Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 711: exposed

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After entering the country of grass, Fenghuo and Orochimaru headed towards the capital of the country of grass.

According to Orochimaru, there is no lower limit for the Akatsuki organization to make money. After provoking a war between Daimyo, the drafting country, and Kusanagi Village, they will maintain the balance of power between the two sides, make the war last as long as possible, and then crazily start a big war from both sides. fiscal!

Close to the capital of the country of grass, Fenghuo's chakra perception technique detected a large number of chakra fluctuations, basically all of them were between the lowly ninja and the middle ninja, and they were wandering ninjas hired on the black market.

Feng Huo is now a celebrity in the ninja world, so he pretended to be a disguise, but Orochimaru is a bachelor, with that elegant black hair, wearing that enchanting kimono, Shi Shi went away.

After the two entered the capital of the Country of Grass, they began to search everywhere, but after searching for several days, there was no trace of Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame.

"Should we wait, or go to Cao Ninja Village?" Feng Huo asked, "Why don't you ask the name of the country of grass?"

Under the night, with the gentle moonlight shining on the two of them, Feng Huo subconsciously took a few steps back, feeling a little chilly in his heart.

Orochimaru didn't know what Fenghuo was thinking, and pondered: "If you disturb the name of the country of grass, it is very likely to scare the snake! Itachi and Kisame will appear at any time. You stay here. I will go to Kusanagi Village. If they appear, use The shadow clone contacts the other party, Lord Feng Huo, is there any problem?"

"Of course." Feng Huo responded with a single gulp.

Afterwards, Orochimaru left overnight and hurried to Kusanagi Village.

Here, as soon as Orochimaru left, Fenghuo slacked off and started working hard.

Over there at Kusanagi Village.

After Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame came to Kusanagi Village, they immediately found the leader of Kusanagi Village, and then took out a variety of ninja supplies such as kunai, shurikens, bandages, and even detonating charms, intending to sell them to the other party at a high price.

The leader of Kusanagi Village checked and confirmed that they could provide a large amount of these ninja supplies. He smiled happily, but when he heard the quotation, his face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "You two, your quotation is too high. These things, even if it is Going to the black market to buy it is not worth so much money!"

"Since we sell this price, it means that these things are worth this price!" Kisame Kisame sneered again and again, "Are you sure you reject our offer?"

The leader of Kusunin village straightened his spine: "Ah, I refuse!"

"In this case, we can only sell these materials to the Daimyo of the Country of Grass!" Kisame Kisame said regretfully, spreading his hands.

The leader of Cao Ninja Village snorted disdainfully, and said confidently: "Don't be kidding! That **** almost went bankrupt in order to hire black market ninjas. It is impossible for him to have the money to buy your supplies!"

"Really?" Kisame Kisame grinned, "But what if we give it away for free?"

The expression of the village leader Kusanagi changed.

If it is given away for free...then those miscellaneous soldiers in the black market can definitely increase their combat power by one or two layers with these excellent ninja supplies. Although the improvement is not large, it is enough to establish a weak advantage on the battlefield!

Once this advantage is expanded, it will be a matter of time before the defeat!

The leader of Cao Nin Village was furious, and then suppressed his anger, bit the bullet and showed a confident smile, and retorted: "I don't believe it, I don't believe you dare to provide so many supplies to that **** for free!"

Uchiha Itachi has been silent by the side, at this time slowly walked forward, and said coldly: "You can gamble, but as the leader of Kusanagi Village, you have to consider the consequences of losing the bet."

The village leader of Cao Ninja was pinched by his sore foot and gritted his teeth: "You guys, you guys are taking advantage of the fire to rob!"

"Don't say that, our business has always been your wish, if you don't buy it, the garbage can only be given to the Daimyo of the Country of Grass, ha ha ha." Kisame Kisame joked patiently.

Before this was released, he had stretched his shark muscle across the neck of the leader of Kusanagi Village to see if he would buy it, but now that he was wearing the skin of the red cloud with a black background, he had no choice but to suppress his feelings and make false claims with him.

The leader of Cao Ninja Village didn't know that he had died dozens of times in Ganshi Guixier's heart, and he still snarled at each other: "You **** fish ball, hate it!"

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark's cheeks twitched slightly, and said harshly: "The price will increase by 10%!"

"You!" The village leader of Kusanagi was bleeding from anger.

"My patience is limited!" Kisame Kisame couldn't help showing a hint of killing intent.

Feeling the murderous intent, the village leader of Cao Ninja immediately felt terrified, as if facing the thunderstorm and storm at sea alone.

'The opponent's strength is definitely not something that Kusanagi Village can compete with! ’ The leader of Cao Ninja village felt a chill in his heart.

"How are you thinking about it?" Uchiha Itachi's voice was flat, giving people the illusion of calming down.

The leader of Kusunin village didn't know that his voice was filled with illusion, infinitely amplifying the fear in his heart.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I agree!"

"So, happy cooperation!" Kisame Kisame laughed, then turned to look at Itachi Uchiha, and asked, "Since the cooperation is reached, can I kill him?"

The leader of Cao Ninja Village was shocked.

Fortunately, Uchiha Itachi was calm enough, shook his head and said, "He is an important partner and cannot be killed."

"What a pity." Kisame Kisame innocently spread his hands.

Itachi Uchiha was about to speak when his eyelids moved slightly, as if he had sensed something.

Under the window sill, a white streak disappeared into the night.

Half-paid, Orochimaru sneered with a sneer: "Itachi, you really appeared!"

Orochimaru immediately separated the shadow clone to notify Fenghuo, while he himself continued to hide in the dark, monitoring Uchiha Itachi and Kanshi Kisame.

On the other hand, Mo Yangong's Fenghuo was really bored, so he went to watch a big battle.

The wandering ninjas hired by the Daimyo of the Country of Grass from the black market are dressed in all kinds of clothes, like motley troops, and their strength is also different. Even if there are more people than Kusanagi, they are still pressed and rubbed. If this advantage is maintained, Kusanagi Village It is a matter of time before the war is won.


You watch the wind on the bridge, the people who watch the scenery watch you upstairs, the bright moon decorates your windows, and you decorate other people's dreams!

And it's a nightmare!

When Fenghuo was admiring the ninja battle~www.readwn.com~ Chiyo hid in the shadows, staring at Uchiha Fenghuo with cold eyes full of murderous intent.

She was originally protecting Temari in secret, but she didn't expect to see Uchiha Fuho!

Although more than ten years have passed, Chiyo has been collecting information about sealing the fire, and his appearance is naturally deeply imprinted in Chiyo's mind.

Even if he sealed the fire and disguised himself, he still couldn't hide it from her!

‘Uchiha seals the fire! I didn't expect to see you here, it's God's will! '

Chiyo couldn't control herself anymore.


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