Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 113: I'm Sorry, Xiyan, I Can Only Betray You

Konoha Village in the evening....

Brightly lit.

After the collapse, the village gradually returned to its original prosperity.

Su Bai, who was walking on the street, was still thinking about the shock that Tsunade brought to him during the day.

Uzumaki Naruto's mother is not Uzumaki Kushina?

My obedient.

This incident simply overturned Su Bai's cognition.

He even once doubted the Hokage he had watched...

Did you watch fake Hokage?

It is reported that...

Uzumaki Naruto's mother was a member of the other Uzumaki clan.

Physique is very special.

The body can recover other people's injuries and Chakra by being bitten.

This piece of information shocked Su Bai into a cold sweat.

Shouldn't this person be Uzumaki's mother?

Especially when I think of the story of fooling Hyūga Hinata with fragrant phosphorus.

Su Bai was even more ashamed.

No wonder I haven't been able to find anything about Uzumaki before.

turn out to be...…

Uzumaki incense phosphorus has never appeared in this world.

Who the hell changed this?

Su Bai was a little apprehensive.

If there are other traversers in the ninja world, that would be a big deal.

And according to Tsunade.

It was a dark and stormy night, Uzumaki Kushina was kidnapped and never came back.

Namikaze Minato, who went to the rescue, tracked all the way according to the hair marks left on the Kushina road.

It turned out to be three Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas with their necks smeared.

This point Su Bai is still very clear.

After all, the fourteen-year-old Uzumaki Kushina was targeted by Cloud Shinobi Village because of the particularity of Chakra in his body.

Cloud Shinobi Village at that time.....

Eight Tails often go berserk, they are often distressed.

It should be trying to kidnap Uzumaki Kushina as Jinchūriki of Eight Tails.

According to Su Bai's memory, Uzumaki Kushina lived in a very luxurious place at that time.

Presumably living with Uzumaki Mito.

Not yet Nine Tails Jinchūriki in Konoha Village.

"It seems that after losing Kushina, Konoha Village found Xianglin's mother and assumed the identity of Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Su Bai kept muttering in his heart.

It is actually not particularly difficult for Konoha Village to find another member of the Uzumaki family.

If it doesn't work, a reward order will be issued with a lot of money, and a reward will be offered to people from the Uzumaki family.

There are a lot of people in the black market who are willing to accept such a task.

And the Uzumaki family with red hair, the price in the market is still very good.

This is how people who have been destroyed are treated.

Su Bai remembers very clearly the scene where Orochimaru met Kaorin.

Xianglin was almost taken away by two people from the black market in order to sell it for a good price.

But according to Xianglin's physical characteristics, her mother should be able to serve as Jinchūriki of Nine Tails.

So here comes the problem....

Where did Uzumaki Kushina go?

It doesn't make sense to say that it was done by the time traveler.

After all, as a time traveler, how much love Kushina has to catch her alone.

And when Su Bai didn't mix into Konoha Village, it took a long time to almost turn around the ninja world.

I have never heard any unfamiliar rumors at all, nor have I seen any clues about Uzumaki Kushina.

"It's really strange."

Su Bai murmured to himself.

Could it be that I traveled to the past through some methods, and slightly changed some things that would not affect the future?

Thinking of this, Su Bai thought of the ancient country of Loulan in the Land of Wind.

It is indeed possible to travel through time and space through the dragon veins there.

But judging by the experience of Uzumaki Naruto shuttle.

Naruto and Sunagakure rebel Centipede to travel to the past timeline, long past the timeline where Uzumaki Kushina was kidnapped.

This kind of thing is actually kind of elusive.

Su Bai couldn't figure it out, and didn't want to continue thinking about it.

He will go to Cloud Shinobi Village to investigate this matter when the time comes.

Could it be that the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village hid Kushina as a calf?

If so...

"Could it be that Cloud Shinobi Village self-directed and acted in a bitter scheme~~?"

Thinking of Uzumaki Kushina, Su Bai felt a little sorry.

