

Thinking for a while, Feng Huo frowned slightly: "You... want to cooperate with me?"

The 'pool' in front of Orochimaru has condensed into ice, he gently collapsed on it, approached slowly, and said with a smile: "I'm a realistic person, I won't get any benefit if the information about Namakaze Minato spreads out, but From you, I can get huge benefits, so if you were me, what choice would you make?"

Feng Huo's face froze.

Orochimaru is... ripping him off? !

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