Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 703: run away

"What did you... just say! Say it again!"

Onoki said coldly with a sullen face.

Anbu was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Master Tukage, I just..."

"Say it!" Onoki was so angry that his nose turned rose red.

"I, I just said that tonight's moon is covered by dark clouds, so, so..." The Anbu was a little confused.

Onoki and Heitu looked up at the bright moon in the night sky above their heads, and then looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Grandpa, could it be..." Heitu had an ominous premonition.

Ohnoki nodded: "Well, it's probably an illusion!"

With a dark face, he floated to the top of Anbu's head, put one hand on his shoulder, and then poured into Chakra.

Soon, Anbu's whole body trembled, and then he discovered the abnormality.

How did the surroundings become so bright?

He looked up at the night sky, and the bright moon almost blinded his eyes!

"How is it possible? I...I..." Anbu's mouth was dry for a while, just now, there was obviously a big dark cloud covering the moon!

Onogi snorted coldly, and said angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze, go and see if that **** Didala is still there!"

Anbu woke up like a dream, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and left quickly.

Soon, Onoki's home became lively.

"Damn it, it's an illusion, when did I get the illusion?!"

"It's definitely Uchiha Fuu, you bastard!"

"No, Deidara is gone!"

"How is it possible, if the restriction is broken, why doesn't the alarm go off?"

"It was opened from the inside, it's strange, isn't Deidara **** by us!?"

All the Anbu were shocked and angry, and then quickly and thoroughly investigated, and soon found the traces left by Fenghuo and Didala's departure.

"Chase! They must not be allowed to leave the village!"

"It's a shame, you must kill them!"

When Yanyin Anbu set off to pursue, Fenghuo and Didara had already arrived at the gate of Yanyin Village.

At this time, this place has been covered by the seal restriction, but there is no panic in sealing the fire. The seal restriction here, Shangshiyi had already told him the gesture of releasing the seal. walk away.


When Yanyin Anbu chased after the door, he heard a sharp eagle cry from high in the sky, resounding through the sky!

"It's the psychic beast that Uchiha sealed the fire!"

"Damn it, he's already gone!"


At this moment, Didara's roar came from the air.

"You bastards, remember it for me. I will definitely blow this village to pieces in the future, eh!"

"Damn it, it's that guy Didara's voice."

"Lord Tuying is so kind to him, but he never appreciates it!"


Amidst the noise, Onogi slowly floated in front of the crowd, looking up at the blurred shadow of the eagle under the moonlight.

"Master Tukage!"

All the Anbu knelt down to plead guilty, blaming themselves endlessly.

"I don't blame you, I was careless, but..." Onogi looked at the restrictions at the entrance of the village, his face gradually turned cold, "Uchiha Fenghuo can leave so easily, he must have mastered the unseal printing method of these seal restrictions! "

"Master Dokage means... there are spies?"

Suddenly, an Anbu came quickly from the direction of Tuyinglou, and shouted loudly: "Master Tuying, it's bad, your office has been stolen!"

Onoki's face darkened, and he flew towards Tuyinglou without saying a word.

When he came to his office, the corners of Ohnoki's eyes kept twitching.

I saw that the office had been scraped three feet away, the drill bits on the floor and the wall had been forcibly snapped off, and they were piled up in a mess. Messy scrolls were everywhere, and the scene was a mess!

"Uchiha...Fenghuo! You **** bastard, thief!!"

Onoki's forehead overflowed with anger. He picked up the scroll on the ground, and saw that the scroll was full of scratches cut by Kunai, full of holes, and he couldn't bear to look directly at it!

Onoki's chest grew more and more angry.

Thinking of Didara who was rescued again, Onogi's eyes darkened...and he twisted his waist.

"It hurts..."

Onoki fell to the ground disheveledly, but was tripped by the drill bit again, and fell on the ground and couldn't get up.

On the back of Chao Rondo II, Didara folded his hands on his chest, and the oncoming strong wind slapped his face, but he didn't notice it.

'This is the taste of freedom, eh! '

Didara raised his head to the sky and roared, a gust of strong wind entered his stomach, choking him so that he hurriedly bent over.

Feng Huo was sitting next to him with his back turned, looking at the training experience from Onogi's office with his eyes shining.

The art of aggravated rocks, the art of light and heavy rocks, the art of super-weighted rocks, and the art of ultra-light and heavy rocks, these four arts are not easy to practice, even Ohnoki's son Huang Tu has not mastered all these four arts .

Feng Huo guessed that Onomu wrote down this practice experience, and it should be handed over to Huangtu, so that he can take it out and read it at any time when he encounters something he doesn't understand.

But in the end it was cheap to seal the fire.

"What are you looking at?" Didara leaned his head over after taking a breath, saw the handwriting on it, and shouted immediately, "This is the handwriting of that stinky old man Onoki, eh!"

"That's right, I found it from his office." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Want to see it?"

"Hmph, no, I don't like any of that old man's tricks!" Didara turned his head and said again, "Well, those **** have already taken my detonating clay, and I need to add some."

Feng Huo said without raising his head: "Okay, when you arrive in the country of Taki, you can go to the black market to buy it yourself."

"Money!" Dida stretched out his hand.

Feng Huo was shocked all over, and asked in disbelief: "I have traveled thousands of miles and risked my life to save you, and not only did you not say thank you, you even asked me for money?!"

"If you don't give me money, I can only go to the black market to pick up tasks to make money, um." Didara said as a matter of course.

The black market missions he was talking about were naturally those terrorist attack missions that required the art of explosions.

Before following the fire closure, Didala used these tasks to maintain his research funding for explosion art, and it was also an important way to prove his explosion art.

Feng Huo sighed ~www.readwn.com~ and was about to speak, Didara suddenly widened his eyes and asked, "By the way, I heard from Iwa Shinobi that you attacked the Third Hokage and defected from Konoha? ! This is true and false!"

Feng Huo looked at the sparkling and excited look in Didala's eyes, and felt a little depressed: "What's the matter with your gloating eyes, are you very happy?"

"Of course, I've been unhappy with Konoha for a long time, now we can blow Konoha to the sky together, eh!" Didara vowed.

Fenghuo's brain hurts.

I have written a monthly ticket for such a long time.


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