Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 101: If I'm Not Orochimaru, This Kick Might Die


The two figures continued to move forward from the forest, and their goal was Baoji Street.

"Hmph! Sure enough, it will be very troublesome if someone is obstructing this negotiation."

Orochimaru spoke suddenly.

Yakushi Kabuto next to him heard the words, and tilted his eyes to Orochimaru: "How should we do it?"

"That follower from Tsunade."

"Perhaps it would be better to kill them."

Today's Orochimaru is not aware that Su Bai and others have had contact with Tsunade.

But he still understands Shizune's personality.

They will definitely try their best to prevent the negotiation between the two.

if that is the case……….

It is possible to affect the brainwashing that Orochimaru gave to Tsunade.

Yakushi Kabuto hear this....

Without saying any unnecessary nonsense, he pulled out the Kunai in the ninja bag, accelerated his feet, and rushed to the front on the spot.

The figure of Orochimaru was severely left behind.

I have to say, as a subordinate...

Yakushi Kabuto is also very loyal and wonderful.

After a while, he had already appeared in the short book street and found Shizune's location.

But the scene in front of me...

But Yakushi Kabuto looked flustered, and his heart sank immediately.

Jiraiya, Uzumaki Naruto and Shizune, the two are gathered on the balcony of the room at this time.

From a distance, Yakushi Kabuto noticed that Jiraiya seemed to be in very bad shape.

His face was pale and he looked out of breath.

"Tsunade that bastard!"

Panting heavily, Jiraiya said harshly, "She actually put drugs in our wine.

"Now I am not only unable to condense Chakra, but also paralyzed."

Looking at "Two Seventy Zero" Jiraiya who was slumped on the ground, Shizune frantically shook her white teeth, her heart pounding.

It is easy to tell from the situation at hand.

Tsunade drugged Jiraiya out of fear of being stopped by them.

"By the way, where's Brother Su Bai?"

Uzumaki Naruto cast a contemptuous glance at Jiraiya, who was slumped on the ground.

He always said that he was an excellent ninja, but he was drugged in the wine and didn't know it.

But what made Naruto even more puzzled was that early this morning...

There was no sign of Su Bai.

As soon as he mentioned Su Bai, Jiraiya suddenly woke up: "It's a bad thing, I remember Su Bai kid was called by Tsunade with me last night."

"He must have been tricked by Tsunade as well."

Having said that, Jiraiya's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "I'm worried..."

"That guy Tsunade killed Su Bai and brought it to Orochimaru in order to show his favor to Orochimaru, right?"


"Master Jiraiya, please don't say that.

When Shizune heard this, even more cold sweat broke out on his tense face.

"Even if Master Tsunade wanted to trade with Orochimaru, why did he deal with Senior Su Bai?"

Shizune's excitement made Naruto equally startled, and his face darkened immediately.

"Can't it be because Brother Su Bai beat Orochimaru in the Death Forest, and Orochimaru took revenge."


Su Bai beat Orochimaru in the forest of death?

Uzumaki Naruto's words made Shizune, who was originally nervous, look a little dull.

She couldn't believe Naruto's words......

No matter what, Orochimaru is also called the legendary Sannin together with Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama.

No matter how powerful Su Bai is, it is impossible for him to have the ability to fight Sannin at this age.

"That's right, Shizune."

"What Naruto said is absolutely true, Orochimaru was indeed beaten up by Su Bai in the death forest before attacking Konoha Village."

"Presumably ruined some of his plans."

Jiraiya's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a fierce look: "If this is the case, things will be even more troublesome.

"I didn't expect Tsunade to fall so far.

"No, we have to rush to the scene to stop their transaction."

Jiraiya felt that she had regained some strength, and immediately stood up unsteadily.

Shizune's face was even uglier than before.

She no longer cared about being shocked by Su Bai's strength.

If things are really as Jiraiya said, then Tsunade...

Tsunade-sama who I have always followed and am proud of...

