Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 692: He is Uchiha Sealing Fire!

After Hatake Sakumo arrived, the major families who received the news also rushed to the Hokage Tower.

Yuu Zhiwei from the Younv Clan, Inuzuka Chow from the Inuzuka Clan, Akido Dingzao, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Yuhi Zhenhong all gathered outside the Siziyan Formation at this moment, looking at the people inside the barrier with solemn expressions. fighting.

Everyone's faces were a little surprised.

The shape of Susano is exactly the same as that of Fenghuo, if it is not him, they would not believe it if they were killed.

However, Feng Huo's Sharingan is clearly on the verge of blindness, how could he use such a powerful pupil technique?

"Whether he is sealing the fire or not, we only need to call Hong over." Inuzuka Claw said suddenly.

"No, it's too dangerous!" Yuhi Makoto immediately vetoed it without even thinking about it. Hong is a three-tailed jinchuriki with a Yin attribute. If she is controlled by the opponent's Sharingan, wouldn't it mean repeating the Tailed Beast Rebellion ten years ago?

"Open the barrier and let my bugs go in to restrain him!" Younu Zhiwei stepped forward, and a large number of bugs gushed out from his sleeves, filling half of the sky in an instant.

The sealing class responsible for maintaining the barrier smiled wryly and shook his head: "No, the aftermath of the battle is too strong. If the barrier is loosened, even for a moment, it may cause casualties!"

Younvzhi frowned slightly.

"Strange." Yamanaka Kai looked around, but he didn't find Nara Shikahisa, which was so strange.

He rubbed his chin and pondered, "Could it be delayed by something? But what could be more important than the things here? That guy Lu Jiu, what the **** is he doing?"

"By the way, where is Lu Jiu?" Fatty Qiu also noticed this situation, looked around with a tiger face, and said loudly, "Lu Jiu has such a high IQ, there must be a way to confirm the identity of the other party! Why hasn't he come yet?"

Kakashi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Everyone, I'm going to inform Senior Shikaku right now!"

After speaking, his figure was blurred and disappeared in an instant.

Nara's house.

Nara Shikahisa stood in the backyard, looking at the sky-penetrating formation of four purple flames in the direction of Hokage Building, and the terrifying explosion sound from time to time in the formation, his scalp was numb.

"You guy, are you too messy?"

"It's a full set of acting." Huamei Boy No. 1 shadow clone said with a smile, "This is the original words of the deity."

"But the third generation and other people don't know." Nara Shikahisa turned and sat down, took a sip from the teacup, and then said, "If you fail, your one-man show will be completely over."

"This deity is quite confident." Huamei Boy No. 1 shadow clone said, "Besides, I can't stop him."

Nara Shikahisa pondered: "Comparatively speaking, I want to know what Orochimaru has caught you, so that it can coerce you to this point."

"Sorry, I can't say that." Huamei Boy No. 1 shadow clone said seriously, "Of course, you will know about it in the future, Uncle Lu Jiu."

"What are your plans in the future?" Nara Shika didn't say anything after seeing him for a long time, and didn't get too entangled in this aspect.

"Cooperate with Orochimaru." Huamei Boy No. 1 Shadow clone said.

"This is seeking skin from a tiger, it's too dangerous." Nara Shikahisa frowned.

"No, this is hypocrisy. Orochimaru wants to use this deity. In fact, this deity has taken a fancy to a certain technology in Orochimaru's hands and wants to get it." Huameinan's No. 1 shadow clone said according to Fenghuo's script, "And, Orochimaru Maru seems to be brewing an attack plan called Konoha Crash, and the target is the third generation!"

Shikahisa Nara was about to speak when there was a loud noise outside.

"Get out of the way! I must see Senior Lu Jiu immediately, please don't stop me!"

"It's Kakashi." Nara Shikahisa smiled, "It's already very good."

The No. 1 shadow clone of the beautiful boy said immediately: "This matter can't be leaked, or Orochimaru will make trouble!"

Shikahisa Nara nodded: "Well, I see, if you need help in the future, you can come to me according to the agreement just now."

The No. 1 shadow clone of the beautiful boy nodded, and was about to disband himself, when Pi suddenly said: "Uncle Lu Jiu, you must not die, you are going to die, this deity will not be cleansed."

The corners of Nara Shikahisa's eyes twitched slightly: "Get lost!"

"Hi hi."


The No. 1 shadow of the flowery boy dissipated in white smoke.

Nara Shikahisa sighed: "Why do you come to me for troublesome things, really."

"Senior Lujiu!"

At this moment, Kakashi had broken through the obstruction of Nara's house and came to the backyard.

Kakashi's eyes were like lightning, staring at the teacup in front of Shikahisa Nara, there was only one.

That is, no one else?

Kakashi frowned slightly.

"Kakashi, you're here." Shikahisa Nara invited him to sit down.

How could Kakashi be in the mood to sit down, and said anxiously: "Senior Shikaku, someone attacked Hokage, why are you still in the mood to drink tea?"

Nara Shikahisa smiled and said, "With your father around, it doesn't matter if I go or not."

What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless?

Kakashi opened and closed his mouth, he was so squeezed that he couldn't speak.

"But, but..." Kakashi gasped, "The enemy has Sharingan, and it is exactly the same as Fenghuo!"

Nara Shikahisa is not fighting alone at this time, he is possessed by drama, his brows are slowly furrowed, his face is dignified, puzzled, puzzled and other complex emotions ~www.readwn.com~ At the same time he said: "Sharingan Could it be that Fenghuo's Sharingan was given to... No, Fenghuo's Sharingan has lost its pupil power, even if it is obtained by others, it cannot be used for fighting!"

"About this point, it is what bothers us!" Kakashi looked at Nara Shikoku, who was still drinking tea leisurely, feeling a little angry in his heart, and hummed, "Senior Shikaku, everyone is Fighting over there, but you are drinking tea here, as the squad leader of the upper ninja squad, this is a bit unreasonable, right?"

"It's really troublesome." Nara Shikahisa looked sad, and then stood up as if accepting his fate, "Let's go, go and see who that guy is!"

In front of Naruto Building.

The moment Huameinan No. 1 shadow clone dissipated, the memory of his conversation with Nara Shikahisa flooded into Fenghuo's mind.

‘Very well, then, next, three generations, I hope your old man’s bones will be stronger. '

The pupil power in Fenghuo's pupils boiled again, and Susano in the third form evolved again. A large amount of chakra and kaleidoscope pupil power condensed legs in Susano's lower body, and its volume also changed instantly. Big, and the copper hammer in his hand doubled!

With a light pull, the two big copper hammers easily tore the four purple flame formations apart!

At this time, Susano in the fourth form was nearly 50 meters high, and even Hokage only reached Susano's waist and abdomen!

The Anbu ninja raised his head and looked at the huge monster, his scalp tingling.

And the ninja who had experienced the Battle of Kikyo Mountain during World War Three yelled out in disbelief.

"Uchiha Sealing Fire, he is Uchiha Sealing Fire!"

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