Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 717: to call senior

"Brother Fenghuo... Bah, why are you here?" Seeing the person who came, the joy on Naruto's face disappeared in a flash. He pursed his lips and hummed, "Didn't you defect? ​​If Grandpa Hokage sees you, you will be miserable."

Feng Huo was amused, Naruto's nerves are really... probably he can't tell whether he is in reality, dream or illusion at this time.

Feng Huo hummed expressionlessly: "I used to live in Muye Village. I have a house and money at home, and my life is full of joy. Who knew that Kakashi was arrogant and unreasonable. He colluded with Hokage to take over my big house and rob me." I have money..."

Naruto looked at him in bewilderment, unable to keep up with the rhythm of sealing the fire, and then interrupted him roughly: "Why did you attack Grandpa Hokage, why did you defect from the village, why..."

Feng Huo mournfully shouted: "Naruto~~ Kakashi's grandson still owes me a box of treasures, go and help me get them back, or I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go, I remember your eighth generation ancestor~~" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Naruto was taken aback, as if he had finally remembered something, his lips trembled: "You, you... are you a human or a ghost? No, where am I? Am I sleeping at home? Me, me, me..."

In the next moment, the vicissitudes of life changed, Naruto opened his eyes suddenly, only to feel the gentle moonlight pouring on his body from the window, a little cool.

He turned on the light, and the messy instant noodle boxes in the room were thrown all over the floor. Where is the shadow of sealing the fire?

"It's a dream."

Naruto scratched his head, but was a little puzzled.

Under normal circumstances, after a person wakes up from a dream, he will completely forget the dream within a few breaths, but...

"But this dream is so real, and I haven't forgotten it."

Fortunately, Naruto was very nervous, so he yawned when he couldn't figure it out, and continued to lie down and sleep. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

I thought this would just pass away, but I didn't expect this dream to last for three days.

At Naruto's age, he is really the most sensitive age to these nagging things.

Having had the same dream for three days in a row, Naruto felt that Brother Fenghuo must be entrusting the dream to him.

It's just Kakashi... who is it?

Naruto said that besides sealing the fire, there is only one Sakura in his eyes.

"Well, ask Sakura tomorrow! She must know."

Thinking of being able to talk to Sakura again, Naruto's drowsiness was instantly swept away.

After tossing and turning until the next day, Naruto came to the ninja school with two dark circles under his eyes.

When the students who came and went saw him, they would pay attention to him with disgusted eyes, and then avoid him like a snake. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Naruto gritted his teeth, thinking that after becoming Hokage, he must change the views of these hateful guys.

But when he walked into the classroom and saw Xiao Sakura circling around the man with the paralyzed face, this little dream was forgotten at that time.

"Damn it, Sasuke Uchiha, you **** is seducing Sakura again!"

Naruto rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward.

Er Zhuzi glanced at him indifferently, and snorted angrily: "At the end of the crane, you should take care of yourself!"

Ever since the Nine Tails in Naruto's body went through untold hardships to infiltrate its chakra and interfered with Naruto's chakra, Naruto's three-body technique began to fail, just like the tail of a crane.


Naruto said, "Even if I don't know the three-body technique, I can still hit you five times!"

"Hmph, what kind of ninja is a ninja if he can't even use ninjutsu?" Erzhuzi showed an impatient look, "I don't want to talk to people like you, hmph."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Naruto, don't disturb Sasuke-kun!" Sakura helped the male **** to speak.

Naruto immediately drooped his face, tugged on Sakura's sleeve, and said, "Xiao Sakura, I have something to ask you."

"What?" Sakura looked at Erzhuzi with some anxiety, for fear that he would misunderstand her relationship with this yellow-haired fox, but she couldn't kick Naruto away, otherwise her ladylike temperament would not be completely destroyed overnight. ?

"Hey, wide forehead, since you have such a good relationship with this guy, stop pestering Sasuke-kun!"

At the critical moment, Yamanaka Ino flicked his golden ponytail and stood up to make up the knife.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Inobo!" Sakura instantly forgot about the lady.

"Am I right? Hmph, you and Naruto flirt with each other every day. How can you compete with me for Sasuke's love?" Yamanaka Ino snorted proudly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Beside, Er Zhuzi's cheeks twitched slightly, he turned his head and pretended not to hear it.

He wasn't in the mood for such crap.

I have to increase my strength as soon as possible, otherwise if this continues, when will I have the strength to take revenge?

"Hey, Ino, don't quarrel with Sakura!" Naruto said something for the goddess, then pulled Sakura aside and asked, "Sakura, do you know Kakashi?"

Sakura was very uncomfortable being pulled, but in the classroom, she still maintained her ladylike demeanor very gracefully.

"Kakashi?" Sakura shook her head.

Although Kakashi became famous in the ninja world with the name of copying ninjas, it was only spread among ninjas. For students of ninja schools like them, the ninja world was still a bit far away.

Sakura didn't want to argue with Naruto, so she said directly: "Naruto, you can go to Iruka-sensei, he should know."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

After speaking, without waiting for Naruto to reply, she quickly returned to Erzhuzi, and competed with Yamanaka Ino and other girls for the title of "prince concubine".

Naruto gritted his teeth and stared over there, heaved a half sigh, and turned to look for Iruka.


Iruka looked at Naruto in surprise, "What do you want to know about Senior Kakashi?"

Naruto's eyes shone slightly: "Is there really such a person as Kakashi?"

"Call me senior!" Iruka patted Naruto's head angrily, "You haven't said why you asked him."

Naruto folded his hands on his chest, humming and chirping: "That guy gave me a dream, saying that Kakashi owed him a box of treasures, and asked me to get him back."


Iruka looked constipated, "Tomeng? Naruto, you haven't woken up yet?"

Naruto tilted his head and said: "emmmm... But, I had the same dream for several nights in a row, it shouldn't be a simple dream."

Iruka was speechless: "Naruto~www.readwn.com~ You should focus on your studies and stop thinking about it all day long."

"But what if it's true?" Naruto's eyes widened, "Where is Kakashi..."

"Call me senior!" Iruka seemed to be possessed by a fire at this time, and a violent thump hit Naruto's head.

"It hurts..."

Naruto covered his head with tears streaming down his face, and shouted, "Understood! Well, Iruka-sensei, do you know where Kakashi-senpai's house is?"

"..." The corner of Iruka's mouth twitched slightly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Get out!"


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