Shizune didn't dare to think too much, seeing Jiraiya stand up, she hurriedly said: "Master Jiraiya, then let's go there quickly."

Yakushi Kabuto, who was hiding in the corner of the wall, couldn't help but panic when he heard the information.

Not only Jiraiya came to find Tsunade, but even Shirayasha came?

Yakushi Kabuto quickly digested the detected information.....

"If what these three people said is true..."

Yakushi Kabuto thought of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if laughing at the other party's stupidity.

Immediately, he worshiped Orochimaru even more in his heart: "As expected of Lord Orochimaru, Shiroyasha has just recovered his identity."

"In the end, I was tricked by my fellow senior sister, hmph..."

"Really sad guy."

Thinking of this, Yakushi Kabuto gave up the mission of killing Shizune, after all Jiraiya was beside her.

Even though Jiraiya said that he was drugged by Tsunade, but at such a critical moment, Yakushi Kabuto still chose to be cautious.

Intended to report back to Orochimaru with the information they probed.

Book Street Outside the streets of Book City.

It is the place where Orochimaru and Tsunade met before, and it is also the place where the transaction takes place.

Watching Tsunade in front of him lift up his shimmering hands in dismay, Orochimaru showed a smug smile.

A woman is a woman.

Can never break free from the shackles of emotion.

I just made a small plan, so Tsunade will obediently help me heal my arm.

This kind of thing that looks like coercion, as long as you compromise for the first time, you will not be able to break free in the future.


Thinking of Tsunade who will soon become Fifth Hokage, Orochimaru seemed to see Uchiha Sasuke standing in front of him.

Not just Sasuke...

The members of the mystic family in Konoha Village will all become his test subjects.

But at the moment when the two of them were about to make contact. Ten kunai pierced the air.

Shoot at them both.

Feel the danger approaching...

Orochimaru and Tsunade simultaneously pulled back and dodged the attack.

Swish Swish Swish!

Yakushi Kabuto comes up with some nice backflips on the wall.

The next moment, he soared into the air and landed firmly behind Orochimaru.

However, at this time, Orochimaru's face was extremely ugly.

The eyes were bloodshot, the yellow snake pupils closed suddenly, and he asked viciously, "Why did you get such an answer? Tsunade?"

"You actually want to kill me?"

Faced with Orochimaru's surprise and anger, Yakushi Kabuto suddenly remembered the information he had collected before.

He could clearly feel that Tsunade's medical ninjutsu was full of murderous intent just now.

It seems that the other party does not want to cooperate with them.

That is to say, Tsunade did not kill Su Bai as Jiraiya and the others thought.

"However, I really believe in your loyalty to me and your ability.

Orochimaru said coldly, and Yakushi Kabuto instantly understood that it was Orochi asking him why.

He walked slowly to Orochimaru's side and said, "Yes, Lord Orochimaru."

"Because I am also a medical ninja, I can see that Master Tsunade's Chakra just now is full of murderous intent."

Yakushi Kabuto didn't say anything about Jiraiya and Su Bai having access to Tsunade.

It's not the right time yet, Master Orochimaru will probably talk to Tsunade again.

Sure enough, after Yakushi Kabuto explained the reason, Orochimaru immediately looked at Tsunade and said slowly: "Tsunade...

"Nawaki is my first apprentice, so I really want to revive him."

"Also, I promised you that I would never attack Konoha Village again."

The second sentence is indeed true. Orochimaru wants people from Konoha Village, so he naturally hopes that Konoha Village will be well.

Unfortunately, Tsunade sneered: "Orochimaru, do you think I'm really a three-year-old kid?"

"This kind of lie..."

Tsunade clenched her fists tightly. Regarding Nawaki's matter, she certainly hoped that she could be resurrected as Orochimaru said.

But this thing is really too fake.

The people who come out of Impure World Reincarnation cannot be regarded as real human beings at all.

There is absolutely no way she would allow Orochimaru to do something that hurt Nawaki like this.

"No, I don't think we have anything to say, Orochimaru..."

"Today I must let you hide here."

