Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 716: To dream

With pharmacist No Naoyu's medical ninjutsu attainments, it would take two or three days to confirm the authenticity of Orochimaru's cell transplantation technique. If the fire could not be idle, he secretly disguised himself and entered the village to raid.

With the lessons learned from before, Feng Huo specially sprayed some irritating spices on his body this time, so as not to be sniffed out by Kakashi's lackeys.

Muye Village is becoming more and more prosperous, with people coming and going, feasting and feasting, and walking in Fenghuo, there is an illusion of walking in a modern city.

Just how many days can this kind of prosperity last?

After all, it is the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror.

Passing by a Konoha Fried Chicken, looking at the hot business inside, I feel distressed for a while after closing the fire.

It's nothing if the dividends are gone, but if you are afraid that your own shares will be divided up, then everything will really be over.

Feng Huo shook his head with a wry smile and left, unknowingly came to Xi Hihong's house.

‘Chakra Perception! '

Well, the house is empty, no one is inside.

Feng Huo sighed, turned around and walked towards the ninja school.

Feng Huo counted, and it was less than half a year before Xiao Li's class graduated.

And Naruto's session was one session later than Xiao Li's.

The plot is about to start.

Feng Huo stood on the roof of a teaching building, and then he seemed to notice something, and it disappeared in a flash.

In the Hokage Tower, Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the crystal ball strangely.

Just now, on a whim, he used a telescope to check the ninja school, but as soon as the screen appeared, he saw a figure flickering and disappearing quickly. When he looked intently, how could there be half a figure in the crystal ball?

"I'm old, my eyes are blurred." Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head with a wry smile, and then the 'camera' turned, and a picture of Naruto's class appeared.

Naruto's temper has been a little short-tempered lately. Ever since Fenghuo became an S-rank rebel, Naruto has had nightmares every night. He dreamed of a red fox sneering and sneering, constantly threatening something, but in his dream he heard Not very real.

After waking up, Naruto was depressed and dispirited, and often lost his mind during training. Later, he discovered that the three body skills he had mastered before gradually became ineffective at the beginning. In the words of Mr. Iruka, he Becoming more and more stupid, already walking on the broad road at the end of the class crane.

Naruto had to spend his daily training time on three-body art, but the harder he practiced, the more ineffective, the more ineffective, the more nightmares, under the vicious circle, the whole person became thinner in a circle.

Naruto was sitting in his seat listening to the lecture, his face was decadent, his eyes were dull, and he had a bleak expression of losing hope in life.

"Naruto, don't be distracted during class, and concentrate on listening!" Seeing Naruto's expression, Iruka hated iron for being weak.

He also knows that Naruto's condition has been getting worse and worse recently, and he has gradually 'forgotten' the three body skills he has mastered, which is unbelievable, but what can he do?

He's just a Chunin teacher, and it's okay to talk about the will of fire and pour a few bowls of chicken soup, but when it comes to practical issues, he is also smeared with both hands, desperate and ruthless.

'If Teacher Fenghuo is still there, he will definitely have a solution. '

Iruka sighed secretly, and then whipped Naruto a few words to encourage him to cheer up.

Naruto sat on the seat with his head bowed, not saying a word.

Behind him, Hinata looked at Naruto's back with a flushed face, her little face was full of worry.

But at this moment, she would blush even when she looked at Naruto, how could she have the courage to comfort him.

And at the window seat, Er Zhuzi was also watching Naruto at the moment.

"The person who attacked Hokage Tower that day was Uchiha Fuho. He was famous in the Ninja World in the third Ninja World War, and then served in Anbu. Anbe, that person is Uchiha's subordinate! '

As long as you find that person, you can take revenge!


Why is that person Naruto's big brother? !

Erzhuzi's heart twisted for a while, wishing he could take Naruto instead!

What Erzhuzi didn't know was that the person he had been thinking about day and night was standing among the branches of the big tree outside the window, quietly looking at the classroom.

'The old man of the third generation is really free. '

Feng Huo could feel Hiruzaru Sarutobi's telescopic technique, and restrained his whole body at this time, so as not to be discovered by him.

Then he realized that Naruto's state was not right.

Could it be that because of his defection, Naruto felt uncomfortable, regretted it, and began to give up on himself?

Oh, what a shame.

Afterwards, Sanwei Isota, who sealed the world in his body, poured cold water on him: "Fenghuo, the seal you left in Naruto's body has been eroded by the chakra of the Nine Lamas."

Feng Huo was taken aback, if this is the case, then Naruto's endocrine... ahem, isn't the chakra going to be disordered again?

So his dead father's expression is not for me?

Seal the fire with a stomach full of fire.

Ji Yi seemed to see through what Feng Huo was thinking, and laughed strangely in the pool.

Fenghuo didn't even bother to care about this turtle!

However, since the seal he set has been eroded by Nine Tails, that is to say, Naruto will become the same as the original book, becoming a "crane tail" who cannot even perform the three-body technique.

Even under the guidance of Fenghuo, Naruto is excellent in human arts, but if he wants to graduate, he may have to go through some twists and turns.

Then Feng Huo thought of Mizuki, the charming villain in the original book.

This guy has been expelled from the ninja school since he was reported by Fenghuo, and he doesn't know where he will mess up.

If he didn't jump out according to the plot, where did Naruto go to learn the art of shadow clone?

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and suddenly remembered that he still had a box of ninjutsu scrolls with Kakashi.

Time to go and get back!

However, my identity is more sensitive now, once it appears, it will definitely cause riots.

There's no way, it's not good to be a public figure, you don't have your own privacy.

Feng Huo sighed, and decided to 'entrust the dream' to Naruto, and asked him to ask for it back.

It was night, Feng Huo quietly came to Naruto's residence, and when he fell asleep, he immediately opened the kaleidoscope to build an illusion world, and then pulled Naruto's spirit into the illusion space.

"Where is this?" Naruto looked around in confusion, then frowned, rubbed his chin vigorously, kept stepping his feet, and muttered, "Didn't I eat ramen at Yile Ramen just now?"


Fenghuo slowly floated out of the ground like a ghost~www.readwn.com~ Ahhhhh! "

Naruto was so frightened that he kicked Feng Huo on the head, then turned around and ran away.

It took him half a day to come back to his senses, and he turned his head to look hesitantly, only to see Feng Huo with a black face standing behind him.

Every woman feels unwell for a few days every month, and every man wants to jump from a window on the first floor for a few days every year...

The condition is not very good, let me jump the window for two days to adjust it!


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