Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 704: guess

Back at Longin Village, Fenghuo gave Didara a sum of money to buy materials for making explosive clay.

After Feng Huo defected from Konoha, his dividends from Konoha Newspaper and Konoha Fried Chicken naturally disappeared, so money is a bit tight recently, and he can't wait to mix one or two into one hundred.

Fortunately, the weather is getting warmer now, and the ice in the sea area near the Snow Country is beginning to disintegrate. Once the route is opened, the fleet formed by Shiyue will be able to make a profit.

After defeating Didara, Fenghuo began to retreat and practice.

Aggravated rock technique, light and heavy rock technique, aggravated rock technique, light and heavy rock technique, these four techniques are very difficult to practice, and if you want to be proficient, you need to have a natural affinity for earth escape ninjutsu.

Like Fenghuo, who can only rely on the change of Chakra's nature to use earth escape ninjutsu, even if mastered, it is impossible to exert extreme power.

But Feng Huo didn't panic at all.

The weight of the two big copper hammers that he Susano used was already astonishing, and with the addition of the Aggravated Rock Technique or the Aggravated Rock Technique, it would be like smashing down two mountains, who can stop it?

And when the fire was sealed off, the news of his defection to Konoha finally reached the Snow Country.

Beside the stove in the house, Obito, Shisui, Bai, and Xia Rixing and his wife gathered together.

"What the **** is that guy Fenghuo doing? He even assassinated Hokage-sama, you bastard!" Obito was stunned when he heard the news, his heart was cold and his heart was flying.

He wished he could directly confront Feng Huo and ask him why he did this!

"Master Hokage is a very kind grandfather." Bai was also beside him, hesitated for a moment, and continued, "However, I think Brother Fenghuo must have a reason for doing this."

Zhishui sat beside him and added bricks and tiles to the stove, working silently.

"Shisui, what do you think?" Obito looked at Shisui and asked angrily.

Zhishui was silent for a while before slowly opening his mouth: "I agree with Bai."

"But, no matter what I think, there is no reason for Fenghuo to do this!" Obito shouted dissatisfied.

"Obito, when Sharingan evolves into a kaleidoscope, it will awaken two unique pupil techniques." Shisui said slowly, "I probably know the two pupil techniques of the captain, they are very powerful , if he really wants to kill the third generation, even if Anbu led by Konoha Hakuba Sakumo-senpai stops him, he won't be able to stop him!"

The Xia Rixing couple, who were making soy sauce next to them, were horrified when they heard this.

Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo, but a super powerhouse who rose up during the Second Ninja World War, even Konoha Sannin would shy away from him when he saw it. Even such a person can't stop Feng Huo?

How powerful is he?

Obito frowned: "But in the intelligence, didn't it say that Kai stopped the fire?"

Zhishui smiled and said, "Who knows."

"Hey, are you perfunctory to me? Damn it!" Obito became angry with embarrassment. He had been here for a long time, and he felt like a clown!

"Do you still remember what happened before?" Shisui ignored Obito who was jumping up and down, and analyzed, "Oshemaru suddenly came to the Snow Country, and joined forces with Snow Ninja Village, and even the daimyo of the Snow Country."

Xia Rixing said: "Zhishui, you mean those civilians who suddenly appeared and disappeared before?"

Shisui nodded: "That's right, those people were sent by the Daimyo of the Snow Country, and their purpose should be to search for something. But they didn't find it, so they left."

"What do you want to say?" Obito clasped his hands and hummed.

"The things they searched should be related to the captain." Shisui pondered, "Didn't you say that the captain once left alone after Obito? I think he should have met with Orochimaru, maybe it was a negotiation, or Possibly a fight."

"And then?" Obito was confused.

"Then...the captain assassinated the third generation." Zhishui said quietly, looking at the flames on the stove.

"Does this have anything to do with it?" Obito looked confused.

Xia Rixing asked suspiciously: "Shishui, you mean that Fenghuo's assassination of three generations is related to Orochimaru?"

"It's just my guess." Zhi Shui said, "If you want to prove it, you can only go to the captain."

"Then go find him!" Obito snorted, "If he doesn't say anything, I'll beat him until he does!"

At this time, Ying Huanxing, who had been sitting beside him silently, suddenly spoke up and asked, "Stop the water, take the soil, do you know why the fire seal wants us all to be placed in the Land of Snow?"

Shisui was startled, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "Could it be related to what Orochimaru is looking for!"

Water-stopping eyes.

Over the years, the captain first placed Xia Rixing and his wife to the Snow Country, then him, then Obito, Shiro, and even the former leader of Takinobu Village, She Yue, was dragged here!

If the captain simply wants to organize a force independent of Konoha, he can choose Taki Ninja Village as the location!

The geographical location of Longin Village is very rugged, surrounded by a large number of waterfalls, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is Longin Village leader Sheyue and his son, occupying the right time, place and people, it is definitely a more suitable place than Snow Country!

Therefore, the captain's abandonment of Takinobu Village and placing them in the Snow Country is definitely related to something he hides here!

Zhishui felt that he was only half a step away from the truth, but this half step was not easy.

"What exactly did Brother Fenghuo hide in the Land of Snow?" Bai asked curiously.

Xia Rixing pondered and said: "Oshemaru has united with Xueren Village, then we may be able to find what Fenghuo hides through Xueren Village."

"Well, wouldn't this be too good." Bai was a little uneasy, "What should I do if Brother Fenghuo is angry?"

Zhishui also nodded: "The captain hid things in the Snow Country, but didn't tell us. It should be very important and cannot be leaked. I don't recommend doing this."

"But even if we don't investigate, what about Xueren Village?" Xia Rixing said, "Many Xueren were killed before the fire was sealed off, even the leader of Xueren Village died, they will never treat this incident as never happened! "

"Oshemaru has worked with them before, so they must have the information that Orochimaru has in their hands. If so..." Shishui frowned gradually.

"So ~www.readwn.com~ What should we do now? Should we go to Xue Ren, or that **** Feng Huo!"

"I think there are two ways, Shishui and we monitor Xueren, Obito, you and Bai go to Fenghuo!" Xia Rixing said.

"Okay, it's so decided!" Obito couldn't take it away for a moment, "Bai, let's go!"

After the two left, Yingxing said: "Xia Rixing, you and Zhishui should act together, I will stay here to take care of Smail."

"Yeah." Xia Rixing showed a gentle smile.

"Then, let's go out too!" Zhishui said with a smile.


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