Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 710: Orochimaru can also have sex?

After walking around the Land of Fire like a headless chicken with a tow bottle for more than half a month, Chiyo couldn't find any trace of Fenghuo.

Chiyo went round and round, but came to the black market again helplessly.

'Now if you want to find Uchiha Fenghuo, you must rely on the power of the black market! '

But I didn't come for more than half a month, and the price of the information about Uchiha's sealing fire has increased a lot.


Chiyo gritted her teeth, and then checked other black market tasks.

The most profitable employment mission in the black market today is the war mission about the country of grass.

I don't know what is going on in the Country of Grass, the daimyo of the Country of Grass and the leader of the Kusanagi Village are on the lead, and a war is brazenly launched.

Although Kusanagi Village is just a small ninja village, no matter how small it is, it is still a ninja. How could the ordinary fighters under the Daimyo of the Grass Country be the opponents of ninjas? &1t;i>&1t;/i>

So the Daimyo of the Country of Grass hired wandering ninjas with high salaries on the black market to resist the ninjas in Kusanagi Village!

Now in Kusanagi, the daimyo's army cooperates with the hired wandering ninjas and the ninjas of Kusanagi Village. You slap, I slap, and the fight is fierce.

‘Hmph, chickens peck each other! '

Chiyo snorted coldly in disdain, then turned to his opponent and said solemnly, "Temari, since you came out with me to practice, you should start with this mission."

Temari's eyes lit up, and he said loudly, "Yes!"

After accepting the employment mission of the daimyo of the country of grass, the two immediately set off for the country of grass.

The reward for this employment task is calculated by the number of days. If you help the grass country daimyo fight for one day, you will get one day's reward, and if you fight for one month, you will get one month's reward. Possibility, after silently calculating, I feel that half a month's remuneration should be enough. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Of course, making money and so on is secondary, the most important thing is to be able to experience Temari!

Chiyo thought of her precious grandson again, if Xie was still there, why would she worry so much?

This oil bottle is really not a man!

Seven days later, the two rushed to the Country of Grass, Chiyo turned into a passer-by, and Temari successfully joined the army of the Daimyo of the Country of Grass and began to conquer Kusanagi Village.

After several battles, Temari was injured several times. If it wasn't for Chiyo's secret help, he might have been killed by the ninjas of Kusanagi Village.

But even so, Temari has been fighting hard, never complaining that she is tired, and her temperament has gradually become sharper.

At this time, in the capital of the country of grass, the daimyo of the country of grass is meeting two mysterious people in black and red robes in a secret room.

It is with the support of these two people that Daimyo of the Country of Grass dared to brazenly launch a war against Kusanagi Village. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

But now, the situation is not so good.

"What does it mean that you will divest now after the war is over?!" Daimyo of the Country of Grass was furious, with infinite fear in his heart.

The money that the grass country daimyo hired black market ninjas was all borrowed from these two people. If they withdrew their capital, this war would not be able to go on at all!

"Hehehe... The war between you and Grass Ninja Village has been going on for too long now. More and more wandering ninjas come here every day. Even our funds have bottomed out."

The person who spoke had a shark face, and it was a dried persimmon ghost shark.

And the person next to him is obviously Itachi Uchiha.

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the country of grass, and said: "If I am defeated, all the funds you invested will disappear. This is not what you want to see, right? So, so you must support me to finish this war!"&1t;i >&1t;/i>

"That's not necessarily true." The dried persimmon ghost sneered, "We can definitely cooperate with Cao Ninja Village. When the time comes...heh heh."

"You!" Daimyo of the Grass Country trembled, as if he had come to his senses, but he couldn't get off the tiger right now, so he had to suppress the fear in his heart and pretend to be calm, "What Kusanagi Village can give you, I can do the same! Your terms!"

"Then I won't be polite, all the mineral veins in your country of grass will be handed over to us!" Kisame Kisame squinted his eyes and smiled.

The daimyo of the country of grass is furious!

This old salted fish really doesn't know what politeness is!

Just now he said he had no money, now the lion opened his mouth, he is simply a blood-sucking shark!

Such conditions are simply the spine of the country of pumping grass!

But, if he loses the battle, not only this spine, but also other parts will become the ones of Cao Ninja Village, and he will get nothing, no, at that time, he may not even be able to save his life! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Helpless, he had no choice but to agree.

"I agree!"

"Very good, then, let's sign the contract." Gan Shi Gui Sha quickly took out the scroll, obviously coming prepared.

The Daimyo of the Country of Grass signed and stamped with a black face of humiliation, Kisame smiled and disappeared with Uchiha Itachi.

"Bastard!" Daimyo of the Country of Grass smashed all the things in the secret room, and then vented all the anger in his heart on the opposite Kusanagi, starting several battles one after another.

Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame, who left the capital of the Land of Grass, did not return to the Land of Rain.

"Itachi, next, shouldn't we go to Kusanagi Village?" Kisame Kisame put away the scroll, but the smile on his face did not diminish.

Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly, thinking of the war in the Country of Grass, he couldn't help being startled by the money-gathering of the Akatsuki organization, but he was in the middle of it, so he had to follow the trend and said lightly: "Let's go."&1t ;i>&1t;/i>

At the same time, on the border between the Country of Grass and the Country of Taki, Orochimaru and Fenghuo are wading through mountains and rivers.

"I said Orochimaru, is your information reliable?" Feng Huo rested his bored hands on the back of his head, and followed behind Orochimaru slowly, his eyes narrowed into slits, staring at the back of Orochimaru's head with evil intentions.

"I have been in the Akatsuki organization before, so I know their mode of action. The outbreak of the war in the country of grass must be provoked by the Akatsuki organization, and then take the opportunity to make money, so don't worry, Feng Huo, we will soon You can see Itachi and Kisame." Orochimaru's cold and hoarse voice seemed to come from hell, and it was quite uncomfortable to hear.

Of course, at this moment, Orochimaru also felt a little uncomfortable, and the sight of Fenghuo made the skin on the back of his neck a layer of chicken skin, but he didn't look back, and walked straight forward.

Feng Huo looked at it for a while, then turned his eyes away.

It's easy to defeat Orochimaru, but difficult to kill him.

However, Fenghuo also found something unusual.

The skin on the back of Orochimaru's neck is very delicate and smooth, like satin, and even reflects a faint halo under the sun. Such a white skin like jade is absolutely impossible for a man to have.

Then here comes the truth~www.readwn.com~ Orochimaru's body at the moment is very likely to be a woman!

I don't know if I can have sex?

When Feng Huo thought of this, his stomach suddenly felt nauseous.

"What's the matter, Lord Fenghuo?" Da Shewan noticed that Fenghuo's aura was abnormal, and couldn't help but turn around and asked.


Seeing that face, Feng Huo couldn't control his body immediately, clutching his stomach and retching.


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