Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 713: regenerated nucleus

A white snake shuttled through the dense forest following the breath of sealing the fire, and when it got close, it opened its mouth, and a big snake pill crawled out with its hands on its hands.

"You really can't relax."

Orochimaru's avatar looked at Fenghuo who was fighting Chiyo, and the two ninja armies on the further battlefield, and snorted, "Itachi has appeared, Fenghuo-jun, hurry up and get rid of this guy."

It's not good to seal the fire secretly.

I acted so realistically, did he see through everything?

Feng Huo's eyes flashed, and the shadow of Lunmu tore a hole the size of a fist in Chiyo's abdomen again!

At this time, Chiyo's body has been pierced with three holes by the shadow of the wheel tomb, which is transparent in the shape of a character. You can see the precise parts and gears inside. Coupled with Chiyo's indifferent face, it is quite infiltrating.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru frowned slightly, and immediately became naked.

He has already collected two kaleidoscope pupil techniques from Fenghuo. One is a shadow that is invisible and cannot be attacked.

The combination of these two pupil skills makes them invincible in a one-on-one fight, but at this time, they were "cracked" by a mere puppet, Chiyo.

The attack of the shadow of the round tomb was completely unable to kill Chiyo, and the effect of the enchantment-type Wumangjie was also greatly reduced by the presence of the Chimatsu ten people.

Orochimaru narrowed his golden vertical pupils, feeling absurd for a while.

"Have enough fun, Lord Fenghuo!" Orochimaru snorted dissatisfiedly, if he could defeat Fenghuo so easily, then the Red Sand Scorpion of Akatsuki would have succeeded long ago!

"Oshemaru, one of the three Konoha ninjas? I see, you two Konoha rebellious ninjas got mixed up!" Chiyo looked at Orochimaru coldly while fighting, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

If these two people join forces, I'm afraid I won't be able to please.

But Chiyo had already put life and death aside.

Although she accepted the fact that she became a human puppet, and even transformed herself crazily in the past few years, deep down in her heart, she hated herself as a human puppet.

The ability to persevere in these years is entirely dependent on the hatred of Uchiha Fuhuo.

Fenghuo saw that the play couldn't go on, so he had to open it up.


Deep purple ribs condensed out of the void, surrounding him, and then the meridians between the ribs were filled with flesh and blood, extending arms, covered with Wutengu armor, and holding two huge copper hammers, majestic.

But at this moment, Chiyo put away the ten people from Chimatsu, and then quickly formed a seal with both hands, and slapped Susano with one palm.

"Sealing Profound Truth - Sea of ​​Roaring Lions!!"

In an instant, countless ninja tools were psychically released by Chiyo, and they were covered with sealing techniques, covering Susanoo like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

In an instant, Susano was already covered with countless ninja tools, densely layered on top of each other, at least hundreds of millions of ninja tools!

The sealing techniques on these ninja tools are not strong, but there are too many, and the ants kill elephants, not to mention the hundreds of millions of sealing techniques?

The black and red pentagram in Feng Huo's eyes twirled wildly, but Susano seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and it became extremely difficult to even move!

I really underestimated this guy!

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, his pupils were covered with blood, gradually overflowing, and dripping down his cheeks.

Then Feng Huo sneered, and quickly closed his seal: "Super-light and heavy rock technique!"

In an instant, Susano, who was stuck in the mud, seemed to be injected with fuel, and his every move became easy again.

But Chiyo on the opposite side is still psychic crazily, and more and more ninja tools are covering Susanoo like snowflakes. From a distance, it is impossible to see the appearance of Susanoo inside.

Orochimaru's eyes twitched slightly, as if he couldn't believe it.

'No way? '

Could it be that Uchiha Fenghuo, who has crossed the ninja world, will be completely defeated today? !

As soon as the thought came to an end, a terrifying breath came out from the countless sealed ninja tools.


Mio Isota roared excitedly, Susano fell on it like a layer of dark purple streamer, and then condensed a layer of Wutengu armor.

Immediately after sealing the fire and opening the Yang seal, strands of celestial chakra blended into the Wutengu's armor without money, forming a series of strange patterns, covering Isota's whole body in an instant, exuding a wild breath.

"Immortal Law - Prestige Dress - Susano!"

Fenghuo stood on Isata's turtle's head covered by Wutengu's armor, with a cold light in his eyes.


Isata raised his head and roared, wildly dancing the three tails behind him, violently impacting the outer sealed ninja.



Kuangtao's incomparable power was like a mountain overwhelming, and instantly swept away a large number of sealed ninja tools.

Then seal the fire and seal quickly: "Immortal Art - Fire Escape - Great Fire Extinction!"


The 100-meter wall of fire pushed across, tearing the gap even wider. At the same time, under the hot flames, countless sealed ninja tools were burned and crackled, and the sealing formulas engraved on them were slowly melted and disappeared.

Orochimaru's eyebrows twitched, feeling the powerful and cold aura, he couldn't help but retreat again and again.

Seeing that the sealed ninja tools produced by the psychic were about to be destroyed, Chiyo did not retreat half a step: "Uchiha Fenghuo, I gave up my life today, and I will kill you too!"

As the words fell, three huge thorny tails covered with black-patterned Wutengu armor fell from the sky, smashing Chiyo to pieces with a bang like a meteor falling!

boom! !

The earth cracked, and the cracks like spider webs stretched for hundreds of meters, and the hustle and bustle shot straight into the sky like wolf smoke!

"Grandma Chiyo..."

On the far side of the battlefield, Temari stood among a group of wandering ninjas, watching this scene with tears in his eyes, his whole body was shrouded in great panic and fear, and he couldn't move up and down.

"Uchiha Sealing Fire, that's Uchiha Sealing Fire!"

"It's terrible, why did this guy appear here?"

"Get rich, haha~www.readwn.com~ Now the black market is spending a huge amount of money to buy information about Uchiha sealing fire, haha, get rich!"

A group of wandering ninjas just woke up from a dream, and ran away without saying a word, looking for the nearest black market to sell information.


A gust of wind drifted by, Fenghuo took Sanwei into the sealed world, and the huge monster disappeared in an instant.

Feng Huo landed slowly, and the black and red pentagram in his eyes was also the Sharingan that had turned into a three-pointed jade.

"As expected of Uchiha's strongest Sharingan." Shi Shiran walked over with a faint smile on the corner of Dashemaru's mouth.

He is now 120,000 percent confident in capturing Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan!

Feng Huo closed his eyes, wiped off the blood on his face, and then cast Chakra Perception.

'Hum, sure enough. '

Feng Huo sneered.

In the perception technique, an object exuding weak chakra fluctuations was quietly lying in a crack in the ground.

This is the biggest weakness of the puppet, the regenerative core.

At the same time, this is also the biggest advantage of human puppets!

As long as the regenerating nucleus is fine, Chiyo can be resurrected again!

Fenghuo was about to destroy this regenerated core, but his heart moved.


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