Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 715: Cell Transplantation Technology

"Wait a mininute."

Orochimaru squinted his eyes and stopped Fenghuo who was about to leave, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Fenghuo, making a deal with Itachi is not good for our cooperative relationship."

Hearing his slightly threatening laughter, Feng Huo innocently spread his hands and said, "Didn't you see that? I was just amusing him."

"Really?" Orochimaru didn't believe his evil.

Feng Huo was serious, and said righteously: "Of course, that eye of Zhishui hides the strongest illusion spell, Bie Tianshen. If Itachi uses it on me during the transaction, don't say anything to supplement the pupil power of the kaleidoscope." Even I am afraid that I will be manipulated by him! How could I take such a risk?"

Orochimaru felt a little relieved.

"Besides, Uchiha Itachi, he can't accept this deal, that eye is not so precious, Orochimaru, if it were you, would you trade this eye?" Feng Huo suddenly sneered Said, "I'm afraid that even if Zhishui came in person, he would not want to return this eye."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, and snorted: "I still can't fully trust you, Lord Fenghuo, why don't you tell me how to replenish the pupil power of the kaleidoscope, how about it?"

Feng Huo shrugged noncommittally, and said, "Of course it's okay to tell you, but what benefits can I get?"

Orochimaru rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "All the information on cell transplantation!"

"Send the first-generation cells?" Feng Huo looked at him expectantly.

"If you give me another pair of Sharingan, I'll give you the first-generation cells, how about it?" Orochimaru smiled softly.

"Where can I find Sharingan for you?" Feng Huo shrugged innocently and said, "Get the cell transplantation materials ready."

The two said that they had already quickly left Cao Ninja Village.

The war between the Daimyo of the Country of Grass and the leader of the Kusanagi Village is still going on, and it has become more and more fierce, even affecting civilians.

But even the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, which are bordered by the Land of Grass, did not interfere. Naturally, Fenghuo would not seek trouble for nothing and ask for trouble.

Arriving at Tianzhi Country Yinnin Village, Dashemaru handed over a large stack of documents to Fenghuo.

"These are all information about cell transplantation, now, tell me how to supplement the pupil power of the kaleidoscope!" Dashemaru's eyes sparkled.

Feng Huo took the information, then flipped through two pages, and said: "The method to replenish the pupil power of the kaleidoscope is very simple, that is, to absorb natural energy, extract the celestial chakra, and use the celestial chakra to supplement the pupil power!"

natural energy?

Immortal Chakra? !

Orochimaru's eyes froze.

In Longdi Cave, there is an inheritance of immortal mode!

Orochimaru, as the descendant of Ryūji Cave, how could he not know about natural energy and sensu chakra?

"Oshemaru, it seems that you know natural energy, so I don't need to explain it to you." Feng Huo quickly put away the information and said with a smile.

Orochimaru does not have the talent to practice the immortal mode, so it is impossible for him to absorb natural energy and then extract the immortal chakra.

So telling him this method will not be a disadvantage to Fenghuo.

Orochimaru's face turned dark.

He felt cheated.

In the entire ninja world, there are only a few ninjas who have the ability to comprehend natural energy and refine the chakra of immortality. Even Konoha has only one Tsunade and one Namikaze Minato. This method of supplementing the pupil power of the kaleidoscope is simply impossible to promote!

As far as Orochimaru is concerned, there is no merit at all!

Orochimaru was about to have an attack, but a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

and many more!

Absorbs natural energy…

Libra weighs me? !

Orochimaru's eyes gradually glowed.

Tian Shuang Chong Wu's body can automatically absorb the natural energy from the outside world, and Da She Wan developed the curse seal of heaven and earth based on his cells, and planted it on the bodies of Jun Malu and other outstanding men.

The heaven and earth curse seal is a curse seal that relies on the balance cells to absorb the natural energy of the outside world and obtain huge power for a short time.

'If you convert the absorbed natural energy into senjutsu chakra...'

The power of the curse seal that day may have increased dozens of times!

As a scientific research madman, Orochimaru didn't realize it was nothing before, but now that he had an idea, he suddenly started to move, and his whole body exuded a scorching breath.

Sealing the fire was a little panicked.

"Fenghuo-jun, your words really made me realize, hahaha!" Orochimaru laughed twice, then turned around and left quickly, but his voice came from afar, "Jun Malu, send Fenghuo-jun away!"

Soon, Jun Ma Lu, who was dressed in a kimono, came over and asked Feng Huo to leave with a cold face.

Feng Huo got the cell transplantation technology and didn't want to stay any longer.

After leaving Yinnin Village, seal the fire and break the road to head towards the Land of Fire.

At the same time, Temari brought Chiyo's 'corpse' back to Sand Hidden Village. Ebizo was shocked when he saw his elder sister's 'corpse', but he was relieved after seeing the regenerative nucleus.

"It's a good thing that Uchiha Fenghuo doesn't know about regeneration cores, otherwise my sister would be really in danger!"

After Ebizo took away the regeneration nucleus, he began to recreate Chiyo's body.

After the Fourth Fengying Luosha learned of Fenghuo's powerful strength from her daughter's mouth, her heart sank again and again.

"I didn't expect the rumors to be true, and the strength of Uchiha Fenghuo has really returned to its peak!"

He also sent many Anbu to the Land of Fire to find Uchiha Fenghuo before, but now it seems that it was just death.

"Recall Anbu from the Land of Fire, the current Uchiha seal fire is like a tiger that has lost its shackles, we should not provoke it." Luo Sha ordered.

However, the fact that Fenghuo appeared in the Country of Grass was quickly passed on through the black market, and ninjas from various countries poured in. This directly affected the war between the Daimyo of the Country of Grass and the leader of the Kusanagi Village, and indirectly hindered the Akatsuki organization from making a fortune. plan.

When Payne and the others were having headaches, Feng Huo had quietly returned to Konoha.

The restrictions outside Muye Village still haven't changed much. Fenghuo sneaked in easily, and then came to the orphanage to meet the pharmacist No Naoyu in secret.

After Fenghuo betrayed Konoha, this was the first time he came to see her~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, the pharmacist Nonoyu didn't have any grudges because of Fenghuo's defection.

Feng Huo didn't show any politeness to her, and directly handed over all the cell transplantation materials to her.

At present, many medical ninjas have mastered cell transplantation technology, but Orochimaru's is the most complete and cutting-edge.

Pharmacist No Naoyu's eyes lit up after reading the previous content, and he couldn't help asking: "Feng Huo, where did you get this cell transplantation information?"

Feng Huo said: "Sister Yao, I bought this from Dashe Wan at a huge price, but I'm not sure if he tampered with it, so I'll trouble Sister Yao to check it out."

Pharmacist No Naoyu nodded and said, "I understand."


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