Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 694: day tiger

Kai stood on the top of the Ruyi stick, facing Susano directly, under the thick, thick and energetic eyebrows, two big eyes were staring at the masked figure at the position between Susano's eyebrows.

"Who are you, and why do you have Sharingan that seals the fire!"

The aura of Kai's whole body rose steadily, and he shot straight into the sky like wolf smoke.

This is... Eight Dunjia?

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes gradually became serious.

Down below, Hatake Sakumo, who saw this scene, seemed to think of something, and ran up quickly on his toes, and shouted at the same time: "Kai, what are you doing, come down!"

"Senior Sakumo, it's about sealing the fire, I have to figure it out!" Seeing that the masked man didn't answer his question, Kai opened the eight-door Dunjia without waiting for Hatake Sakumo to catch up.

"Open the door, close the door..."

"The gate of life, the gate of injury..."

With Kai's low roar, the chakra flow in his body became more and more violent, and even the majestic momentum of the rushing river came out!

And the skin of his body was also reddened and purple by the rushing Chakra.

"Dumen, Jingmen..."

Seeing that Kai opened six doors in one go, and his aura was still rising, Feng Huo's brows twitched uncontrollably: You can't just open eight doors here, right?


The seventh door!

Seeing the large amount of blue steam emanating from Kai's body, Feng Huo knew that he had to stop him.

He broke the five yang seals that sealed the world in his body, and then poured the gushing chakra into Susanoo.

In an instant, gorgeous black patterns appeared on the deep purple Wutengu armor, covering the whole body in an instant!

"not good!"

The wishful stick of the ape demon incarnation felt the terrifying power suddenly coming from Susano, and he couldn't help but roared, "Boy up there, move away!"


Kai roared, and the blue steam on his body erupted immediately.


After merging with the celestial chakra, the power of Susano, who sealed the fire, increased dramatically, and with a slight shock, he opened the ape demon's vajra prison wall.

But at this time, Kai had already stepped on the air directly to the top of Susanoo's head.

"Kai, stop!" Hatake Sakumo was shocked.

As for the aftereffects of the forbidden art of Bamen Dunjia, he knew a little bit about the tragic end of the seven people after Matt Dai fought against the Wugen Ninja Sword, so he naturally didn't want to see Kai repeat the same mistakes.

However, it was too late.

Kai, who opened the seven gates, has soared in strength, let alone him, even if he and Sarutobi Hiruzen join forces, they can't stop Kai at this time!

"Day Tiger!!"

At this moment, Feng Huo's heart was screwed.

The day tiger is a kind of super-high-speed frontal fist attack with a little concentration on the enemy. It first compresses the air and then spreads it in one breath, forming a tiger-shaped air cannon. The power is extremely abnormal!

Kai, who is not a son of man, actually researched Rihu without making a sound, and even used it to bombard him...

Chaotic thoughts flashed through Feng Huo's mind quickly, and then he looked ahead quietly.

Under Kai's control, the air was slowly condensed and compressed to a certain point. In the next moment, Kai punched out, and the compressed air exploded instantly, transforming into a tiger shape in an instant, carrying a world-shattering aura of rage. rushed over.

Feng Huo didn't dare to be careless, and immediately raised the two big copper hammers to block in front.

boom! !

Feng Huo's whole body was shaken, the tiger-shaped air cannon in front of him seemed to be crushed down by a mountain, and Susano, who was directly pressed by the terrifying force, almost kept retreating, and the two huge copper hammers kept trembling.

At the same time, the Utengu armor on Susano's body was cracked inch by inch.

Feng Huo's pupils hurt, and traces of blood overflowed.


Kailing stood in mid-air, and with the roaring sound accompanied by the skyrocketing blue steam, the power of the day tiger increased wildly, and the air cannon directly overturned the two big copper hammers, and the remaining momentum blasted on Susano's face !

The fifty-meter-high demon **** distorted and dissipated like a phantom.

And the remaining power of the air cannon is like an invisible missile, tearing the air behind into two pieces.

A few kilometers away, the power of the air cannon dissipated and turned into a violent gust of wind, causing countless people to stagger and be unable to stand.

And near the ruined Hokage Building, all Anbu were stunned.

"No, isn't it?"

"Is that really Kay?"

"Even the demon **** who has been helpless for three generations was shattered by Kai?"

"I'm definitely under the illusion!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible..."

Not to mention them, even Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kai in the air with a face of shock at this time.

Then he reacted abruptly.

"This is... the Formation of the Eight Gates Dunjia!"

After Maitedai's death, he learned about the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation from Kai, and knew that the power of this forbidden technique was as terrifying as its sequelae!

The ape demon recovered his true body, and landed steadily beside Sarutobi Hiruzen in the violent air turbulence, saying: "Hirozaru, this young man is so powerful!"

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzawa was about to speak, his eyes widened suddenly: "Not good!"

In the air, Kai, who had just exploded with a brilliant blow, blinding everyone's eyes, the blue steam outside his body curled up like cooking smoke, and without saying a word, he fell directly from the sky.

In the next moment, a vigorous figure jumped up from the side and caught him firmly.

It's Kakashi who came here with Shikaku Nara~www.readwn.com~Kai, how are you guys? Kakashi looked nervously at Kai in his arms, his face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were closed tightly, and he looked terminally ill and miserable.

The aftereffects of the Eight Dunjia are more serious than the last one, and it is very dangerous to reach the seventh one!

Although in the original book, Kai also easily entered the seventh gate and defeated the dried persimmon and ghost shark with the day tiger KO, but compared with the Kai of the later generations, Kai at this time lacked a full five years of training and tempering. At this time, his body , and a little bit unable to withstand the backlash from the seventh door.

However, there is no danger to life.

Shikahisa Nara came out from behind Kakashi, looking at the tragic scene in front of him, he couldn't laugh or cry: Sure enough, this scene didn't end so well.

Kakashi handed Kai over to the ninja from the Anbu medical class who came next to him, and then looked ahead with anger in his eyes.

Not only him, Sarutobi Hiruza, Hatake Sakumo, Akimichi Choza, Yume Shiwei, Yamanaka Kaiichi and all Anbu, all moved their eyes from Kai to the center!

Who is this guy with the Sharingan that seals the fire!

After Susano in the fourth form was smashed by a blow, Fenghuo was also brushed by the air cannon. Most of the clothes on his body were torn, and the surface of the skin overflowed with light blood. The mask on his face was also filled with blood. cracks.

Feng Huo squatted halfway on the ground, and the faint dust around him slowly fell to the ground.


The mask full of cracks finally cracked and fell off under the expectation of everyone.

Happy National Day to everyone in advance (???)

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