Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 705: poetry and distance

"Aggravated rock technique!"

"Aggravated rock technique!"

"Aggravated rock technique!"

In a flat area near Taki Ninja Village, a group of beautiful male shadow clones from Fenghuo are lined up one by one, practicing hard.

Not far away, there was another row of shadow clones practicing the technique of light and heavy rocks, and the scene was very spectacular.

As for the jutsu of weighted rocks and the jutsu of light and heavy rocks, it can only be learned after Feng Huo has mastered the above two ninjutsu.

Although the training of these ninjutsu is difficult, fortunately, Feng Huo Ying has enough clones. One day of his practice is equivalent to three months or even longer for others.

Therefore, it only took about half a month for Fenghuo to successfully master the technique of weighted rocks and light and heavy rocks.

After experiments, Fenghuo found that the technique of increasing the weight of rocks can increase his weight by about three times, and the technique of light and heavy rocks can reduce his weight by three times. This multiple is useless to ordinary people. How about a person who weighs 180 Jin can increase his weight by three times? What's the use of your own weight? Triple the weight and it's impossible to float like Onoki. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

But if it is based on the weight of Susanoo's big copper hammer, it will be extremely terrifying.

Of course, the multiple of three times is only temporary. With Fenghuo's in-depth research, learning, and mastery of these two techniques, the multiple will naturally increase, and then evolve into the technique of aggravating rocks and the technique of light and heavy rocks.

And the bigger the multiple, the more chakras will be consumed. Fortunately, there is Misao Isao in the backing of Fenghuo, so don't panic.

After learning these two things, Feng Huo turned around and developed the Thunder Protection Body.

A few years have passed since the two-handed version of the Thunder Dungeon was derived, and although the derivation has been intermittent in the past few years, the two-legged version has also been deduced by half. Deduce, strive for a one-time pass.

Two hundred or so shadow clones stood in disorder in the forest, each of them flashed with thunder and crackled, and suddenly a few shadow clones exploded with a bang, and then passed on the experience of failure to other shadow clones. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Feng Huo sat in the middle, constantly adding shadow clones, maintaining the training of two hundred shadow clones.

A few days later, the big tortoise in Fenghuo's belly became unhappy.

All the chakras needed by the two hundred shadow clones were provided by Isata, which made it feel like it had become a sewer, with chakras coming in and out, making it difficult to sleep well. Let out an angry roar in the waterhole world!

Fenghuo had no choice but to project his spirit into the sealed world, and then use Thunder Dun-Millennium Killing to teach Jiji how to make a turtle.

Sure enough, after a few days of sealing the fire, Jijigui'er's head was wilted and he calmed down.

Ten days later, just as the derivation of Lei Dun's body was about to succeed, Sheyue brought Obito and Bai to find him.

When Fenghuo began to practice the art of heavy rocks and light and heavy rocks, Sheyue took a group of confidants and sailed to the land of snow in a merchant ship full of goods. , and brought Obito and Bai back along the way. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Fenghuo, what the **** is going on with you!" As soon as Obito saw Fenghuo, he yelled and rushed forward, and he could feel the anger and aggrieved deep in his heart from miles away. meaning.

Although there is a slight gap between Obito and the village because of the destruction of the Uchiha clan, he still knows how much the will of fire has affected him as a Konoha ninja.

Feng Huo sighed, and knew that this guy was going to come over.

But, why didn't Zhishui follow?

So he asked, "Where is Zhishui?"

Obito snorted, "That guy went to monitor Xueren Village."

"Xue Ren Village?" Feng Huo frowned slightly, and his heart suddenly moved.

"Brother Fenghuo, Orochimaru used Xueren Village to find something before, Zhishui was worried that Xueren Village would follow the information of Orochimaru in order to retaliate against you." Bai explained, "So we split into two groups Already." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Feng Huo smiled wryly, this is really... A wise man must make a mistake if he thinks about it?

Or paper can't contain fire after all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world?

If those Snow Ninjas were to find out something, it would be a real joy.

Feng Huo lowered his head and pondered for a while, thinking that Dashewan had to bear the blame.

After all, it was Orochimaru who used Xueren Village, and he also proposed cooperation, so we can't let this bunch of **** go, right?

Anyway, the matter of Namakaze Minato was leaked, no matter whether Orochimaru did it or not, he will have to blame him!

"Fenghuo, I'm talking to you!" Obito jumped angrily when he saw Fenghuo was distracted.

Feng Huo said: "What a big deal, the third generation didn't die."

Rustic way: "Then tell me, why did you assassinate Hokage-sama!" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Obito, this world is not only about living in front of you, but also poetry and the distance, do you understand?" Feng Huo recited emotionally.

"Ah?" Obito was stunned for a moment, "What does this mean?"

"That is to say, don't just look at the immediate problem, you have to look at the problem from a long-term perspective!" Feng Huohu forcefully explained, "Just like the fact that I assassinated the third generation, it seems to be mediocre at the moment... Cough, but in the long run From a perspective, it may not be a bad thing!"

Obito heard that the duodenum is tangled into twelve sections, how can this be said as if it has not been said?

"Fenghuo, you are not fooling me, are you?" Obito groaned.

"Obito, you have such a high IQ, strong logical reasoning ability, good looks, and good speech, how could I have fooled you?" Feng Huo said righteously.

"Hmph, hum...hahaha, even if you say that, I won't be happy!" Obito scratched his head and smiled shyly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered that there is still something to deal with. What, Sheyue, help me arrange hundreds of old ladies crossing the road to bring soil, I'm leaving first!"

After the words fell, Feng Huo immediately disbanded all the shadow clones, and then left quickly.

The smile on Obito's face stiffened a bit.

What do you mean by arranging hundreds of old ladies crossing the road for me?

I use my strength to help the old lady cross the road, and I have to rely on others to arrange it? !

Obito's attention was quickly distracted by Fenghuo, and he was angry and anxious.

But at this time, Feng Huo had already psychicized the second form of round dance, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Two days later, Fenghuo rushed to Tian Zhiguo and found Dashemaru who was training his subordinates in Yinnin Village.

The last time the fire was sealed off and the Otonin Village was disturbed, all the ninjas stationed here were killed. Although Orochimaru didn’t value these subordinates very much~www.readwn.com~ but they had to cultivate some to expand the Otonin Village. face.

"Lord Fenghuo..."

Seeing Fenghuo reappear, the smile on the corner of Dashewan's mouth gradually faded.

In other words, he threatened Fenghuo to cooperate with Namikaze Minato to blackmail him and get benefits from him, but until now, it seems that Fenghuo has always sought help from him...

This is a bit embarrassing.

In the past few days, I was dragged to play mahjong, and I was arranged clearly. Please comfort me. . .


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