Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 117: As Soon As Terumi Mei Was Kicked Away, Hinata Appeared In A Hurry

Terumi Mei packed everything up.

With full of doubts, he followed Su Bai to the hall of the room.

The environment of the hall is still so clean and tidy, and there is a comfortable feeling as soon as you enter the door.

very strange!

Really weird.

Terumi Mei glanced around, and remembered the process of walking from the dungeon just now.

The entire underground dungeon is actually very clean.

Not at all full of Bloodline and filth like those dungeons in Ninja Village.

This made Terumi Mei even more suspicious.

Didn’t the people next door to me get beaten to death in those few days?

Or did Su Bai and Hinata clean it up?

It's just that no matter what Terumi Mei thinks, she can't figure out how diligent the two of them need to clean the blood-stained room.

What makes her feel the difference is the milk that Su Bai feeds her.

Not only can her mental state and injuries be restored instantly, even her hungry stomach doesn't feel any hunger at this time.


Her own strength has also risen a level.

Although she really wanted to seize the opportunity to subdue Su Bai, Terumi Mei finally defeated her impulse with reason.

Think about it, since the other party can give you such a miraculous thing, then he must be even more miraculous.

Once impulsive, it may fall into a situation beyond redemption.

"What the hell are you talking about about our Fourth Mizukage?"

Seeing Su Bai sitting down, Terumi Mei hurriedly asked.


"Citrus Yagura."

"The Fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure, also the Three Tails Jinchūriki of your village."

"It was originally a good Mizukage, but unfortunately, it was controlled by people from the Akatsuki organization using illusion.

"Otherwise how could Kirigakure become so dark now."

Su Bai said lightly.

He still knows about Kirigakure.

The Blood Mist has been called this since a long time ago.

At Terumi Mei's time, if they wanted to graduate...

It is necessary to kill all ninjas in the same period.

But this is a different matter from the subsequent persecution of the owner of the blood succession limit.

Later, because Kirigakure executives always felt that Yagura's behavior was weird, Ao, who had shut the eyes of 12 Hyuga sects on the battlefield, cast the pupil technique.

It was only then that it was discovered that Yagura was really controlled by the illusion.


"Don't lie to me with such a mess."

"I know, you must be trying to cause me confusion through this matter.

"Give up, I won't tell you about Kirigakure."

Although she had some mental preparations before, Terumi Mei was still trembling in shock when she heard Su Bai's words again.

I couldn't believe my ears at all.

"I don't need to tell you nonsense about this kind of thing, and it doesn't do me any good."

"Besides, since I've fixed you, I'm already planning to put you back."

"And I know as much about your Kirigakure information as you do. The reason why I locked you up is nothing more than boredom."

Su Bai paused, then continued to laugh:

"What I said, you can go back and ask your higher-ups to order that Qing who treats the white eyes as treasures to investigate."


After hearing this, Terumi Mei was taken aback again.

Who is Su Bai in front of him?

Why can you be so confident when you say this kind of thing.

It's just that I haven't waited for Terumi Mei to react.

But Su Bai's voice sounded again: "If you go back and find that what I said is correct, you must deal with this matter quickly.

"Otherwise Kirigakure will perish sooner or later."

"That's it, I don't have much to say between you and me, let's send you back."

In fact, what I said is quite reasonable.

In today's Kirigakure, the only ninja who can make a move is Terumi Mei.

It's really pitiful enough.

If there is an accident in Terumi Mei, even if Kirigakure finds Yagura's problem, he will not even be able to choose the next Mizukage.

Su Bai's operation made Terumi Mei even more confused.

She closed her beautiful eyes slightly, and frowned slightly: "You are so kind?"

"I'm in a good mood these days, it's just a whim."

"Of course, if you insist on lingering on my cell, I don't have any objections.


Terumi Mei let out a delicate voice, and snorted coldly: "Only a fool would linger on that kind of place."

Su Bai:

This is not a good way to say it.

The cute little Hyūga Hinata obviously likes that kind of place very much.

Sometimes I really overwhelm the brain circuits of these women.

Buckle it, she can't wait to bite you to death.

Let her go, she has many problems.


