Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 709: Generation 0 and Temari

Konoha, the country of fire.

An old woman was walking in a dense forest with a golden and beautiful girl.

The elegant girl is carrying a fan on her back, looking left and right as she walks, full of interest in the surrounding trees.

"Grandma Chiyo, can we transplant these trees to the village so that we don't have to face so much wind and sand."

The pretty girl said with longing.

"This kind of thing is impossible, unless that man is resurrected." Chiyo spoke slowly, her voice was hoarse, with a strange sense of metal and iron rubbing against each other, and it was not like a human voice.

At the Battle of Kikyo Mountain that year, Chiyo was hammered to the brink of death by Susano, who was incarnated by the fire, and fell into a deep coma after being rescued by Sand Shinobi, lying on the bed like a vegetable for several years. Finally, Ebizo couldn't bear it. Spending the rest of his life like this without life or death, he brazenly used the forbidden technique to transform Chiyo into a puppet! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

After Chiyo woke up, she really couldn't bear the fact that she became a puppet for a while, but fortunately, her hatred for Fenghuo, her obsession with the village, and her love for her grandson Xie made her persevere.

In the next few years, after Chiyo got used to her puppet body, she began to take the initiative to transform herself. Over the past ten years, Chiyo gradually replaced the flesh and blood organs on her body with puppet objects. To some extent, Chiyo and her at this time His grandson, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, is not much different.

Chiyo wanted to go to Konoha to seek Fenghuo's revenge countless times, but at that time Shayin Village had already formed an alliance with Konoha, killing Fenghuo would definitely lead to antagonism between the two hidden villages, and might even start another war with the help of hawk ninjas. Chiyo struggled to suppress the hatred in her heart, until not long ago, news came that Feng Huo had defected from Konoha!

Chiyo couldn't wait to come out to seek revenge on him, and wash away the humiliation of the Battle of Kikyo Mountain! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

But being held back by Hai Laozang, Chiyo had no choice but to leave the village on the grounds of looking for his precious grandson Xie. This time, Hai Laozang couldn't find a reason to refuse, but he was mature enough to go straight to the fourth Kazekage Luosha, and then Arranged Rosa's daughter Temari to Chiyo's side.

Although Chiyo has become a puppet, his feelings are still there. With Temari, the oil bottle by his side, even if Chiyo wants to kill Fenghuo desperately, he must consider whether he will be implicated in the oil bottle around him.

"Grandma Chiyo, is it really that difficult to plant trees in the desert?" Temari asked, blinking.

Chiyo nodded: "Yes, the desert environment is too extreme, and it is difficult for trees to survive. Only when the tree world of the first generation of Hokage comes, can the forest survive in the desert. There is an oasis deep in the desert of the Kingdom of the Wind, which is the first generation of Hokage. It was made by a wooden escape."

"It's amazing!" Seju boasted with his eyes widened, and then his eyes were a little lonely, "It would be great if there were people in our village who could awaken Mu Dun."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Since ancient times in the ninja world, only Senjujuma has awakened Mudun, so don't pin your hopes on such illusory things." Chiyo snorted slightly dissatisfied.

This oily girl looks a little too pretentious to others, and is far less cute than her precious grandson.

Chiyo looked up and down at Temari, secretly thinking that he was going to seek revenge from Uchiha Fenghuo, so he had to find a way to leave the oil bottle behind.

However, Temari has only graduated from ninja school for more than a year, and her strength is too poor. If she is left in the land of fire, she will be in danger.

But it can't be thrown into the Land of Wind, otherwise the girl would run back to the village, and that old **** Hai Laozang would have to carry a sedan chair to find her?

Thinking about it left and right, Chiyo's wooden head hurts.

‘Forget it, let’s recruit the **** Uchiha Fume first. ’&1t;i>&1t;/i>

After Chiyo made the decision, she brought Temari to a nearby town, and then searched the black market for information on Uchiha's fire suppression.

Since the Fenghuo rebellion, there have been more than a dozen commissions related to Fenghuo in the black market. The contents of the commissions are similar, but they come from different forces. Even hidden villages may have different factions who want to get Uchiha Fenghuo .

Because of this, the information about sealing the fire is very valuable in the black market!

For example, before sealing the fire, I went to find Tsunade in order to learn the Yin seal, and left many footprints in various towns in the country of fire. These footprints, the first footprint sells for a price, and the second footprint can only be bought after buying the first one. It is a price, until the last footprint, the value of these information is quite amazing, and these footprints can still sell more than a dozen copies, it is simply killing people.

Chiyo had bought information on the first two footprints before, but after searching around, he found no useful information, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and buy information on the third footprint. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

When it came to the black market, Chiyo found that the price of the third footprint had risen again. Looking at her wallet, she was in a bad mood. She wanted to find trouble in the black market, but the water in the black market was too deep, involving the dignitaries of various countries, wandering ninjas, and possibly It has connections in the five hidden villages, Chiyo is not stupid, there is no need to offend the countless power groups behind the black market for a little 'trivial matter'.

In fact, Chiyo was also a rich man before, a rich woman!

But she has been nesting in Hidden Sand Village to transform herself these years, and the puppet materials she needs have almost filled in her savings from the first half of her life, and with her status in Hidden Sand Village, she doesn't have to be assigned any tasks. And he doesn't have the ability to turn stones into gold like sealing fire, so he has no source of income, so he's just sitting and eating.

Thinking back before the Scarlet Sand Scorpion joined Xiaoqian, in order to transform himself, he frantically slaughtered villages in the Land of Wind and collected puppet materials, otherwise he would not be able to sustain the consumption of transformation at all.

Chiyo was able to support until now that she ran out of funds, which is enough to show how rich she was in the first half of her life.

"let's go!"

Chiyo turned hard and left the black market.

Temari was a little puzzled: "Grandma Chiyo, aren't we going to buy information?"

"Those are outdated information, it's useless to buy them!"

Although he was telling the truth, Chiyo's tone was a bit sad.

"Oh." Temari responded, and then was attracted by other things, looking around.

Chiyo became more displeased.

This oil bottle doesn't care about the old man at all, unlike her precious grandson Xie, every time she came home before, Xie would come out to welcome her, asking questions...although the questions were all about Xie's parents~www. readwn.com~ I don't know if Xie will recognize me as a grandma when he sees me now. '

Chiyo sighed, patted her bulging chest, and there was a solid bang.

When Temari next to her heard the sound, her eyes popped out. She lowered her head to look at her slightly swollen breasts, and patted her slightly, which was soft without making a solid sound.

Chiyo's face turned even darker, as if she hadn't seen it, but her footsteps sped up slightly.

"Grandma Chiyo wait for me."

Temari shook Jinxiu and followed.


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