Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 112: Naruto's Identity, Shocking Su Bai One Ten Thousand Years

In the Konoha Village Hokage office.

Su Bai sat at his desk and organized the files in his hands.

These few days of kung fu can be said to be full of opportunities, one thing after another.

Terumi Mei's sudden appearance really surprised him.

It turned out to be a shop in Konoha Village.

It's just that this kind of thing can't help but make Su Bai feel very funny.

Looking at it, he didn't come here to go undercover to gather information, even if he killed Su Bai, he wouldn't believe it.

The dinner agreed that night was also canceled due to a temporary emergency meeting.

At the meeting, Konoha Village executives and consultants were all nervous.

The matter of Cloud Shinobi Village was not resolved, and Uchiha Sasuke had trouble again.

But this meeting, Shimura Danzō also participated in it.

Looking at his serious bitter face.

Su Bai almost cried out from laughter.

Danzo claimed that the identity investigation of the group of ninjas who pretended to be Konoha Village Anbu will definitely be revealed by then.

Alright! Su Bai couldn't help but lament that Danzo's face is really thick, and he is almost catching up with him.

The next day was Tsunade's Hokage inauguration ceremony.

As soon as the ceremony was over, Uzumaki Naruto ran over in a hurry.

When it comes to Uchiha Sasuke, no one cares more about him.

It's just that Sasuke's defection to Orochimaru is an undercover matter, only Su Bai, Tsunade and Sasuke himself know.

In desperation, Tsunade reluctantly sent several of their male Xiaoqiangs to pursue, perfunctory Uzumaki Naruto.

By the way, all the Xiaoqiang were beaten to pieces by Su Bai's Duoyuya.

Even Naruto, who was turned into a beast due to anger, was kicked straight and stunned.

After the revived Rock Lee gained power, he wanted to show off his ninja skills, but he was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Might Guy, who came back from the mission, was dumbfounded when he saw this.

Weeping bitterly, he told Rock Lee that his practice was far from enough.


Only then did all Xiaoqiang realize that they were weak in strength. Together they were not as good as one of Orochimaru's subordinates.


As soon as Uzumaki Naruto was discharged from the hospital, he hurriedly followed Jiraiya and left Konoha Village for so-called practice.

Su Bai also took this opportunity to encourage the 12 Xiaoqiang, and distributed the extra five strawberries to Hyuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chōji, Inuzuka Ya and Aburame Shino

Everyone was extremely excited because of Su Bai's secret technique support, and they were very grateful to Su Bai for studying and farming for them for several days and nights, and finally got five hard-won strawberries.

Of course, in addition to gaining the growth of Chakra and physical upper limit, Su Bai also gained the ninjutsu part Expansion Jutsu by accident.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing to say.

"There has been no news about Fourth Raikage, Hee, Darui lately.

Uzuki Xiyan was at the desk, reporting the information secretly conveyed.

But what shocked her was...

How did Su Bai guess that people from Cloud Shinobi Village would appear in large numbers all over the ninja world.

She really wanted to ask about this matter, but due to her status, Xiyan could only keep this thought in her heart.

For Konoha Village, the only thing to be thankful for is Cloud Shinobi Village. After the negotiation, there was no follow-up matter.

Even Nara Lujiu couldn't figure out the specific reason for this incident.

"Oh! Then continue to investigate."

Su Bai said something casually, and handed Uzuki Xiyan a photo by the way.

"When you find this person's whereabouts, you should report to me immediately."

Xiyan took a look at the photo...

The pretty face under the mask couldn't help trembling slightly.

this woman...

Short blond hair, fair skin.

Beautiful, especially....

"Her name is Samui."

"If you find her whereabouts, report it immediately, and remember not to let our people have too much contact with her.

Su Bai smiled.

With regard to Samui, it's time to provoke the relationship between her and Fourth Raikage.

"Oh! Got it."

Xiyan replied lightly.

Didn't think too much about it.

But she also has a lot of doubts in her heart.

Every time I come to the office these days, I only see Su Bai sitting on the Hokage office chair, as if he is Hokage.

