Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 697: It's him, it's him.

The early worm eats the bird.

happy National Day!

The Hokage Building was turned into ruins after being sealed off. After being cleared by a large number of ninjas, an open space was quickly cleared, and then civilians were entrusted to start rebuilding the Hokage Building!

It was night, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi was sitting in a temporary office, holding a document in his hand, but his eyes were dull and lifeless, with a miserable appearance of old age.

"Three generations, the casualties are counted."

Yamanaka Hai knocked on the door and walked in with a weird expression on his face.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi woke up like a dream, put down the document in his hand, and asked, "Haiichi, sit down and talk."

Yamanaka Haiyi walked over and sat down, and then began to report on work: "Three generations, according to statistics, seventeen ninjas in Anbu were injured, all of which were caused by the spread, and the injuries were not very serious."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"As for the death toll..." Kaiichi Yamanaka hesitated and said, "We haven't found any dead ninjas or civilians yet."

"Huh?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was taken aback.

In the great battle during the day, when the flames were sealed and the Susanoos were opened, every move was like a world falling apart. Hiruzaru Sarutobi was already prepared to suffer a lot of sacrifices, but you tell me, no one died?

"Probably, because his target is the third generation of you, so he didn't take action against other people, after all...Feng Huo also grew up here." Yamanaka Kaiichi speculated.

When he counted it before, he was also taken aback.

It is a miracle that no one died in the face of the monster-like demon god.

But the facts were in front of him, and there was no room for him not to believe it.

After hearing Kaiichi Yamanaka's explanation, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression became bitter again.

He suddenly had a feeling that if it wasn't for him, Feng Huo might not have betrayed.

Then he thought of his three disciples.

Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya, they are Konoha's most dazzling new stars in the Second Ninja World War, and they are famous in the ninja world with the name of Sannin.

And Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo are the supernovas who rose like comets in the Third Ninja World War!

But in the end, Namikaze Minato died, Orochimaru defected, Tsunade left, and Jiraiya was no longer in charge of the village. Now, even Fenghuo has defected from the village.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt that he had failed so much, he really wanted to retire, he really wanted to go home and hold his grandson.

"Haiyi, let's stop here today, I'm tired." Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed.

"Three generations, you have to take care of your health, the village still cannot do without you!" Yamanaka Kaiichi said with concern.

"Sigh." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, got up and left desolately.

late at night.

Yuhi Zhenhong had a busy night and finally returned home.

As soon as the light was turned on, she saw her daughter Xi Hihong sitting on the sofa with a numb expression on her face.

"Hong, why don't you go to bed so late." Yuhi Zhenhong was a little afraid to look into her eyes, a little guilty, as if Fenghuo's rebellion was the reason for him, which was very strange.

"Dad, seal the fire, seal the fire, he really..." Yuhi Hong looked at Yuhi Zhenhong with hope on his face.

"Hong, you already know." Yuhi Zhenhong sighed, and said, "Fenghuo has attacked for three generations, and has defected from the village."

"Why? Why did he want to attack the third generation? Why did he defect?!" Hong stared at Yuhi Zhenhong with resentment.

Yuhi Zhenhong became angry from embarrassment: "Enough, Hong, I know you feel uncomfortable, but, I, I...how do I know why! Since the last time I left the village after sealing the fire, I haven't seen you for two years. It's his time!"

"Liar, dad, you liar! I will never believe such a lie! Feng Huo will never do that!"

With tears in her red eyes, she turned around and shut herself into the room.

Konoha Hospital.

Kai has woken up from a coma and learned the true identity of the masked man from Kakashi.

bank up a fire…

why is that?

Kai scratched his hair in pain, wishing he could directly open the eight gatekeeper and catch Fenghuo back and kick him hard!

Kakashi sat beside him in a daze.

Both of them were severely hit by the fire closure. This night, the two hugged each other to keep warm, comforted each other, and spent a difficult night.

The next day, Ninja School.

Naruto came to the school with his messy yellow hair, and he heard the students discussing the battle yesterday.

"Have you heard?"

"Well, I heard that, it's really unbelievable."

"Yeah, I grew up listening to his stories. I never thought he would betray the village."

"He is really powerful. I heard that even Hokage-sama is no match for him."

Naruto's eyes glowed, and he went over to chat with a shy face.

When the students saw Naruto coming, although they didn't say that they were avoiding snakes and scorpions, they all ended the topic resentfully and turned around to do their own thing.

Naruto didn't care, he didn't want to deal with these people anyway.

He looked up and saw the goddess sitting on one side with a ladylike smile on her face.

He leaned over in a desperate way: "Sakura~~good morning~"

Sakura smiled and said, "Good morning, Naruto."

But the heart is irritable like thunder: dead yellow hair, do you know me very well? Come say hi every day! If you let Sasuke-kun misunderstand, I won't kill you!

"Sakura~" Naruto hit the snake with the stick, sat down next to Sakura, and asked, "Did you catch the person who attacked the Hokage Tower yesterday?"

He was simply looking for something to say, the purpose was to chat with Sakura and cultivate a relationship.

And what happened yesterday is obviously an excellent starting point.

Although Xiao Sakura was extremely irritable, in order to maintain her ladylike demeanor, she still tried her best to stabilize her emotions, and said: "I heard that the person who attacked Hokage Tower was Uchiha who made great achievements in the third world war bank up a fire."

The smile on Naruto's face froze suddenly.

"But he is already a traitor now, S-rank traitor!" A student next to him heard the content of the chat here, and stuck his head over to join in the fun.

The muscles on Naruto's face twitched faintly: "Hehe~www.readwn.com~ How is it possible, stop joking, I don't believe it, hum."

Naruto hummed arrogantly, then got up and walked out of the classroom.

After leaving the classroom door, Naruto suddenly accelerated and ran towards Iruka's office.


Naruto turned into a bully, kicked open the door of the office, and rushed in.

"Naruto, what are you doing!" Iruka shouted.

"Iruka-sensei, yesterday, who was that person yesterday? Who is the person who attacked Hokage Tower?!" Naruto asked nervously, grabbing Iruka's hand.

Iruka hesitated, then sighed.

In fact, Iruka couldn't accept it when he heard the news.

You know, Feng Huo is his Jonin instructor!

"Naruto, I understand how you feel right now, but, but..."

"Ms. Iruka, who is it, who is it, who is it?" Naruto gritted his teeth anxiously.

"It's Teacher Fenghuo." Iruka whispered.

Naruto was stunned, then let go of Iruka, and slowly backed away: "No, you are lying to me, you are all lying to me, **** it, you liars!!"


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