Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 687: The premise of cooperation is...

Facing Orochimaru, who made it clear that the army and horses wanted to take advantage of him, Fenghuo always felt that the style of painting was wrong.

Logically, shouldn't the two of them have a hard fight first, and then talk about those messy conditions?

Is it really good to omit the fighting process in the middle?

When Fenghuo was distracted, Orochimaru walked back and forth on the ice, and Kai Kai talked: "Uchiha Fenghuo, from your graduation from ninja school to participating in the third Ninja World War, Namikaze Minato has always taken care of you. You, hehe, you developed the spiral pill, but it was Namakaze Minato who really perfected it! The sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan that you mastered was also taught by Namikaze Minato! You are the yang attribute Sanwei Jinchuriki, but you split the three tails and Sealed into your body, even after the war to help you bear the internal pressure of Kirigakure Village and Konoha, it is still Namikaze Minato! He is not only your friend, but also your master, and your big brother! Uchiha Fudo Huo, I am familiar with your character, it is impossible for you to betray Namikaze Minato!"

Feng Huo's face was a little dark. He felt that he was being stripped naked and paraded through the street. Both sides of the street were full of black men with a height of 2.2 meters and muscular muscles!

"Oshewan, you've played too much, let's just get to the point!" Feng Huo said angrily.

"You just said cooperation, ha ha, then let's talk about the premise of cooperation first." A cold smile appeared on the corner of Dashewan's mouth.

"Premise?" Feng Huo snorted, "You'd better just say extortion, it will make me feel better."

Orochimaru ignored Fenghuo's 'witty words', and smiled slowly: "Uchiha Fuhuo, you have to know that cooperation is a joint action and way for two people to cooperate and help each other to achieve a common goal!"

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, and a bad thought flashed across his mind.

"And my purpose is..." Orochimaru's eyes flickered with madness, "Destroy Konoha!"

"Heh, heh." Feng Huo showed a polite yet awkward smile.

"Since it's cooperation, then our goals should also be the same." Orochimaru said with a teasing smile, "What do you think, Lord Fenghuo?"

This is called Jun?

Goosebumps on the turkey, no, goosebumps are up!

He stared at Orochimaru with a dark face: "I don't think so!"

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "If you are not sincere, how will our cooperation start?"

If the cooperation cannot be carried out, then he can only say sorry, and then spread the information about Namikaze Minato all over the ninja world!

Facing the subtext of Orochimaru Akagoko, it was a bit uncomfortable to seal the fire.

"Oshemaru, since you want to benefit from me, then stop talking about those useless nonsense!" Feng Huo forced himself to calm down, squinting his eyes and said, "Destroy Konoha? Isn't your goal to gain longevity? ?”

Orochimaru's pupils shrank slightly: "As expected of Lord Fenghuo, you can actually know what's in my heart."

"Stop calling me Jun!" Feng Huo gritted his teeth.

"Understood, Lord Fenghuo." Orochimaru looked serious.

"You...continue!" Feng Huo was a little desperate.

Orochimaru suddenly fell silent.

He is actually also thinking about how to maximize his own interests while taking revenge on Uchiha for sealing the fire.

Half pay, Orochimaru smiled.

Sealing the fire was a little panicked.

"Assassinate the Third Hokage!" Orochimaru said slowly.

"What the hell." Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat.

"I'm Konoha's S-rank rebellious ninja, since you want to cooperate with me, shouldn't you betray Konoha too?" Orochimaru smiled as a matter of course.

"I think spies are actually quite suitable for me." Feng Huo seriously retorted.

"No, I already have a spy in Konoha." Orochimaru looked at the seal on the back of Cha Rondo Nishi, obviously he was looking up, but for some reason he always seemed to be looking down.

Sealing the fire was speechless.

"Assassinate the third Hokage and become a Konoha rebel. With your strength, you can easily obtain the title of S-class rebel." Orochimaru laughed teasingly, "In this way, we have a basis for cooperation."

The corner of Feng Huo's mouth twitched slightly, and he snorted, "Basic?"

Assassination of the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen, is this just the foundation?

Are you Orochimaru planning to take my place and fly to the sky to stand side by side with Otsutsuki Kaguya?

Can the protagonist let you do it? !

Orochimaru showed a happy smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Fenghuo, with this foundation of cooperation, we can cooperate in all aspects!"

Is it blackmail from all sides?

Feng Huo asked cautiously: "For example?"

"For example...destroying Konoha." Orochimaru saw that Fenghuo's face was getting darker and darker, and spread his hands innocently, "Well, this is just one of them, hehe, with your ability, you should already know my previous organization. Who is the leader?"

Akatsuki organization?

Feng Huo pretended to ponder: "You mean... those three disciples from Ziraiya?"

"Yes, you really know!" Orochimaru showed a crazy look, "In that organization, there are many precious treasures gathered! Kisame's ninja sword muscle, Itachi's Sharingan, Hidan's immortal body, Beiliuhu's ghost bud Luo technique, Xie's body puppet transformation secret technique, and... reincarnation eyes! As long as we cooperate sincerely, we will definitely be able to get them!"

Feng Huo said: "Aren't you afraid that I will cooperate with them? If we cooperate, we will definitely be able to kill you!"

"Akatsuki's interior is not monolithic, and besides, as long as Namikaze Minato is still here, you can't betray me!" Orochimaru smiled confidently, "Because you can't betray Namikaze Minato!"

Fenghuo furious: It's just a mere one~www.readwn.com~Your second uncle, you are so arrogant!

Orochimaru smiled and said, "How is it? Are you excited, Lord Feng Huo?"

Feng Huo rolled his eyes and snorted, "What about Tuanzang?"

"Danzo?" Orochimaru smiled, "He is also my partner, but if you can bring me everything I want, I can terminate my cooperation with him, and even...kill him for you."

"It's really heartless." He said so, but when he thought of Danzo's expression after he found out that he had been betrayed by Orochimaru, Feng Huo was still sour.

"No, this is my sincerity, Lord Fenghuo!" Orochimaru laughed.

"Besides this, there should be other conditions." Feng Huo asked.

"Cooperation requires both parties to help each other. If I need your help, I think you will lend a helping hand." Orochimaru smiled, "Of course, if you need help, I will help you too, Mr. Feng Huo .”

One mouthful of Feng Huo Jun, Feng Huo Jun said that he couldn't stand it anymore.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that what Orochimaru seemed to say did not directly state the conditions, but it actually laid countless foreshadowings!

If Orochimaru needs help, then Fenghuo will go over to help him because of Namikaze Minato's 'face'?

And it's that kind of endless help!

Orochimaru is really not a son of man!

I don't know why, the more I write, the more I feel the more I abuse the master, am I crooked? Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Konoha: Sealing the Fire", follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat, chat about life, and find friends~

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