Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 696: S-class rebellion

Watching the members of the Anbu Sealing Squad surround Susano and release the seal restriction, Nara Shikaku has a confident expression on his face, but he has no idea in his heart.

Kai's terrifying blow just now really surprised him, and at the same time made him worry about the state of sealing the fire.

It would be embarrassing if he was caught by mistake.

But at this moment, he can't release the water, let alone stop it.

One by one, the seals and restrictions were like a net covering Susano's head, tightly restraining him, but at this moment, Susano suddenly raised a copper hammer and smashed it down heavily, splashing dust and mud all over the sky.

The ninjas of the sealing class retreated one after another as if facing a formidable enemy, but there was no movement from that side.

As the dust gradually fell, how could there be any statues of demon gods in place?

"No, he ran away!"

Nara Lu Jiu condensedly shouted, but he was relieved in his heart.


Hatake Sakumo immediately led the Anbu ninjas to follow.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi swayed and almost lost his footing.

"Hokage-sama, are you alright?"

"Where are the people in the medical class?!"

"I'm fine, just a little bit out of strength." Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved his hand, and ordered, "Haiyi, go to count the casualties, Lu Jiu... Immediately arrest Fenghuo, as an S-rank traitor."

Qiudao Dingzuo and others looked at each other when they heard the words.

"Master Hokage, this..."

Everyone wanted to stop it, but Fenghuo's actions today made it impossible for them to find a reason to refute.

"...I see." Nara Shikahisa nodded sullenly.

"Get out of the way, let me pass!"

Er Zhuzi struggled hard, trying to push away an Anbu ninja who was blocking him and grabbed him with one hand.

But he hasn't even graduated from ninja school at this time, so how could he escape the capture of an Anbu.

The Anbu ninja was wearing a white mask, looking down at Er Zhuzi, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

But in the next moment, Iruka suddenly appeared.

"Sasuke, what are you doing, come back!" Iruka hurriedly apologized to the Anbu ninja, "Sorry, this is my student, please let him go, I will take him away."

The Anbu ninja nodded slightly, pushed Er Zhuzi over, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Why do you want to stop me?!" Erzhuzi looked at the demon statue in the distance disappearing into the dust, with a look of grief and indignation.

"As your teacher, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect your safety!" Iruka said angrily, "I don't care what you want to do in the past, but it's too dangerous there, I will definitely let you go there!"


Erzhuzi's small arms couldn't hold his thighs, so he was dragged back to the ninja school by Iruka.

After they left, the former Anbu reappeared, and then disappeared in place with a sigh.

Soon, the Anbu ninja appeared at the root headquarters.

"Master Danzo!" He knelt on one knee and respectfully reported what happened in front of the Hokage Tower.

After listening to his narration, Danzo's face changed: "Uchiha Fenghuo, it turned out to be him..."

He actually attacked the Hokage Building?

how is this possible?

Could it be... is this a conspiracy?

Danzo's eyes flickered coldly.

‘Uchiha Fuuhuo and Sarutobi Hiruzen’s joint acting is to make me paralyzed...yes, it must be like this! '

Danzo lowered his eyes and pondered: If so, what are they going to do?

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to attack him when he has been subdued!

Danzo couldn't figure it out.

"Danzo-sama!" the Anbe ninja said again, "I bumped into Uchiha Sasuke on the way here, and I wanted to take advantage of the excellent opportunity of Uchiha's sealing fire to attack Hokage Building to arrest him, but unfortunately Iruka caught up in time. Come, take him away."

It was a pity for Danzo, although Hiruzaru Sarutobi had warned him several times and three times, and Uchiha Itachi was threatening him in the dark, but as long as he caught the right opportunity, how could Danzo let Erzhuzi's Sharingan go?

Just like this time, if Erzhuzi is successfully captured, Danzo can push the black pot on Fenghuo's head!

What a pity, what a pity.

Danzang said: "Continue to investigate!"


Leaving the vicinity of the Huoying Building through Tudun, Fenghuo quickly evacuated vigorously.

After Kai opened the seven gates, the day tiger defeated Susano, who had opened to the fourth form and integrated the celestial chakra, with one blow, and even severely injured Fenghuo, causing him to cough up blood...

Hehe, just kidding.

Feng Huo wiped off the blood on his body while running, with a displeased expression on his face.

If he didn't want to give himself a step down, how could he be so weak?

It's all drama.

In the formation of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, only by opening the eighth Gate of Death can one obtain a violent power dozens of times greater than that of the Five Kages! Just now, Kai only opened the seventh door, and his power was at most two or three times that of the five shadows. Although he used the day tiger to deliver a stunning blow, it was not powerful enough to beat Fenghuo until he coughed up blood and was seriously injured.

By doing this, Fenghuo not only deceived everyone including Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Shikaku Nara, but when the news spread, he could also deceive Orochimaru!

Look, he single-handedly charged into Konoha!

Look, he used the fourth form of Susano to almost level the Hokage Tower!

Look, he and Hiru Sarutobi fought head to head, the strongest Hokage screaming!

Look, this pervert Kai suddenly opened up, rushed out halfway and severely injured him with a blow!

Look, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Shirato Konoha, Ikacho and the entire Anbe ninjas are looking at him ready to move!

what can he do

I can only run~www.readwn.com~ In this case, even if Orochimaru has doubts, there is no way to criticize Fenghuo's action?

'It's perfect! '

Feng Huo secretly awarded the Golden Man to himself, and then ran out before Anbu opened the various restrictions outside Muye Village.

Looking back.

There is not much sentimentality in sealing the fire, anyway, as long as Namikaze Minato 'wakes up', everything will be set right.

Moreover, he has already caught up with Nara Shikaku, the monitor of the ninja squad, and betrayed ninja? Heh heh, he is at best an undercover spy just like Itachi Uchiha.

No, when Itachi rebelled, he also killed a bunch of Uchihas, the boss. Although there was a lot of movement before the fire was sealed off, Anbu had enough time to evacuate the civilians, so strictly speaking, he only destroyed one Naruto House.

Therefore, there is no psychological pressure to seal the fire.

However, thinking of the sad faces of Kakashi, Kai, Akido Dingza and others, his mood fell slightly again.

Then, he thought of Obito and Shisui far away in the Land of Snow.

The news of him betraying Konoha will definitely spread throughout the entire ninja world at a frightening speed, even in the remote Snow Country.

At that time, I'm afraid there will be another flurry of chicken and dog jumping.

Fenghuo psychically performed the second form of Chaolunwu, then turned around and flew towards Tian Zhiguo.

That night, the news that Uchiha sealed the fire and assassinated the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and became an S-rank rebellious ninja, spread out, and spread outward at a terrifying speed.


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