However at this moment....

A familiar voice came into Su Bai's ears.

"Master Su Bai, you are here."

Hearing the sound, Su Bai raised his head, only to see Mao Yue Xi Yan and Xi Hi Hong waiting for his arrival at the intersection.


Su Bai nodded towards Maoyue Xiyan, and looked at Xihihong by the way.

"Long time no see, Teacher Hong."

Didn't think too much about it either.

Su Bai thought that Hyūga Hinata called Yuhihong a teacher, and he said it by himself.

It's a pity that Yuhihong heard it...

Pretty face turned red.

This kind of words sound really harsh.

She still remembers the first time she met Su Bai.

Nothing had time to react.

Hinata was snatched by the guy in front of him.


Yu Hihong just nodded politely, and lightly poked Xi Yan's back with her finger.

Signal her to say something.

To cover up the embarrassing scene of the two meeting.

Uzuki Xiyan didn't seem to understand the meaning of Yuhihong, she turned her head and asked in doubt: "Red"

"Why are you poking me?"

Evening Red: "..."

Seeing this, Su Bai didn't care at all.

Yuhihong must have done or said something behind the scenes about things that are not good for her.

But it's quite understandable when you think about it.

You captured people from other people's villages, and you are another person's apprentice.

Can I still say hello?

Doesn't that person have a brain problem?

"Which one of you two is going to treat you? I know of a restaurant that has just opened recently. Shall we go over and have a taste.

Su Bai smiled generously.

The purpose of eating is false "The purpose of probing ten times Terumi Yasu is true.

"It's Hong's treat."


Uzuki Xiyan glanced at Yuhi Hong.

Xi Hihong was a little embarrassed, and there was still some small complaints in her heart.

Su Bai in front of him was really not polite at all.

When you first arrive, you have to choose a place.

But Yuhihong had arranged everything long before.

The shop has also been chosen, and the money has already been paid.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if we changed places?

Thinking about her pocket, Rihong sighed inwardly.

It has been a long time since I have no task work, and the remaining money and food are also stretched.

Just to not want to embarrass herself in front of Su Bai, Yuhihong gritted her teeth and said, "If Su Bai can find a good place, let's go there together."

Although he could see the embarrassment flashing across Yuhi's pretty face, Su Bai didn't say generously that he would treat guests.

Now that Yu Hihong said so, Su Bai nodded: "Then let's go."

But when the three of them came to the door of the store, Xi Hihong was relieved.

Su Bai chose the same shop as the one she had chosen before.

"This is it."

"I heard the boss is a warm-hearted beauty."

Su Bai smiled.

I heard...

Mao Yue Xi Yan and Xi Hi Hong were slightly taken aback, and at the same time cast contemptuous glances at Su Bai.

"Look, let me tell you, even if Su Bai chooses, he will still choose this one.

The relaxed Xi Hihong stood up proudly, looking at Xi Yan.


Xiyan was silent.

I was a little puzzled.

How did Su Bai, who has a lot of work to do lately, know that the owner of this newly opened shop is a warm-hearted beauty.

It's really strange.

Could it be that Su Bai still investigates the living conditions of Konoha Village in his busy schedule?

Of course it's not...

Compared with Uzuki Xiyan, although Yuhihong's idea is simple and crude, it is closer to reality.


Mainly the problem of the owner of this store.

When the three of them entered the door, Terumi Mei, who greeted them with a smile on her face, was taken aback when she saw Su Bai.

The shy Chojuro even shook his hands in fright.

The water glass fell to the ground.


Terumi Mei's face changed in an instant, and the originally stunned expression was smiling beautifully.

"Why are you so careless?"

"Hurry up and get things from the back and come over and tidy up."

When he came to Chojuro, Terumi Mei patted his shoulder lightly, signaling Chojuro not to be so nervous.

"Changjuro, you just have to play your own role well, and the things you save are up to me."

Terumi Mei secretly spoke to Chojuro with an encouraging tone.

She didn't mean to blame Chojuro.