Su Bai doesn't care, maybe one day, Terumi Mei will fall in love with this place again like Hinata.

But Terumi Mei confused herself, she sneered: "You are so funny, are you fooling me into being a three-year-old child?"

"If I'm right, you Konoha Village must be ready."

"This is called putting a long line to catch big fish."

After listening to Terumi Mei's words, Su Bai was silent for a while.

After counting breaths, stand up.

He dragged Terumi Mei directly and walked towards the portal: "It's a bunch of bullshit, I'm upset now, you should just get out of here."


Terumi Mei only felt that she was kicked from behind by Su Bai.

Then he sat down on the ground.


"It hurts!"

Grinning, Terumi Mei hurriedly stood up and looked around again, only to find that she had come to the border of the water kingdom.

for a while...

She was a little stunned, and quickly sealed: "Solution!"



After several times in a row, Terumi Mei's pretty face trembled slightly.

This is not illusion.

Since it wasn't an illusion, Terumi Mei was even more frightened.

From the strength Su Bai dragged her just now, it can be seen that the level gap between the two is really too big.

Fortunately, I was not impulsive at first.

Terumi Mei is even more sober now, if she meets Su Bai...

The opponent has the ability to instantly kill her on the spot.

"Is that why he let me go?"

Thinking of the gap in strength between the two, Terumi Mei felt a little sad.

It's like the feeling between humans and ants.

Su Bai let her go, maybe just as he said, just on a whim.

The reason is that the other party doesn't care about Terumi Mei at all.

After all, in people's hearts, she can't afford to make any troubles.

"Damn White Yaksha, you are really too arrogant."

Terumi stomped her feet angrily.

However, a few seconds later, she regained her energy.

"No, now is not the time to think about this.

"I must quickly find Chojuro, go back and report this information to Kirigakure's senior management.

Su Bai's powerful truth is beyond Terumi Mei's cognition.

If this is the case, the credibility of what the other party said will be different.

Her first thought was not to complete the undercover mission given to her by Fourth Mizukage.

Instead, he directly defected, and the first person to investigate was Fourth Mizukage.

Kicked Terumi Mei away.

Su Bai returned to the courtyard again.


feels good.

The rebound of that kick still made Su Bai feel a little unfinished.

But at this moment, Su Bai felt the spatial fluctuations in the home space.

If you think right, Hyūga Hinata should be coming.

Sure enough, before Su Bai finished his recollection, he heard a hurried voice from the room: "Senior? Are you there, Senior?"

Da da da!

Hyūga Hinata ran out anxiously while shouting, the moment she saw Su Bai again, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But seeing her flustered expression, Su Bai was very puzzled.

He asked, "What happened, so flustered."

Logically speaking, it shouldn't.

According to Su Bai's understanding of Hinata's mission on this trip, isn't it just to deal with a raging woman?

Can you be so flustered?

Although it is said that the power of Feng Hua Nu Tao has greatly increased with the help of the Snow Country's third generation Chakra armor

It can even release the powerful ice escape. (There is a difference from Bai's blood succession limit, which is not the blood succession limit.)

But according to the current ability of Hyūga Hinata, it is relatively easy to deal with him.

Not to mention Nu Tao's subordinate Langya Xuebeng and the other three trash.

Of course, if Hatake Kakashi heard this, he would be so angry that he vomited blood. Hatake Kakashi, who was in Anbu back then, lost to Spike Avalanche.

"Something is wrong."

The moment he saw Su Bai, Hyūga Hinata's aura immediately weakened.

Nodding his fingers, his face flushed.

"Is there a problem with the mission?"

Su Bai glanced at Hinata suspiciously, the other party nodded slightly, and explained the general process of the matter by the way.

In fact, the general event is not much different from what Su Bai thought before.

Fenghua Xiaoxue is very afraid of Fenghua Raging Waves because of her childhood memories of terror.

It is agreed that no one can defeat the storm.

So he played with his temper and didn't want to go back to the Snow Country.

Speaking of it, I don't want everyone to die for her.

But those ministers who were looking forward to her return took Fenghua Xiaoxue on board the boat back to the Land of Snow.


The battle begins.

