Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 695: face under the mask

"how is this possible?"

Seeing the face under the mask, Kakashi's double eye sharing eyes in his left eye suddenly shrunk like a pinprick. In the next moment, intense emotional stimulation caused his sharing eyes to evolve directly, from double eye **** to three eye balls!

"Fenghuo... what are you... doing?" Kakashi's delicate body trembled faintly, and his tone contained complex emotions such as disbelief, anger, and fear.

Qiudao Dingzuo, Yamanaka Haiyi, Younv Zhiwei and the others were all stunned.

"Fenghuo, why is it you! What happened? Why did you attack Hokage-sama?" Haiyi Yamanaka frowned, very puzzled.

"Could it be that you are avenging the Uchiha clan?" Inuzuka Claw is a woman with a delicate mind.

"Impossible, if you want to avenge the Uchiha clan, Fenghuo can't wait until now!" Kakashi said through gritted teeth.

At the same time, the nearby Anbu was also shocked.

"Is it really Lord Fenghuo?"

"Why is this happening?"

"First Orochimaru, now even Master Fenghuo..."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Nara Shikahisa was possessed by a playful spirit, stepped forward and asked, "Fenghuo, why is this, why did you attack Hokage-sama?!"

His voice is full of restrained anger, and his acting skills are five stars!

Feng Huo silently gave him a few likes, then took out a mask from his pocket and put it on again.

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi walked out slowly.

Seeing the true face of the masked man, Hiruzaru Sarutobi seemed to have aged a bit.

"Fenghuo, your target should be me, I'm such a failed Hokage." Hiruzaru Sarutobi laughed at himself.

The ape demon stood behind him with his arms folded, and he didn't know what to say to comfort him.

"No matter what, get him first!"

Hatake Sakumo was the calmest person present besides Shikahisa Nara.

No matter what the purpose of sealing fire is to attack Hokage, as long as he is taken down, everything will be revealed!


Feng Huo suddenly bent down and coughed twice, a large amount of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth along the edge of the mask, fell down, and then melted into the muddy ground under his feet like an earthquake scene.

"Catch me? By you?"

Feng Huo smiled fervently, and in the next moment, dark purple ribs emerged from behind him again.

"not good!"

Hatake Sakumo's pupils shrank, and he immediately drew out his blade and slashed away.

A white light flashed in the sky, and Hatake Sakumo had already come to Fenghuo, but Susano had almost covered him.


Hatake Sakumo slashed Susanoo's ribs with a single knife, and a bright fire burst out. When he was about to continue attacking, blood and meridians quickly emerged between the ribs, followed by the chakra coat, and then the Utengu armor!

Under Anbu's horrified eyes, Fenghuo's figure disappeared under the huge demon statue again!

"Kai's terrifying attack is... useless?"

"As expected of Lord Fenghuo..."

"Master Shuomo can't break this demon statue?"

"How to do?"

There was some commotion in the dark.

But at this moment, heart-piercing coughs and the sound of a large amount of blood falling to the ground came out one after another from inside the demon statue.

"he is injured!"

"Kay's attack worked!"

"Sealing class!" Hatake Sakumo retreated to the center of Anbu. From the sound of Fenghuo's cough, he realized that Fenghuo's injury was not serious. Although he could not break through Susano, he could consume him continuously through the sealing technique. , although Fenghuo has three tails, and the chakra is almost endless, but the pupil power of the kaleidoscope Sharingan has a limit!

But just as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly passed by him quickly.

"Kakashi, come back!" Hatake Sakumo was shocked.

Kakashi turned a deaf ear, ran faster and faster, and at the same time made seals with both hands: "Raydun-Raiqie!"

His right hand was covered by thunder, emitting a sound like a thousand birds chirping, crackling and exploding.


Susano felt that Fenghuo's cough was getting worse.


Kakashi jumped up straight away, stretched out his right hand and stabbed Susanoko straight.


The bursting thunder light jumped up like sparks on Wu Tengu's armor, fell, and then... went out.

As for Kakashi's right hand, only three fingers were inserted into Susanoo, no matter how hard Kakashi tried, he couldn't get in half a minute.


The huge copper hammer crashed down, directly smashing out a huge deep pit!

Kakashi turned over like a rabbit and avoided the copper hammer neatly. When he was still about to attack, Hatake Sakumo appeared behind him and pressed his shoulder.

"Kakashi, don't be impulsive!"

"Father, I must catch this **** with my own hands!" Kakashi gritted his teeth.

"You haven't realized it yet." Hatake Sakumo sighed slightly, "You have long been no match for sealing the fire."

Kakashi was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a decadent smile: "Yeah, that's how it is..."

While the two fathers were talking, Anbu's sealed ninja jumped out.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen also regained his strength.

At the same time, Fatty Qiu, Inuzuka Chou, Yuu Nv Zhiwei, Yamanaka Kaiichi, Yuhi Makoro and others also stepped forward and faced the sealing fire.

"Fenghuo, if the fourth generation knows what you have done, he will be very disappointed with you!" Kaiichi Yamanaka played the emotional card.

Fatty Qiu was even more serious, directly threatening: "Feng Huo! If you continue to be stubborn, we will no longer be able to eat together!"

"Your threat is really weak~www.readwn.com~ Inuzuka Claw snorted coldly, and then roared softly, "Fenghuo, don't you even care about being popular anymore! "

Yuhi Zhenhong next to her was stunned when she heard this sentence, her heart was so complicated.

"Ahem..." What responded to them was still a series of bloodshot coughs.

Shikahisa Nara stepped forward, and analyzed wisely: "Kai's move just now broke Susanoo, and at the same time, it should have severely damaged Fenghuo's body. At this time, we should focus on consumption. His kaleidoscope , it shouldn't last long!"

"Same as I thought." Hatake Sakumo said.

Nara Lujiu turned to Fatty Qiu and the others and said, "So don't rush up and make trouble, just let the people in the sealing class restrain the consumption!"

"Ah? It's that simple?" Fatty Qiu didn't believe it.

"Ding Zuo, don't underestimate Kai's blow just now, except for sealing the fire, everyone else who resists that move will die!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi explained, "Including me!"

Everyone showed horror, but recalling the scene of Kai blowing Susanoo to pieces just now, they took it for granted.

"It's just that the sequelae of Bamen Dunjia are very serious." Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, "Kai probably needs half a year of training to recover his body."

Shikahisa Nara said: "But it should be true that Kai severely injured and sealed the fire, Senior Sakumo?"

Hatake Sakumo nodded slightly: "Sealing class, do it!"


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