Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 100: Witty Tsunade, White Yaksha, Got Caught!

clap clap!

Su Bai sat on the sofa, patting Haruno Sakura lying on his lap, lost in thought.

He didn't seem to pay much attention, just like patting his thigh.

According to Su Bai's strength at this time, I dare not say that he is number one in the ninja world, and it is almost too much.

In addition to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and the Ōtsutsuki clan who are still staring at this world-.

Everyone else is fine.

In Su Bai's eyes, there is no difference between those people and gravel.

Especially Ashura's Chakra.....

This is really good stuff.

Of course Su Bai now has Chakra from Sage of Six Paths.

It also inherited the so-called fairy eyes and Sage Body in disguise.

He can clearly feel that the growth of Chakra and physical skills in the body has been a little bit more than before.

It's not because of how hard newcomers Sasuke and Naruto are trying.

It's a Sage Body problem.

Su Bai still has a few things to consider.

The planting of the sacred tree must be done, and these intentions can bear the fruit of Chakra.

For something of this level, the income from eating it is definitely the best.

There is also the need to continue to look for Xiaocuti to enhance his strength.

All that remains is to start from Konoha Village and build Su Bai's own ninja world.

This one is difficult.

It's not that you can achieve your goal no matter how strong you are, the way of suppressing with force only brings fear.

People are afraid, and various problems arise.

In the end it's just a hassle.


The groaning sound from below disturbed Su Bai's thoughts.

Seeing Haruno Sakura who woke up quietly, Su Bai asked lightly: "Are you awake?"


Hearing the voice next to his ear, Haruno Sakura was shocked.

She still remembered that she had a big problem with her apron.

With a whoosh, Haruno Sakura quickly got up and hid in the corner of the wall.

Su Bai lowered his eyes slightly, indicating that he was a little speechless.

"You, you, you... When did you come back, senior?"

Su Bai:

Looking at Haruno Sakura's bewildered look, Su Bai was also a little helpless.

Is this treating yourself as a villain in the ninja world?

After so many days, he was still trembling like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

This is not nonsense? You don't even think about the situation now, if Haruno Sakura knows Su Bai's thoughts, he would like to bite him to death.

"Yeah, if I don't come back, I'm afraid there will be another corpse at home."

"You are also good enough, and you can starve yourself to death."

Speaking of this, Su Bai really shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, I forced strawberries for you.

"I don't know how useful this thing is to you, but at least it can keep you fed for several days. 7"

Of course Su Bai knew that Haruno Sakura had gained a boost in strength.

The upper limit of Chakra and the upper limit of physical skills have been greatly improved.

She did not receive ninjutsu rewards, but like Naruto, her control over Chakra has been strengthened.

Originally, Haruno Sakura was already very good in this respect, but this strengthening can make it exert even stronger strange power.

And in terms of medical ninjutsu or sealing techniques, better breakthroughs can be achieved.

Regarding Haruno Sakura's talent for illusion, Su Bai actually thinks it's useless if it's real.

The reason is very simple, just look at Yuhihong.

For illusion talent, Yuhihong is definitely top-notch.

But for those who don't have the pupil technique, when faced with the illusion technique of the pupil technique, the illusion techniques they have learned seem to have completely lost their effect.

And Su Bai also got a reward for Chakra's control.

In the future, whether it is performing all kinds of ninjutsu or the sword of vowed victory, when the power is the same as before, the consumption of Chakra will be reduced.

In a disguised form, the power of the sword of vowed victory has been strengthened.


Haruno Sakura was startled when she heard Su Bai force-feeding herself.

He quickly closed his eyes and inspected carefully.

After a few breaths, she opened her eyes excitedly, and said excitedly: "Senior, I...my strength has indeed been strengthened."

"It's really been strengthened."

Su Bai could clearly feel Haruno Sakura's excitement.

Maybe it's been suppressed for too long.

"Oh? I didn't expect your luck to be really good."

Su Bai smiled lightly, pretending to be surprised.

Look towards Haruno Sakura.

Seeing this, Haruno Sakura shuddered all over.

He retracted into the corner of the wall again, blocking himself tightly.


Seeing this, Su Bai sneered and said, "There is nothing to hide."

"Since you chose to give in for power, do you think you have any dignity at all?"

"What a funny guy."

ah this...

Haruno Sakura suddenly felt a little wronged, but she had considered it at the time.

But when she thought of the excellence of those who were at the same time as her.

Especially thinking of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto's horrible upbringing, she simply couldn't have chosen better.

What's more, both Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto have chosen to let Su Bai help the occult to improve under such circumstances, if she doesn't make a choice... …

Then she will only be thrown farther and farther, until she can't see everyone's back.

Waiting for my contemporaries to become excellent Chūnin and Jōnin one by one

When working hard for Konoha Village, is it possible that I will always have to form a team with the new Genin to take the exam?

this hit...

Haruno Sakura couldn't stand it.

Thinking about it, she choked up and slowly shed tears.

"I really didn't think wrong."

"Besides your temper, you also love to cry."

Seeing this, Su Bai didn't sympathize with Haruno Sakura, and pretended to be disdainful.

A further blow to Haruno Sakura.

Su Bai also thinks very clearly, compared to Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others...

Konoha Village's new generation of Xiaoqiang should be more simple [to be more sure.

It is still necessary to slowly cultivate some people who truly belong to us.

"No, that me..."

Haruno Sakura frantically tried to explain.

She's not the type to give up her ego for power.

She just felt that Su Bai, who is a senior in Konoha Village, would not harm her.

Furthermore, with the lessons learned from Hyūga Hinata, Haruno Sakura believes that Su Bai will not harm them.

Hey, another silly boy, this guy in front of him is very bad.