Hyūga Hinata defeated Spike Avalanche with a personal performance.

The remaining two bastards were also easily resolved by Inuzuka Fang and Aburame Shino.

It's a pity that in the final decisive battle, Yu Hihong is not the opponent of Fenghua Futao.

Her illusions don't seem to have any effect on Rage in Chakra's armor.

Inuzuka and Aburame Shino are no match for Rage.

"how about you?"

"Aren't you also the opponent of the storm?"

After Su Bai heard this, doubts arose in his heart.

Some don't understand why Hyūga Hinata came here.

After narrating for a long time, I didn't say what kind of performance I had.

I can't beat the storm

Or something else.

Facing Su Bai's questioning, Hyūga Hinata blushed even more.

Eyes wandering.

Rubbing his little hands, he said a little at a loss: "That Feng Hua Nu Tao is really powerful in ninjutsu."

"The ice escape cast can also form a storm tornado."

"But I think if I fight him, I should be able to win the final victory.

Speaking of Hinata....

Su Bai immediately picked up the conversation: "That's fine, why are you making a special trip.

I'm really speechless.

Su Bai has no idea what Hyūga Hinata is trying to do

Sighing, Su Bai walked towards the room.

As he walked, he said, "You don't have a fever today, do you?"


Hinata hurriedly responded, followed Su Bai's pace, and said weakly behind him: "But..."

"But Teacher Hong is not an opponent at all."

"Even if Kiba and Shino went together, the three of them were almost blown away by the raging tornado."

"I'll take a look..."

"I also pretended to be blown away together."



What is this operation?

Su Bai stopped suddenly and looked at Hinata with a frown.

Speak from the bottom of my heart...

He really didn't realize what Hina 107 Tian's little head was thinking.

Kurenai Yuhi, Kiba Inuzuka and Aburame Shino were blown away.

Hinata also pretended to be blown away.

Wait a moment!

After a while, Su Bai finally discovered the problem.

He stared dumbfounded at Hyūga Hinata in front of him.

Seeing this, Hinata turned her eyes slightly to the side: "Yes, just as you thought, senior, Teacher Hong was beaten so badly.

"If I make a move, will it hurt her self-esteem?"



Hinata continued to point her fingers at each other, and said falteringly: "So I told them to come and ask you to help."

"So I ran to you."

"Senior, I'm sorry!"

"I still have to trouble you."

hey! i say!

Su Bai let out a long breath, and kept pointing at Hinata with his fingers.

This scene made Hinata tremble with worry.

"I said you have been with me for so long, how did you become so thoughtful?"


Hearing Su Bai's words, Hinata quickly waved his arms and explained anxiously: "No, no, I don't have any small thoughts."

"I just feel that Teacher Hong..."

Just wanted to say that it was not easy for Yuhihong, but thinking of Su Bai's contribution, Chu Qu immediately shut her mouth.


It was not easy for Teacher Hong, but senior Su Bai in front of him felt more wronged.

Especially when I think of Su Bai who was still undercover in the black market before.

Hyūga Hinata suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and really wanted to slap himself hard.

Sure enough, after staying with Su Bai for a long time, I found that Su Bai was too gentle [I felt a little swollen.

"I'm sorry senior, it's all my fault."

"I'll go back now, and I will definitely defeat Feng Hua Fu Tao."

Hyūga Hinata said firmly, and as soon as the words fell, the portal appeared beside him.

Without any hesitation, she was about to leave.

But was stopped by Su Bai: "Wait a minute."

"Since you have told others, I am sure it is impossible for you to become a person who does not believe what you say.

"I'll go with you, I'll take care of the storm and the raging waves."


Hearing this, Hinata's original firm gaze became even more colorful.

In this world, there really is no one who can heal more than Su Bai.

"Well! It's really not easy for you to think about Yuhihong."

"Hinata, you are really kind."

Su Bai touched Hinata's head and smiled.

In his mind, there is nothing wrong with Hyūga Hinata's approach.

Not only has he maintained the kindness he once had, but he has also become much more mature than before.

"let's go."

Just said something casually.

Su Bai pulled Hinata up, and the two walked into the portal together. .

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