Tsunade let out a long breath, adjusted his throbbing mood, and his eyes became extremely firm.

Seeing this, Orochimaru closed his eyes slightly, and grinned: "It seems that the negotiation has broken down."

Originally, I wanted to test Tsunade again, but Tsunade's reaction was beyond Orochimaru's imagination...

"Things are getting a little troublesome."

Orochimaru sighed: "It seems that I can take you away and force you to give me treatment."

Speaking of this, there is nothing to talk about.

Orochimaru gave a look, but Yakushi Kabuto was taken aback.

He knew that this was an instruction to step forward and fight, but things changed.

Just when Yakushi Kabuto wanted to tell Orochimaru the information about Jiraiya and Su Bai, Tsunade had already come in front of them.

"So fast…………"

Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto were taken aback.

Tsunade has been flying into the air with a Tongtian kick.


There was a loud bang.

Orochimaru's standing position cracks on the spot


Tsunade kicked the entire street and collapsed into it.


Two figures appeared on the wall outside the street at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru couldn't help frowning.


"When did you have such a powerful strange power?"

Orochimaru's words made Yakushi Kabuto a little confused.

He remembered that Orochimaru had told him before that Tsunade's strange strength was terrifying, if he was punched, he might die.

Why is Orochimaru showing a surprised expression now?

Yakushi Kabuto was very puzzled, but unfortunately he didn't know that Tsunade, which Orochimaru knew, couldn't reach such a level of strange power.

"Hmph, it looks like something interesting happened to Tsunade when he was out and about for a few years.

Just as Orochimaru sneered, a little panic appeared on his face: "Dou, she's here."


The master and servant looked at Tsunade who was rushing towards them again, jumped up quickly and jumped onto the nearby tree.


Tsunade punches down.

The original wall suddenly collapsed.

"Master Orochimaru, it's a bit too crowded here to keep a distance and fight."

"We need a spacious place."


Yakushi Kabuto was also a little scared by Tsunade's amazing power.

Before he had time to say anything else, he hurriedly reported the previous information to Orochimaru: "And Master Jiraiya is now rushing this way with the woman named Shizune.

"With Jiraiya, besides Uzumaki Naruto, there is also Shiraiyasha."


When Yakushi Kabuto uttered the word White Yasha.

Orochimaru's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Jiraiya knew that there was absolutely no way to face Tsunade, but Su Bai was different.

Orochimaru knew too little about him.

"Why is it White Yasha again?"

Thinking of Su Bai, Orochimaru is full of resentment.

If it wasn't for Su Bai last time, he would have labeled Sasuke as his own.

Now 0.2 is good, this troublesome guy came to stop me from looking for Tsunade again?

It was unbearable.

"Since Bai Yasha is here, the plan has changed."

"Dou, you don't want to fight Tsunade anymore, we have to capture him back now.

Orochimaru said lightly.

Yakushi Kabuto also had no choice but to nod in response.

Before that, he wanted to compete with Tsunade, who is known as the medical golden ceiling.

See how far your abilities are from it.

but now....

Things do change.

"You are going to bleed now, I will capture Tsunade."

Orochimaru had just finished speaking.


Tsunade still jumped into the air and appeared in front of the two.

"Hmph! It's over, Tsunade."

Orochimaru smiled grimly.

Yakushi Kabuto's technique was crisp and neat, tearing up the prepared blood pack and spilling blood on Tsunade.


The pungent bloody smell couldn't help but make Tsunade wrinkle his nose.

Instantly remembered the days when I was alone with Su Bai.

Suddenly, a feeling of shame and anger welled up in my heart.

When he looked at the proud Orochimaru again, Tsunade's eyes were full of anger.

"Give me death, because of attachment."


Kick it down.

Orochimaru didn't even have time to react.

Then I felt a burst of ups and downs in my abdominal cavity.


His body was like a cannonball fired.

Quickly flew to the distance.

Yakushi Kabuto: "!!!!"

"Master Orochimaru........."

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