But Su Bai didn't respond at all, instead he said: "But luck is also a kind of strength.

"Starting tomorrow, you don't need to cook anymore."

"What's more, you won't feel hungry these days."

"Put back on your own clothes, then sit in the courtyard and refine your Chakra.

"Then concentrate Chakra on the limbs, fists, legs and feet, and then burst out fiercely to try the effect.

"When you feel that your fist is very powerful, I can take you to find a place to try it.

Su Bai pretended to tell Haruno Sakura how to use the strange power in Taijutsu.

This is to walk the path of others ahead of time, so that others have nowhere to go.


Haruno Sakura wrinkled her nose and pouted her lips in aggrieved manner.

What the senior taught was not ninjutsu but taijutsu.

This made Haruno Sakura feel very uncomfortable, but then she thought about it.

For me, ninjutsu may really not be suitable.

After all, as civilian ninjas, their family does not have decent ninjutsu such as family secrets.


In desperation, Haruno Sakura had no choice but to try Su Bai's teaching method.

Haruno Sakura can't stop nodding....

Su Bai didn't say anything more, stood up, turned around and left.

Hmm! This act of slapping a sweet date is still very useful to them.

After Haruno Sakura sees the effect of his progress, his mentality will definitely change even more.

When the time comes, I will introduce him to Tsunade as an apprentice.

Kill two birds with one stone.

An excellent master coupled with an excellent and hardworking apprentice.

Wouldn't the master and the apprentice be moved and weep bitterly?

It even more reflects Su Bai's concern and care for the future of Konoha Village.

Oh! It turns out that it kills three birds with one stone.

For the remaining few days...

Su Bai just followed Uzumaki Naruto to watch him perform Rasengan's enhanced stability practice.

Jiraiya has a big heart, holding Su Bai's membership card and having friendly and in-depth exchanges with people everywhere.

He also gets drunk every night.

...ask for flowers...

Tsunade didn't make any statement either, and occasionally cast contemptuous glances at Su Bai after seeing him.

For other matters, the few people never had any communication.

Jiraiya didn't ask anything.

Su Bai expressed even more calmness.

After Orochimaru appeared, everything became clear.

Even if Tsunade really doesn't want to go back to be Hokage, Su Bai decides that he has to tie her back.

But just the night before the transaction, Tsunade suddenly took the initiative to find Su Bai and Jiraiya, and kindly invited them to have a meal.


After drinking a glass of wine, Su Bai pursed his lips.

"Hmm! The taste is not bad."

"What does Jiraiya-senpai think?"

"Well... the wine is very good, I didn't expect Tsunade to take the initiative to find us two"

"Have you already thought about it?"

This can be regarded as Jiraiya's first few drinks. After all, he has been nesting in the club all day long and drank a lot of wine.

But as soon as the words finished, Jiraiya suddenly felt a little dizzy, and his eyes were straight: "Huh? But this wine is very strong."

Looking at Jiraiya's appearance, Tsunade's beautiful eyes closed slightly, and he looked at Su Bai in front of him.


Despite Su Bai's delicate features, his drinking capacity is astonishingly large.

"Ah! The strength of alcohol seems to be quite strong."

"Senior Jiraiya, are you alright?"

Su Bai shook Jiraiya, who was already lying on the wine table, and asked pretending to be confused.

This is not a question of whether the alcohol is strong or not, but that Tsunade has already tampered with the wine.

For a medical ninja of her level, things like prescribing medicines are simply at their fingertips.

This drug can not only put a person into a coma, but can even affect other people's Chakra.


For Su Bai, this kind of stuff is useless.

"Huh? Why did a wild horse suddenly run into this hotel?"

Seeing that Jiraiya was unconscious, Su Bai got up slowly and walked towards Tsunade.

Tsunade: "?????"

The nasty bastard.

If you want to fall, you should quickly and honestly fall.

Thinking of the previous events, Tsunade's heart trembled slightly.

Nervously, he got up quickly, picked up the wine glass and put it in front of Su Bai: "You bastard, why do you only drink so much?"

"After only drinking a little, hallucinations have already appeared?"

While talking, Tsunade put the wine into Su Bai's mouth.

After some tossing, Tsunade finally brought down Su Bai.

"Huh! It's so dangerous..."

Tsunade wiped the sweat from his forehead due to nervousness, stroked his chest and let out a long breath.


Looked at Su Bai and Jiraiya again.

She knew that both of them had good hearts, and she was afraid that she would be deceived by Orochimaru.

not to mention.....…

What Su Bai said that night was absolutely correct.

If I really reached an agreement with Orochimaru, then

Nawaki will really hate her for the rest of his life.

What worries Tsunade even more is that Nawaki's soul will not find peace in what Su Bai said.

This kind of thing is completely unacceptable to her.

Plus Orochimaru uses Reanimation Jutsu to play with the souls of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

This annoyed Tsunade even more.


Tsunade decides to kill Orochimaru with his own hands to punish Orochimaru for humiliating his family.

"I'm very sorry.………"

Tsunade took a deep look at Su Bai.

"Although you have helped me a lot, this matter must be handled by me myself."

"Don't worry, this drug will wake you up tomorrow morning, and the side effects will gradually disappear afterwards.

"There is no other harm to the body."

After speaking a few words calmly, Tsunade left slowly.

After realizing that Tsunade was walking away, Su Bai slowly opened his eyes, stood up and stretched himself.

"Bah! It's boring."

"I thought that fellow Tsunade would say something nasty?"

"That's the result?"

Su Bai expressed some regrets.

Then he glanced at Jiraiya, who was lying on the table and had fallen asleep like a dead pig.

"Jiraiya's words...."

"Forget it, let him put it here first."

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