Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 718: Make up your mind, Kakashi!

After leaving Iruka's office, Naruto did not give up, but ran to other teachers' offices to inquire.

After a while, Naruto got the address of Kakashi's house.

‘A box of treasures, it must be very valuable, from now on I can eat ramen every day! '

Naruto's heart was pounding, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

When school was over in the evening, Naruto ran along the address to Kakashi's house.


Naruto stood at the door of Hatake's house, looking at the surrounding buildings, he was stunned, "It's so familiar... It seems that I have lived in this place..."

Naruto rubbed his head, but couldn't remember the specific details.

It's not his fault. When Naruto was a baby, Naruto was adopted by Hatake Sakumo and his son. It wasn't until he was a few years older that he was taken away by Fenghuo. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

However, how old was Naruto at that time, and he couldn't remember anything at all.

Now that the old land has returned, it is extremely rare for Naruto to have a familiar feeling.

Naruto put away the doubts in his heart, and then stepped forward to knock on the door.

Half pay, no one opened the door.

"Isn't it there?"

Naruto put his hands on his chest, considering whether to kick the door.

"Little devil, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a lazy voice came from behind, which sounded...somewhat familiar.

Naruto looked back, his eyes widened suddenly, pointing at Kakashi dumbfounded: "You, you..."

‘I don’t know why, I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere. ’ Naruto grinned and stared at Kakashi, but when he thought about it carefully, he just couldn’t remember it, and finally he put the pot back on the fire, ‘It must have been brought home by that idiot uncle, so I only remember it. ’&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Kakashi was also taken aback when he saw that the person who came was Naruto.

The two stared at each other for half the salary, and Naruto called out, "Are you Kakashi?"

The corners of Kakashi's eyes twitched slightly, and he complained, "You really have no manners at all."

"I'm not here to discuss manners with you." Naruto snorted, "I'm here to pay you!"

"Huh?!" Kakashi had a strange expression on his face.

"A box, a box of treasures!" Naruto shouted, "Kakashi, don't try to deny it!"

Kakashi looked confused, and then his heart moved.


Could it be that box?

But isn't he and Feng Huo the only ones who know about the box? &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Has that **** Fenghuo returned to the village? !

Without saying a word, Kakashi psyched out the eight ninja dogs, and then winked at Parker: "Parker."

Parker nodded slightly: "Understood!"

As a result, when it spoke, Naruto jumped up and stuck to the door, "Dog dog dog... the dog actually started talking!"

Parker glanced at him, and then quickly left with the other Ninja Dogs.

"Don't make a fuss." Kakashi rubbed his silver-white head and asked, "Well, he told you about the box, right?"

Naruto looked at Papa Ke's back and gave him two eyes: "It's amazing, there is a talking dog!"

"That's not a dog... Uh, it's a dog, it's Parker, a psychic beast." Kakashi sighed, "That guy really didn't teach you anything." &1t;i>&1t;/i >

Back to the previous topic, Naruto raised his head and straightened his chest, and said in a serious voice: "That's right, he told me about the box in a dream!"

"Dream?" Kakashi touched his chin and nodded, "It should be a dream like illusion, hmph, how cautious you are."

"So there is really a box?" Naruto's heart was full of excitement, his blood boiled, "Give me, give me, give me, that is the box that the idiot uncle left me!"

Kakashi glanced at him, frowning slightly.

That box is full of ninjutsu scrolls, let Naruto get it, will something happen?

Although most of them are D and C-level ninjutsu, there are also A-level ninjutsu among them. If it is leaked through Naruto's hand...

Kakashi said: "I can give it to you, but you must first get the ninja forehead before I can give you the box." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Ninja forehead protector?" Naruto was in a bad mood.

His condition has been getting worse and worse recently, and his ninjutsu talent seems to be leaving him. If this continues, even graduation will be a problem. How can he get the ninja forehead?

"No!" Naruto glared at Kakashi viciously, "I want it now, you give it to me."


"give me."


"give me!"

"No." Kakashi took out a small pornographic manga, leaning against the door and looking pleased.

"Damn it!" Naruto clenched his hands into fists, so angry that he hurt internally.

Kakashi remained indifferent, fully immersed in the touching plot in the little yellow manga.

"I will never give up, you must make up your mind!" Naruto threw down the brutal threat, and ran away. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Kakashi glanced at him, the corners of his mouth under the mask showing a curve.

It is night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Naruto came to Hatake's house secretly again, holding two paint bottles in his left hand, one red and one green, and a brush in his right hand, with a ferocious smile in his eyes.

"You forced me to do this."

Naruto gritted his teeth for a while, and then started to work.

The brush was soaked in the bottle of red paint for a while, and then he started to graffiti on the wall, a big 'idiot' came up, and then a green 'idiot', after more than half an hour, Naruto looked at it smugly Looking at his masterpiece, he couldn't help laughing with his hands on his hips.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Under the faint moonlight, Kakashi squatted on the wall, tilting his head and looking at Naruto curiously.

At this time, Naruto's face was red and green, covered with paint, it was extremely dirty. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Hmph, don't think you'll admit that I did it when you saw it!" Naruto rolled his eyes, dropped the brush and ran away, "I won't admit it even if I'm caught."

Kakashi was a little confused, and then he seemed to remember something, jumped off the wall, and looked back.


Hey, are you kidding me? !

When he saw the graffiti on the wall of Fenghuo's mansion before, he praised Naruto's artistic skills, but now that it's his turn, his mood is different.

"Little ghost, even if you are the son of the fourth generation, you can't act like this!"

Kakashi gritted his teeth and growled, "Come back and wipe it clean!"

He tapped his toes and quickly chased after him.

Under the darkness of night, Naruto was running wildly on the roof, turning his head from time to time to provoke him to death: "Come on, come on, catch me, idiot~~~"

Kakashi's face darkened.

Jonin's strength was immediately revealed, and within two or three breaths, he was already close to Naruto, and then directly lifted Naruto up.

"Little devil, you... ah~" Kakashi was about to be fierce, but suddenly Naruto's kick kicked him in an indescribable place. He immediately tilted his legs, let go of his hands, and squatted down.

"Haha, idiot~"

Naruto was extremely proud, made two faces at Kakashi, and snorted, "This is what happens if you don't give me the box, heh heh, be prepared~www.readwn.com~ This is just the beginning!"

After finishing speaking, Naruto ran away in a hurry, and several ups and downs had disappeared in place.

"Bastard..." Kakashi turned pale.

Although Naruto has not yet graduated, he has already practiced martial arts with Fenghuo for several years, and his strength is extremely strong. This kick came...

Kakashi silently took out his crotch to make sure that there was no bleeding, and then he showed a look of rejoicing, but soon became angry from embarrassment, showing a ferocious look.


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