Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 701: Infiltrate Rock Hidden Village

A few days later, Sheyue came under the sacred tree and told Fenghuo the information that Didara was 'captured' by Yanyin Village.

"In fact, after the people I sent into the Land of Earth, the news of Deidara's capture spread. I think they leaked this information on purpose." Sheyue speculated, "The purpose is to lure you over .”

Feng Huo nodded: "I am now a traitor, so Yanyin Village will naturally seek revenge from me."

During World War Three, he and Namikaze Minato joined hands to kill Huito, the apprentice of the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki. The war forced Yanyin Village to surrender. Before and after, the hatred was really serious.

Moreover, Fenghuo believes that besides Yanyin Village, Shayin Village, Yunyin Village, and even Wuyin Village are all planning on him.

If he hadn't found a way to supplement the kaleidoscope, Feng Huo wouldn't have dared to make such a fuss.

"Then what are you going to do?" Sheyue looked at him nervously.

If Fenghuo doesn't care about Didala's life or death, then he really has to consider taking refuge in Fenghuo.

"Heh, since you want me to go, then I will naturally go." Feng Huo revealed a playful smile at the corner of his eyes.

While Sheyue breathed a sigh of relief, she was also a little worried: "Lord Fenghuo, there must be a lot of ninjas ambushed in Yanyin Village. Would it be a little dangerous for you to go like this?"

"Who said I want to go alone." Feng Huo was confident.

The corner of Sheyue's mouth twitched: "Well, Mr. Feng Huo, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to deal with. Well, I will take my leave first."

"... Get out!" Fenghuo said angrily.

After Sheyue left, Feng Huo got up, and then rushed towards Tian Zhiguo.

That's right, since it's a cooperative relationship, then I have difficulties here, should you do a favor, Orochimaru?

Fenghuo felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

Came to Yinnin Village in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Orochimaru was obviously quite surprised by Fenghuo's arrival.

"Fenghuo-jun, come to me in such a hurry, it seems that you have encountered some trouble." Orochimaru asked.

Feng Huo said with a smile: "As expected of Master Oshemaru, your wisdom is beyond my reach."

Feng Huo shamelessly patted him ass.

Orochimaru was obviously a little nervous, and said with a smile: "Mr. Fenghuo, let's just say it straight."

"Well, since you asked sincerely, I will tell you mercifully." Feng Huo saw that Dashewan's face seemed to sink, coughed dryly, and said, "One of my subordinates, Didara, was killed by Yanyin Village took him away, I thought, I should rescue him."

Dashewan smiled and said: "So, Lord Fenghuo came to ask me for help."

Feng Huo nodded shyly: "Who made us a cooperative relationship?"

Orochimaru thought for a while and said, "I planted a spy in Yanyin Village. Although it is insignificant, it should be helpful to you."

"A spy?" Feng Huo was a little flustered, and ran over by himself, you wouldn't just use an insignificant spy to send me away, would you?

Can we still cooperate happily?


Orochimaru seemed to see through Fenghuo's thoughts, and smiled softly: "Mr. Fenghuo, your purpose is to save people, you don't need to make a fuss, a spy is enough."

Feng Huo was taken aback, thinking about it carefully, it was indeed so.

As long as he can sneak into Yanyin Village and get close to the place where Didara is being held, he will be absolutely sure to rescue Didara.

Ninjas with lots of guards?

Hehe, he has Sharingan.

Is there a seal restriction?

Hehe, the Uzumaki Clan's sealing technique is recognized as the strongest in the ninja world. I'm sorry, but he has done his best.

Hey, if you think this way, can you still go into the office of the old man Onogi Third Tsuchikage to see if you can fish out some good things?

A little excited.

Feng Huo let out a dry cough, cleared his throat, and said, "Okay, tell me the contact information of that spy!"

Orochimaru was not pretentious, and told him the intelligence about the spy named Kamishiichi.

Kamishiichi is a Chunin with mediocre strength, and he is not qualified to enter Iwakaku Anbe, but his position is very interesting, inconspicuous, but very important.

He... is a gatekeeper!

That's right, the surroundings of Hidden Rock Village, like Hidden Leaf Village, are full of restrictions, especially after the release of information on the capture of Didara, these restrictions are opened day and night, for fear that Uchiha will break into the fire.

Therefore, the only way to enter Yanyin Village openly and aboveboard is to enter through the gate!

As for Shangshiyi, he is the gatekeeper.

Through the contact information given by Orochimaru, Fenghuo successfully arranged for Shangshiyi to go outside Yanyin Village, and then the two conspired for half-pay in the middle of the night before leaving separately.

next morning.

Fenghuo disguised himself as a merchant and drove a carriage to Yanyin Village.

Fenghuo already knew that there was a sentient ninja at the gate of Yanyin Village, so he sealed all his chakras in advance. With his sealing skills, it is impossible for ordinary sentient ninjas to discover his abnormality!

At the gate, Shang Shiyi was very dedicated to his duty, turned Fenghuo's carriage up and down with a serious face, Fenghuo immediately took out the money and handed it over, but was rejected by Shangshi righteously and severely criticized After a while, it was finally confirmed that there was only a little local product on the carriage, and then the fire was sealed off and entered the village.

"I said Shangshi, aren't you checking too strictly?" Another Chunin guarding the gate laughed.

"Hmph, what do you know? Uchiha Fenghuo, that guy, will come to our village to save Didara at any time. If you are not strict, how can you be worthy of the village?!" Shangshi glared at his companion furiously, "I tell you, If Uchiha Fenghuo sneaks into the village, I will never let you go!"

"Hey hey, I will also check more strictly." The companion sighed weakly, but he didn't care: Master Tsuchikage has already arranged a bunch of sentient ninjas here, if even these sentient ninjas Even the ninjas couldn't find the Uchiha Sealing Fire, so how could they find it?

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ After Feng Huo entered Yanyin Village, he silently sold the contents of the carriage to other vendors at a low price, and then found a barbecue restaurant, eating and drinking.

After the sun went down, Fenghuo paid the money and left with a full belch, and then ordered Isoto Mio to undo his seal.

According to the information Shi Yi gave him last night, the place where Didala was detained was either the prison in Yanyin Village or the Tuying Building.

There is no way, Shang Shiyi is a gatekeeper, and it is not easy to know this.

Fenghuo separated two shadow clones to touch the prison and Tuying Building in Yanyin Village.

Then through the chakra perception technique, look for the fluctuation of Didara's chakra.



Fenghuo received the memory of the two shadow clones, but did not perceive Didala's Chakra fluctuations in these two places. After a moment of contemplation, he separated the shadow clones again and moved towards the house of the third generation of Tukage Onogi.

As for himself, he quietly entered the Tuying Building.

Tuying building is the office of Tuying, which stores a large number of confidential documents and important intelligence materials.

Feng Huo is not very interested in these things. The only thing that can attract him at this time is ninjutsu and forbidden techniques that enhance his strength.


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