Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 702: Onoki's Practice Experience Scroll

In the backyard of Onogi's house in the third generation of Dokage, Kuroto sits on the wooden corridor and looks up at the bright moon in the sky.

"Grandpa Stinky, will Uchiha Fenghuo come?"

"Uchiha Fuho is an extremely confident person, he will definitely come." Onogi floated in the air, looked up to appreciate the moonlight, and said with a smile, "Maybe he has sneaked into our village by now."

"Hmph, how is it possible, we have opened all the seals and restrictions outside the village!" Heitu snorted, "Unless he comes in through the gate!"

Onogi smiled and said: "The danger of being exposed from the main entrance is too great. Uchiha Fenghuo is a cautious person, and he would not take such risks. And don't forget, he is very good at sealing techniques, so he must not think highly of our Yanyin Village. The seal is forbidden, so I can guarantee that he will enter my Yanyin Village from the side!"

"Grandpa Smelly, you are so confident!" Heitu snorted.

"Don't worry, at the gate, I have also arranged a perceptual ninja, and I will definitely not let Uchiha Fenghuo in!" Onogi looked confident.

The confident Onoki didn't know that his office was trembling under the crotch that was being sealed off at the moment.

There are Anbu guardians in Tuyinglou, but Fenghuo directly uses Sharingan to pull them into the world of illusion, and they are confused.

Entering Onogi's office, Fenghuo immediately turned on the search mode, and soon found several sealed scrolls, and after cracking them in seconds, Fenghuo found that they were full of information.

Without further ado, Feng Huo picked up Kunai and began to scribble, cutting the scroll to pieces, and stopped when he could no longer recognize the notes inside.

Then, Fenghuo continued to search, scraping the ground three feet, but nothing was gained.

‘Three Hokages have seal scrolls, don’t you, the three generations of Dokage, don’t you? '

Feng Huo looked around unwillingly, and then he raised his brows!

On the desk near the window sill, there was an open scroll. Because the scroll was placed too openly, Fenghuo never paid attention to it.

At this time, he was treating a dead horse as a live horse doctor, and when he picked it up to have a look, he was immediately delighted.

The contents of this scroll are actually some ninjutsu training experience!

'The art of aggravated rocks, the art of light and heavy rocks, the art of super-weighted rocks, and the art of ultra-light and heavy rocks. '

These four ninjutsu are clearly Onogi's ninjutsu.

In other words, this scroll was written by Onoki himself!

'It's a pity that I don't have the experience of Chen Dun's practice. '

It's a little regretful to close the fire.

But soon he was happy.

With this scroll, he can completely practice these four ninjutsu successfully!

Think about it, Susanoo's big copper hammer coupled with the super-weighted rock technique...

In terms of strength alone, he should be able to become the strongest in the ninja world... right?

At this moment, the shadow clone he sent to Onogi's house dissipated and sent back the memory.

‘Oh, it’s there! '

Through the chakra perception technique, Fenghuo has confirmed the specific place where Didara is being held, but the guard there is a bit strict.

There are hundreds of Jonin-level Chakra fluctuations alone!

And Onoki, the perverted old man.

His Blood Successor eliminated Chen Dun, and even with Susano activated, Feng Huo didn't dare to fight hard.

Leaving Tuyinglou, Fenghuo quickly rushed to Ohnoki's house.

At this time, the sky was getting darker and darker, except for a bright moon in the sky, there was no afterglow.

An Anbu Yanyin leaned his back against the wall, resting his hands on his head and looking at the bright moon in the sky. Suddenly, a burst of dark clouds drifted past, covering the bright moon.

At this moment, the moonlight disappeared, and the night became more and more drowsy. This Yanyin Anbu found that the surroundings were plunged into darkness, but the next moment, there was a faint moonlight pouring down again.

He looked up at the night sky, the dark clouds still covered the moon, and then he didn't care, and continued to be vigilant.

The person who had the same experience as Anbu extended all the way from the side yard to the small black room where Didala was held.

Using the art of walking in the dark combined with the illusion of sharing eyes, Feng Huo came to the small black house unimpeded all the way.

"Huh? Interesting."

With a smile on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth, he looked at the restriction outside the small black room with great interest.

This restriction has no power at all, but once it is touched, it will trigger an alarm, unless the unique unknotting method of this restriction is obtained, or, it is opened from the inside!

Feng Huo didn't have extra time to study the prohibition right now, so he directly opened Sharingan to Kaleidoscope.

'The tomb of the wheel! '

The shadow of the round tomb is a shadow clone located in the world of the round tomb. Compared with this world, it is invisible and invisible, and it is easy to enter the small black room.

Through the vision of the shadow of the tomb, Feng Huo saw that Didala was tied to a big pillar with five flowers, and was sleeping soundly with his head hanging down.


The shadow of the tomb made a move and cut the rope directly.

Deidara just fell to the ground defenselessly, face down.


Didara clutched his nose and jumped up from the ground, with blood flowing from his nose.

"what happened?!"

Didara looked around, the small black room was quiet, without light or sound.

"Hey, why did I let go?" Didara looked at his free hands and feet, a little inexplicably.

But he soon had a wonderful premonition.

He quietly groped for the small black room, and slowly opened the door from inside.

Sure enough, the ban outside the small black house did not sound an alarm.

"I knew it was you, um." Seeing the person standing under the dim moonlight, Didara felt a little touched inexplicably.

"Let's go, we don't have much time." Feng Huo whispered.

"My Chakra is sealed!" Didara said with a bitter face.

"Let's go out first!"

Feng Huo grabbed his shoulders, and then quickly led him back the same way.

Using the technique of dark walking and the illusion of Sharingan to open the way, the two left Onogi's house smoothly.

"Are those guys blind? Hmm." Didara still couldn't believe it when he came out.

They just walked out in front of those Anbu?

Too arrogant? !

There are so many beeps.

Feng Huo led him towards the gate of Yanyin Village.

Didara disappeared from the small black room, and he would be found within half an hour. Their time was still a bit tight.

On the way, Fenghuo unlocked the seal in Didara's body.

Didara immediately wanted to make clay bombs to blow up Yanyin Village.

Regrettably, all the detonating clay on his body was taken away by Yan Ren, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Didara felt a little uncomfortable.

Onogi accompanied his precious granddaughter to chat while admiring the bright moon~www.readwn.com~ in the backyard of their home, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

At this moment, an Anbu came over and reported that everything was normal.

Anbu would come to report every half hour, which is why Fenghuo had to leave quickly within half an hour.

Onogi smiled and nodded, then continued to look up.

Anbu was a little confused, and muttered: "Isn't the moon covered by dark clouds, what is Master Tuying looking at?"

This burst of muttering came into the ears of Onoki and Heitu, and they felt it was deafening, the hairs all over their bodies stood up, and they couldn't control themselves!


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