Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 714: trade?

In the original book, Chiyo created a forbidden technique in order to revive Scorpion's parents, reincarnating himself!

This is a forbidden technique that uses all of one's own chakra as a medium to distribute life to others.

In short, life transfer.

If Fenghuo masters this forbidden technique, with his Sharingan pupil power, he can completely control others to perform it, and he can save whoever he wants to save when the time comes!

Of course, this is in theory, the real world is always more unexpected.

Maybe the forbidden technique of self-reincarnation can only be learned by old women, maybe an extremely large chakra is required to perform this forbidden technique, but no matter how many possibilities there are, Fenghuo feels that he can take a gamble.

"Feng Huo-jun, Uchiha Itachi has appeared, we should go." Orochimaru's clone slowly walked over.

Feng Huo withdrew his mind and said with a smile, "Let's go."

After the two left quickly one after the other, Temari finally suppressed the fear in his heart and ran over staggeringly.

"Grandma Chiyo!"

"Grandma Chiyo!"


The girl couldn't help crying anymore.

Afterwards, she looked at the 'Chiyo body fragments' scattered with various cracks, and Temari gritted her teeth to collect them one by one, planning to take them back to Sand Hidden Village for burial.

When Temari put away the regeneration core, Fenghuo in the distance put away the chakra perception technique.

A few days later, Feng Huo followed Orochimaru's clone to the outside of Cao Ninja Village, and found Orochimaru's body.

"Fenghuo-jun, you are finally here." Orochimaru walked out of the darkness, swallowed his avatar casually, then digested his memory, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Feng Huo said directly: "Let's talk nonsense, where are Uchiha Itachi and Kiyuren?"

"I didn't expect Feng Huo-jun to be even more anxious than me." Dashemaru excitedly stretched out his tongue and washed his face, and smiled slightly in a hoarse voice, "Itachi and Kisame are both in Kusanagi Village at the moment, we can act at night gone."

Feng Huo frowned: "You should have discovered the two of them a few days ago, right?"

Orochimaru nodded: "That's right, I have already investigated clearly. They bought materials from outside at a low price, and then shipped them here to sell them at a high price to Kusanagi Village, earning the difference. Hehehe, this is their trick that works."

"That is to say, they have been staying in Cao Ren Village for the past few days, and they haven't gone anywhere?"

Fenghuo thinks this is unscientific.

With Itachi's character and strength, even if Orochimaru is not discovered, it is impossible to stay in one place for a few days with nothing to do.

The smile in Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, and his face changed slightly.

After being blocked by the fire, he was also a little bit confused.

"You don't have to wait until night, just go and have a look now." Feng Huo suggested.

Orochimaru nodded solemnly.

The two quickly entered Kusanagi Village, and then went straight to the hotel where Uchiha Itachi was.

Many civilians in Cao Ren Village looked at the two in surprise, and some Cao Ren thought they were spies and shouted for them to stop.

Feng Huo's eyes waved, and Sangou Yu's Sharingan directly threw these obstructive grass ninjas into the illusion.

Soon, the two arrived outside a hotel one after the other.

Sealing Fire directly casts Chakra Perception.

"How is it?" Orochimaru turned to look at him.

Feng Huo snorted softly, and said: "It is true that he has chakra fluctuations, but it is very weak, it should be just his clone."

Orochimaru's face dropped.

He had suffered under Uchiha Itachi before, so he didn't dare to approach at all, but he didn't expect that Uchiha Itachi would take advantage of it.

How crafty!

Feng Huo walked into the hotel and came to the room where Uchiha Itachi's avatar was located.

Pushing open the door, Uchiha Itachi was sitting on the tatami, a pair of three-curved jade writing wheel eyes twirling slightly, looking at Fenghuo who came in without blinking.

"It really is you." Uchiha Itachi said, "I didn't expect you to come together with Orochimaru."

"You were in the same organization as Orochimaru before." Feng Huo glanced at Kisame Kisame, who was sleeping beside him, and said with a smile, "Your illusion skills are really getting better and better."

After the words fell, the figure of the dried persimmon ghost slowly dissipated like ripples.

Uchiha Itachi suddenly said solemnly: "The reason why I left this clone is actually to make a deal with you."

At this time, Orochimaru also walked out of the room, but did not come in.

He didn't want to be ridiculed by Uchiha Itachi.

"Deal?" Feng Huo's heart moved, "Is it about Sharingan?"

"That's right, you... how did you do it!" Uchiha Itachi asked solemnly.

What he asked was naturally about replenishing the pupil power of the kaleidoscope.

"This is an important secret." Feng Huo smiled, "If you really want to know, it's okay to tell you, but I want one thing!"

"What?" Uchiha Itachi asked calmly.

"The other eye of Zhishui!" Fenghuo said.

Uchiha Itachi's face changed slightly, and he refused without thinking: "Impossible!"

Feng Huo said with a smile: "I am not doing this for myself, but for stopping the water."

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Itachi asked, frowning.

"Eh? Didn't the Red Sand Scorpion tell you?" Feng Huo asked with a weird smile.

Uchiha Itachi's face was a bit unsightly, feeling that things were getting out of his control: "What the **** is it!"

"Zhishui...isn't dead." Feng Huo grinned.

Uchiha Itachi's pupils shrank: "Impossible, I saw him with my own eyes..."

Immediately, his heart was shocked. If Zhishui was really dead, then his body should have flowed down the river and could be easily found, but the fact is that his body was missing!

Didn't find it until today!

Is Zhishui really not dead?

But, that kaleidoscope is of great use to him, no, to Sasuke!

Uchiha Itachi's plan is to sacrifice himself to stimulate Sasuke to open the kaleidoscope, but in order to eliminate the hatred accumulated in Sasuke's heart for many years, he must use Shisui's other gods to change Sasuke's heart!

If I return this eye to Shisui...

Uchiha Itachi's indifferent face could not help showing a struggle.

"You can think about it carefully." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Come to me after you think it over."

Uchiha Itachi didn't speak, and slowly closed his eyes.

In an instant, his body turned into crows, screaming and disappearing into space.

Orochimaru came in now~www.readwn.com~ Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan...the Sharingan that contains the most powerful illusion technique Bietianjin..." Orochimaru's eyes flickered with cold light, this kind of horror The illusion, absolutely cannot let it fall into the hands of Uchiha Fenghuo.

Even if they are in a cooperative relationship at this time, it won't work!

Otherwise, if he says hello to himself...

Orochimaru can't imagine the terrible consequences!

Feng Huo seemed to see through his thoughts, but he didn't explain anything, and said with a smile: "Since Itachi has left, let's leave too."


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