And Tsunade has not been seen for several days.

"Anbu's mission is to continue to track the movements of Cloud Shinobi Village."

What Su Bai said made Maoyue Xiyan slightly startled.

It's obvious...

She was driven away.

"Oh, I see."

Uzuki Xiyan replied subconsciously, but she always felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.


Before leaving, Uzuki Xiyan seemed to suddenly remember something important.

He turned his head and said again: "About the matter of eating together, see?"

"Just tonight."

After receiving Su Bai's reply, Uzuki Xiyan nodded, opened the door and left the office.

When Xiyan left, Su Bai stretched himself.

After being busy recently, I think there is nothing else to do.

Since Yuhihong wants to treat herself to dinner, then go over and see what Terumi Mei is up to.

"Is anyone gone?"

However, at this time, Tsunade's voice came from under the desk in front of Su Bai.

Su Bai lowered his head to look at Tsunade who poked his head out, couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and sighed: "Let's go."

Hearing this, Tsunade was overjoyed and hurried out from under the table.

"I thought it was those two old guys again, if I had known it was Xi Yan, I wouldn't have gotten under the table.

After Tsunade came out, he also stretched his arms, twisted his waist and moved around.

These days Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura are always rushing to talk to Tsunade in a hurry.

Especially about the threat of war at Cloud Shinobi Village.

The more silent the other party is, the more uncertain they feel.

In the end, the annoying Tsunade yelled at the two of them, and Koharu stomped his feet in anger.

"It's not a good thing to always like to go under the table."

Su Bai said jokingly.

Tsunade gave him a blank look, and then asked, "What you told Xiyan about the Fourth Raikage just now..."

"Can you give me a detailed report?"

This incident was like a needle in Tsunade's heart.

She did know that Su Bai was investigating the whereabouts of Fourth Raikage and others.

But it was not clear what Su Bai wanted to do.

This time it's not just Fourth Raikage, Darui and Shi.

There was even an extra Samuel.

Tsunade still knew Samui, after all, Samui was the negotiator to Hidden Village that day.

The more he thought about it, Tsunade suddenly lost his confidence.

What Su Bai did seemed very strange.

Seeing Tsunade's longing eyes, Su Bai felt a little sorry.

Of course, this embarrassment is just a flash.

Although Tsunade has a fiery temper, he is particularly prone to anger.

But to Su Bai, she is still very gentle.

It's a pity that Su Bai always has a mentality of being wary of Tsunade, which is not good to be true.


After thinking about it, Yin Bai let out a long breath.

Going to give Tsunade a showdown.

"Come with me."

There was no one else in the office, Su Bai directly opened the portal.

Seeing this, Tsunade was taken aback.

"Where are you going? Isn't your house already Summoning?"

"go home."

Su Bai answered casually, and dragged Tsunade into the portal.

Appeared again, the two had come to the home space.

Seeing this, Tsunade was taken aback.


"Isn't this your home?"

"Shouldn't it be at the back of Hokage Rock?"

Good guy!

Tsunade was stunned on the spot.

Seeing the familiar home space, she always felt that her mind was a little bit overwhelmed.

"That is fake, this is real."

As soon as Su Bai said this, Tsunade trembled even more sadly.

My old lady regards you as one of my own, but you are always on guard against me?

Seeing that Tsunade didn't speak, Su Bai didn't ask either.

There is no need to ask more about this kind of thing, it's no wonder she isn't angry.

It's a pity that Su Bai sometimes thinks wrong.

There was no anger in Tsunade's heart, but there was a lot of resentment.

"Let me tell you the truth."

"Actually, since I returned to Konoha Village, I have been working on a lot of things."

"Generally, I want to secretly hold the ninja villages of the five major ninja kingdoms in my own hands."

"Control the five major countries and achieve real peace in the ninja world."


Hearing this, Tsunade was so startled that her beautiful eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

She never thought that Su Bai would have such an idea.

The idea is crazy.

But then...

Tsunade seemed to sense some conspiracy, his face sank, and he asked, "So, you must first fully master Konoha Village, right?"