The main reason is that the right person to investigate appeared in front of the two of them just like that.

It's a bit surprising.

And Changjuro's nervousness is very understandable.

After all, the object of investigation is the notorious White Yaksha.


After Changjuro said tremblingly, he hurriedly stepped into the hall.


Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan were also a little puzzled.

How could this shy and shy waiter tremble after seeing Su Bai?

So Xi Yan joked: "Master Su Bai, it seems that some foreign villagers still have an image of you in the past."

She smiled, then looked at Ke Terumi Mei: "Boss, don't be afraid.

"Master Su Bai is no longer the White Yaksha in the black market."

"He is the apprentice of our Konoha Village Third Hokage, and even the assistant of the Fifth Hokage today."

"He's a decent guy."


These words sounded a bit like coming out of Yuhihong's mouth.

Speaking from a person who stays in Anbu all the year round....

decent person?

Uzuki Xiyan is also too good at putting gold on her face.

In the world of ninjas, are there still decent characters?

That is, the people in their own village feel that they are decent.


"No no."

"The main reason is that Changjuro is shy and timid since he was a child."

"Master Su Bai and I have met before. To be honest, I admire Master Su Bai very much."

"To be able to serve as the assistant of Fifth Hokage at such a young age, the strength must be very strong.

Terumi Mei hurriedly apologized with a smile, for fear that the fat in her mouth would fly away.

Now that Su Bai has come to her shop.

want to go?


It is impossible to let him go without leaving something important.


"You two actually met?"

What Terumi Mei said made Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan a little surprised.

But in an instant, the two figured it out at the same time.

He looked Terumi Mei up and down carefully.

This boss is also considered to be


18. €.....

"Let's stop talking, let's go up first."

Yuhihong said lightly.

As a woman, her sixth sense told herself that Terumi Mei looked at Su Bai in a strange way.

That kind of smile is also very strange, it is clearly a flattering fake smile.


But Yuhihong understands Terumi Mei's thoughts very well.

It is not easy to be a self-reliant businessman.

When I came to Konoha Village, I wanted to find a backer.

The current Su Bai is naturally the best choice.

Young and promising do not say.

Recently, Kurenai Yuhi also learned from Hatake Kakashi and the others that Su Bai has received strong support from Master Tsunade since he came to Konoha Village.

All kinds of meetings that only Konoha Village executives can enter, he never fails.

There were even days when Tsunade was not in the Hokage office due to being too busy....

Su Bai is the one who sits in Hokage's seat.


Yuhihong, who originally had a certain affection for Terumi Mei, suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

The woman in front of her was terrifying.

People who think like this are scary.

Just imagine Su Bai's concentration.

Evening Red's heart trembled.

Not reliable!

If Terumi Mei in front of her gets her way, who knows what will happen in the future.

"Let's hurry up, Su Bai, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Su Bai staring at Terumi Mei all the time, Yuhihong was even more shocked.

She is also very clear that the current Fifth Hokage Tsunade is training Su Bai as the heir of the Sixth Hokage.

If the future wife of Sixth Hokage becomes someone other than Konoha Village.....

This matter should not be a good thing for Konoha Village.


Yuhihong was influenced by her father Yuhi Zhenhong since she was a child.

Their ninja existence is to protect the future of Konoha Village.

"Is Uzuki Xiyan not enough for you to see?"

"Let's go now."

Yu Hihong, who had a temper, didn't care too much, and directly took Su Bai's hand.

Pull it upstairs.

Su Bai: "?????"

The sudden change made Su Bai a little confused.

He just wanted to find out what kind of conspiracy the undercover Kirigakure in front of him was up to.

Who would have thought that Yuhihong would have such a big reaction, and even pull Uzuki Xiyan out as a shield.

Feeling Yu Hihong's dissatisfaction, Yin Bai knew very well that the person in front of him must be thinking wrong.

However, Uzuki Xiyan was even more confused.

She had no idea what Kureni Yuhi was doing.

"Hey! What does this matter have to do with me?".

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