Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 693: 5 escape - Dalian bomb!

Ninja school.

As the movement from the Hokage building grew louder, a large number of students ran out of the teaching building like ants, and stood on the playground looking in that direction.

Iruka and other teachers kept yelling, but they couldn't stop these frenzied students at all.

"Look at you, what is that?"

"It's so big, is that a demon god?"

"What's the use of being big, Hokage-sama can definitely defeat him!"

"Sakura, Sakura, it's too dangerous, I'll protect you!" Naruto, with his yellow hair on his head, darted through the crowd to Sakura's side, smiling.

"Ah, that, thank you." Sakura showed an embarrassed yet polite smile, she was very ladylike, but she was roaring wildly in her heart: This yellow hair is really annoying, I really want to kill him, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh If only Sasuke-kun could treat me like him~

Sakura looked up and found that the quiet and cold handsome man had already climbed a tree on the playground, his body was still trembling slightly.

‘That’s right, that’s right, it’s this kind of power. As long as I master this kind of power, I can kill that man, and I can avenge my father, my mother, and other clansmen! '

Erzhuzi looked at the stalwart body of the **** and demon in the distance, and his blood was surging with excitement.

After experiencing the night of genocide, Erzhuzi completely fell into Itachi's script, growing and fermenting with various negative emotions such as anger, hatred, fear, etc., and his desire for power increased day by day, and he was only two or three steps away from being a pervert.

"Sasuke-kun, come down quickly, it's dangerous up there."

Sakura squeezed under the tree and shouted at Er Zhuzi.

Next to her, Naruto's eyes are not eyes, and nose is not nose. He folded his hands on his chest, turned his head to one side, and his mouth could hold an oil bottle. He looked helpless when I put my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines in the ditch. Sad and indignant, cool expression.

Erzhuzi looked down, looked at Sakura and Naruto, and thought that he had a blood feud, and arguing with these brats would only affect his practice, so it was better to ignore them.


There was another huge shock resounding through the sky in front of the Hokage Building.

"Look, the Hokage Building has collapsed!"

"Is Hokage-sama alright?"

"Bastard, who dares to attack us Konoha!"

The elementary school students who were filled with righteous indignation chattered and chattered, making Er Zhuzi's head hurt from the quarrel.

"No, I can't wait any longer!"

Er Zhuzi gritted his teeth, but his eyes were a little erratic, if he passed by, he might die, right?

If he is dead, how can he avenge his father, mother, and clansmen?

Or, wait until I graduate before looking for this kind of power?

When Er Zhuzi was struggling, the contemptuous expression and disdainful tone of the man when he left suddenly appeared in his mind.

'You are too weak, not even worth killing, hehehe, stupid brother, if you want to kill me, hate me! Hate it! Then live ugly! Run away, run away, and live on in an ignoble way! '

Erzhuzi's chest seemed to be bursting with anger, which made him bristle with anger, and then gave birth to infinite courage, and his hesitant heart instantly became firm!

He tiptoed, stepped on the heads of the primary school students, and ran away.

"Sasuke-kun, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura was terrified, "Where are you going, Sasuke-kun!"

"Damn it, that bastard!" Naruto was also very angry: Didn't you hear our goddess calling you? How dare you ignore it, ah, that's great~

Naruto immediately hit him, and scolded Er Zhuzi severely.

Sakura didn't even bother to pay attention to this nasty little yellow hair, turned around to find Iruka, and immediately squeezed over to tell him about Erzhuzi's abnormality.

When Iruka heard this, he suddenly felt bad.

Although he didn't know what happened at the Hokage Tower, but looking at the movement, even if he was afraid in the past, he could only stand aside and go to the second pillar. Isn't that courting death?

"Sakura, stay here, don't run around, I will definitely bring Sasuke back!"

Iruka knows how strong the hatred in Erzhuzi's heart is, so he usually treats him as much as possible, but it seems that the effect is mediocre, but even so, his concern for Erzhuzi continues unabated.

After appeasing Sakura, Iruka left immediately with the teleportation technique.

In front of Naruto Building.

No, at this moment, there is no Hokage Tower anymore.

Susanoo in the fourth form, every move contains infinite power, coupled with the two huge copper hammers that are like houses, when the two hammers go down, they will directly smash the Hokage Tower to the ground!

Sarutobi Hiri cut his eyes and canthus were about to burst, he stuck the Ruyi stick on the ground with bloodshot eyes, and then quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Five Escapes - The Art of Dalian Bullet!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen instantly emits five ninjutsu with different attributes: fire, thunder, water, earth, and wind. The five ninjutsu intertwined in the air, circling and flying, and suddenly the thunder burst, the hurricane roared, the flames soared into the air, and the rocks rolled , The torrent roared, like five dragons entangled together, crushing away with unstoppable momentum.

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slightly: This is...five-attribute mixed ninjutsu?

The power of mixed ninjutsu is often higher than that of single ninjutsu, and the power of five-attribute mixture increases exponentially, which is not weaker than fairy ninjutsu!

Fenghuo didn't dare to be careless. Under the control of his mind, Susano almost swung two big copper hammers, and smashed them head-on without dodging or avoiding, forcibly overcoming the five-attribute mixed ninjutsu of Sarutobi Hiruzen.


In an instant, like a meteorite falling to the ground, the air was torn apart, and the sound waves were like thunder. Scary ripples visible to the naked eye rippled outward layer by layer, and then turned into countless air waves and swept in all directions.

At the same time, the sky filled with thunder, flames, hurricanes, torrents, and base stones spread in all directions under the suppression of the copper hammer. Except for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Susano, everyone else involuntarily retreated outwards, and then Back~www.readwn.com~ Back again!

"Sun Slash!"

Ruyi stick turned into a monkey demon with a bang, and grabbed the soft-footed Sarutobi Hiruzen, "Are you okay?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi trembled all over his body, traces of blood spilled from his sleeves, he gritted his teeth, and said solemnly: "Simian, no matter whether the opponent is sealing the fire or not, he must be taken down!"


The ape demon looked at the chaotic and disorderly destruction 'storm' above, jumped up brazenly, turned into a thick, long and strong wishful stick again, and then split dozens of clones of wishful sticks, inserting them in the beard in an instant. Zuo Neng is at his side.

"Diamond Prison Wall!"

At this time, Feng Huo, who resisted a five-dun-Dalian bomb, felt numb all over his body, and his pupils were even bloodshot.

If it weren't for the celestial chakra that can supplement the pupil power, Feng Huo really wouldn't dare to waste pupil power like this just for a play.

He looked around, and found that Susano's hands and feet were completely imprisoned in place!

"Did you make it?"

"As expected of the third generation of adults, you can imprison this demon god!"

"I just want to know who he is?"

Kai, who was impatient, jumped out first, and jumped to the top of the Ruyi stick in three or two.

Under Susano in the fourth form, the fire seal has already appeared on the brow of Susano's head, and the position where Kai is standing is less than ten meters away from Susano's head!

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