Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 712: Human Puppet Generation 0

The sound of fighting in the battlefield soared to the sky, and the tragic momentum made Fenghuo's hair stand on end.

But immediately he noticed something was wrong.

How could I, who had personally experienced the third ninja world war, react to this small scene in front of me?

Feng Huo used the chakra perception technique calmly, and soon discovered an extremely powerful and extremely strange chakra fluctuation.

somewhat familiar.

‘Looks like...the Red Sand Scorpion? '

Feng Huo's heart moved, "No, it's not him, his chakra fluctuations are not like this!"

Through the chakra perception technique, Feng Huo discovered that this chakra fluctuation was quietly approaching him. Obviously, the other party's conscience was greatly broken!

While Feng Huo continued to check the battlefield calmly, he narrowed his eyes and quietly opened Sharingan.

Chiyo had already been transformed into a puppet, but at this time he restrained his whole body breath, and his whole body seemed to blend into nature, like a gust of wind blowing over him. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Chiyo looked at Fenghuo, who was leaning against a tree a few meters away and was still unaware, and sneered in his heart: 'Go to hell, Uchiha Fenghuo! '

Sealing Technique - The Lion Shuts His Roar!

With a wave of Chiyo's hands, Chakra turned into light jade, forming a roaring lion's head, which struck Fenghuo's body as fast as lightning, embedding his whole body into the tree trunk.

At the same time, a huge seal was imprinted on Feng Huo's body at some point, sealing all the Chakra in his body.

Feng Huo was about to resist with all his might, when Chiyo threw another set of combined punches.

"Puppetry-Practice-Personal Sacrifice!"

The chakra lines stuck to Fenghuo's hands and feet instantly like spider silk, controlling his movements and arranging him clearly.

Chiyo walked out slowly with her head down, her big enemy was in front of her eyes, but her face was neither sad nor happy. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Do you still remember me, Uchiha Fenghuo." Chiyo spoke slowly, with a sound of gold and iron in his voice, as if a kitchen knife was rubbing against a rock, which was a bit harsh.

"You... are not dead?!"

Fenghuo was really terrified when he saw the person coming.

Didn't Chiyo, the old hag, be blasted to pieces by him in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain more than ten years ago?

How could it be so good...

and many more!

The Sangouyu in Feng Huo's eyes rotated slowly, snorted, and said: "I see, are you a puppet? Chiyo, I never thought that you, like your grandson, would also walk on this road of neither human nor ghost, hmph. "

"What did you say?!" Chiyo's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, "My grandson, where is he? He, he..."

Chiyo trembled all over, but immediately felt terrified. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Scorpio, he and I embarked on the same road?

Did he also become a human puppet? !

Why is this happening? !

"No, you must be lying to me, Uchiha seals the fire, die!"

With a wave of Chiyo's arms, both arms burst out immediately, and then countless thousands of highly poisonous poisons were shot out in midair, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, which cannot be avoided.

Feng Huo sneered, and the three-pointed jade in his eyes instantly turned into black and red pentagrams.


An invisible pentagram descended from the sky and directly enveloped Chiyo. With her as the center, the five corners of the pentagram slowly rotated. With a movement in Feng Huo's heart, the whole person instantly teleported to one of the corners.

The highly poisonous Qianben that filled the sky suddenly fell into the air and shot at the trunk of the tree.

Afterwards, in the sealed world within Fenghuo's body, Isao Mio roared, and the turbulent chakra surged out instantly, exploding Chiyo's sealing technique directly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

With a flash in Chiyo's eyes, he immediately summoned ten people from Chimatsu.

Ten puppets in white clothes and white masks rushed towards Fenghuo from all directions like ghosts.

Fenghuo kept flashing in the five corners, and then formed a seal with both hands: "Huo Dun-Huo Huo Quench!"


The 20-meter-long flames pushed across like a wall of fire carrying terrifying heat.

Qiandai remained calm in the face of danger, and shouted: "Buddha! Dharma! Monk!"

In an instant, the organs inside the ten puppets were opened, forming a fusion technique and producing a violent tornado.

The 20-meter-long wall of fire persisted for only a few seconds before it was swept into the air by the tornado and dissipated like ripples of fire.

This scene is quite shocking, at least in the eyes of many grass ninjas and wandering ninjas on the battlefield, this is definitely a ninjutsu that can only be performed by ninjas of the ninja level! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"It may be the opponent's reinforcements!"

"Go back!"

Kusanagi and Wandering Ninja were terrified and retreated crazily with the same thought.


Another earthquake-like vibration came from the forest, and terrifying cracks spread outward from that direction.

Seeing the natural disaster-like power of ninjutsu, everyone dared not stay, and ran farther and farther.

On the side of the wandering ninja, Temari held the three-star fan tightly, looking back and forth anxiously.

‘Where’s Grandma Chiyo? '


A terrifying tornado set off again in the forest, destroying all the nearby trees, revealing a clearing.

Chiyo controlled the Kinmatsu ten people with the chakra line, and was frantically fighting against the Uchiha seal fire on the opposite side. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Although she can't get close to Fenghuo in the Wumang Realm, with the ten people near Songsong, Chiyo is completely worthy.

Feng Huo's right eye waved, and the shadow of the wheel tomb appeared silently, approaching Chidai in an instant, and a Rachel pierced her chest.


The invisible thunder exploded, and a hole the size of a fist was directly pierced in Chiyo's chest!

However, Chiyo is still actively controlling the ten people in Chimatsu.

"It's useless, Uchiha sealing the fire!" Chiyo sneered again and again, "I'm a human puppet now, you can't kill me!"

The ten people from Jinsong fought more and more bravely, and they were already close to the ten meters away from the fire.

But in the next moment, Fenghuo teleported to another corner of the Wumangjie again, and then sprayed out a fireball from the seal.

While Chiyo moved quickly, he controlled Chimatsu's ten men to return to defense.

In the next moment, her right chest was pierced by the shadow of the tomb again!

"Grandma Chiyo..." From a distance, Temari watched this scene in horror, trembling all over, chattering teeth, and couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

But at this time, Chiyo in the battle was extremely excited.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, your Sharingan is no longer useful to me! It is impossible for your illusion to work on me as a human puppet! No matter how powerful your kaleidoscope pupil technique is, it is impossible to kill me, haha Haha, can’t you think of it? It’s all because of you that I’m here today!”

Chiyo shouted angrily while attacking wildly, becoming more and more fierce as he fought.

Fenghuo seemed to be in trouble, frowning and fighting fiercely with ten people from Jinsong, but in fact, it was all a show!

Using the chakra perception technique just now, in addition to sensing Chiyo's chakra fluctuations, he also perceived Orochimaru's chakra fluctuations.

He guessed that Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame should have appeared in Kusanagi Village~www.readwn.com~ Then Orochimaru sent a clone to notify him.

According to the agreement, Fenghuo will have to go to Kusanagi Village and Orochimaru to deal with Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Kisame.

But Chiyo, the great enemy, appeared!

What can I do to seal the fire?

Play it.


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