Thinking of Su Bai's enthusiasm for the future generation of Konoha Village, Tsunade understands why.

It turned out that the guy in front of him had such "sinister" intentions.

Too bad Su Bai didn't answer her question directly.

Answering this kind of question at this time will only make the conversation between the two of them fall into an endless loop.

The more you explain, the more energetic the other party will be, and in the end it will be bad if I don't listen to me or I don't listen to you.

"That's right."

"Of course, I have also thought about the Cloud Shinobi Village. I plan to arrange a puppet Fifth Raikage."


Golem Fifth Raikage?

Tsunade heard the sound and almost exploded on the spot.

She easily put herself into the role.

Speaking of which, isn't this Fifth Hokage also a puppet?

"Hey! There is no way, after all, the ninja world is too cruel.

"I don't want our children to face various tasks and wars that may harm their lives once our children are born."

"So I want to create a completely peaceful world for children all at once while I'm still young.

Su Bai once again turned on the state of making up nonsense.

He knew very well in his heart that as long as the sacred tree bears the fruit of Chakra.

After taking it, he becomes immortal like Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

For him, time is nothingness, so don't care about it at all.

"Huh? Kid? What kid?"

"No, what is our child?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village anyway."

"If this word gets out, my reputation will be ruined by you.

After Tsunade heard Su Bai's words, her tender body trembled.

He explained in a panic.

Especially looking at Su Bai's eyes, Tsunade felt guilty.

After all, she knew what was going on between the two of them.


"Don't stare at me like that."


Su Bai:

I really didn't think so

To Tsunade there is such a womanhood.

Su Bai also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, it seemed that the foreshadowing before had played some role.


He continued: "I have seen too many tragic things."567

"The world of ninjas is indeed too cruel."

"Take Uzumaki Naruto."

Uzumaki Naruto?

Tsunade was taken aback, she didn't expect Su Bai to mention Uzumaki Naruto at this time.

Out of curiosity, Tsunade immediately fell silent, wanting to hear what Su Bai thinks of Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage."

"You could have had a wonderful family life."

"As a result, the Fourth Hokage couple died in battle because of the Nine Tails Rebellion."

"Naruto became the Nine Tails Jinchūriki of Konoha Village, and his fate was completely changed."

"I also know that the villagers are afraid of Jin Chūriki, that's why they ostracize him."

"Even if it's Third Hokage and Fourth Hokage, neither of them can change the villagers' opinion of Jinchūriki."

"And the reason for this kind of thing is, in the final analysis, because of the arms race between the five major kingdoms' ninja villages.

"Every ninja village needs to rely on tailed beasts to deter other villages."

"Unfortunately, it is these innocent children who are unlucky."

"Even after the Nine Tails Rebellion, it indirectly led to the tragedy of Hyuga Neji, the tragedy of Uchiha Sasuke.

Speaking of which.

Su Bai paused and remained silent.

The silent atmosphere seemed particularly irritable, but Tsunade felt a little unhappy after hearing these words.

Said lightly: "The world of ninjas was originally like this."


Su Bai heard the displeasure in Tsunade's words, and glanced at Tsunade.

Casually said: "If the ninja world has always been in a period of peace, the current Hokage may not be you."

"It's Nawaki."

As soon as Nawaki's name came out, Tsunade shook.

After pondering for a few seconds, she said softly: "At this time, don't mention Nawaki."

That being said.

But Tsunade's mood is obviously much better.


Nawaki was also sacrificed as a result of brutal wars in the ninja world.

It's nothing to say a word at this time.

"Hey! What you said seems to make sense."

"Thinking about it now, Naruto's child is really not easy.

"Reminiscing about his parents is indeed very sad."

"Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is indeed a very good Hokage."

"And his mother, Uzumaki Haori, is virtuous, reasonable, and a very good ninja."


"Hey! It's a pity."

Tsunade also imitated Su Bai and let out a long sigh.

But what she said made Su Bai extremely shocked.

The development of things seems to be beyond his imagination.

I originally wanted to teach Tsunade a lesson, but I didn't expect...

"Who do you say Naruto's mother is?".

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