Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 118: About Being Recognized By The Princess As The Strongest Ninja

The land of secret treasures in the land of ice and snow...

At this time, the wind and flowers and raging waves are in full swing.

"Are you kidding me!"

"The secret treasure of the Fengxue family is actually a geothermal device?"

He's completely devastated.

The secret weapon developed by her own brother, Fenghua Xiaoxue's father, Fenghua Xiaoxue, is actually a geothermal device.


The wind and flowers and raging waves are completely unacceptable to the scene in front of them.

With the activation of geothermal installations.

The endless snow-covered ground is slowly melting.

Taking advantage of the wind, flowers and raging waves, I was stunned.

Kurenu Yuhi, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino made eye contact, and charged towards the storm again.

"Tooth through teeth."

"Go away!"

Furious, Feng Hua Nu Tao waved his hand and roared, "Ice Escape·Black Dragon Storm Kill."

pause time....

A black dragon appeared from the palm of Feng Hua Nu Tao and swallowed the three of them in an instant.


Mixed with a few screams, the huge wind blows the three of Yu Hihong away again.

They have absolutely no chance to get close to the storm.

"Damn it!"

On the icy snow mountain, Inuzuka Ya only felt that his back was wet with sweat.

No matter how hard they try, they can't get close to the wind and flowers and raging waves.

Not to mention shattering the rings of his Chakra armor.

"Brother, are you all right?"

at this time.....

I have been following the director who filmed Snow Princess and felt that something was not good.

I thought that if the ninjas in Konoha Village could defeat Spike Avalanche, they would definitely be able to defeat Fenghua Raging Wave.

But I didn't expect that the gap between them was so big.

But I have to say that the filming crew of Snow Princess is still very dedicated.

They had never seen a ninjutsu battle between real ninjas.

Feeling such a gorgeous and passionate ninjutsu battle cannot be accomplished by special effects.

So he followed all the way at the risk, planning to film a real Snow Wind drama, Xue Ji Ninfa Tie.

But I didn't expect...

Now they seem to be unable to leave alive from the hands of Feng Hua Nu Tao.

Kurenai Yuhi shook her white teeth and glanced at Inuzuka Fang and Aburame Shino who were lying on the ground.

The beautiful eyes trembled slightly: "Tooth, Shino!"

"It's okay."

Seeing the two struggling to get up, Yuhihong's face showed a little anxiety.

"It's all right, teacher."

"I just don't know if Hinata has found Senior Su Bai."

Inuzuka held Akamaru and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Now is the time to race against time.

If Su Bai is not in Konoha Village, then things will become troublesome.

"I didn't expect that guy's Chakra armor to be stronger than those of the previous ones.

Aburame Shino got up and shook off the snow and ice covering his head.

Fenghua Xiaoxue in the distance even spread her legs and knelt down on the ground.

She was a little desperate, and she had told these people a long time ago that they would not be able to overcome the turmoil.

The result is that no one believes it.

She still has to come back to regain the right to inherit the princess that originally belonged to her.

This is great, everyone is going to be finished.

Fortunately, Hinata's voice brought everyone's thoughts back.

"Teacher Hong, Kiba, Shino..."

"Are you all right?"

Hinata's appearance immediately made Inuzuka's eyes brighten, and he asked excitedly, "Did you find Senpai?"

Hinata nodded excitedly as well.

Looking at the excited faces of the two, the director who was filming was full of doubts and asked: "Who is the senior you are talking about?"

"Master Su Bai!"

"Let me tell you, Master Su Bai is the strongest ninja in the ninja world."

Inuzuka Ya, who was still in a daze, didn't know where his spirit came from.

He said proudly, and at the same time shouted to the wind, flowers and raging waves in the distance: "Hey! Uncle in armor, you are in great trouble."

Xi Hihong: "..."

Hearing the sound, Fenghua Futao showed a ferocious face, thinking that the boy with the dog might really be dead or alive.

Just as he was about to launch an attack on Inuzuka Ya, he saw a figure slowly walking out of the hot steam in the distance.

"Huh? Who is it?"

Looking at Su Bai who slowly appeared in front of everyone, wearing a black armor.

Fenghua Futao was slightly taken aback.

"White Yasha"?"


After hearing Feng Hua Fu Tao's words, Ri Hong and the others were obviously taken aback.

Do these two know each other?

It's just that the next sentence of Fenghua Futao dispelled everyone's doubts.

"Who am I?"

"It turned out to be the bounty criminal who had been undercover in the black market before.

"But I wasn't surprised to hear that you were a Konoha Village ninja.

Fenghua Futao smiled contemptuously.

Seeing this, Inuzuka Ya bared his teeth in dissatisfaction and roared at Raging Wave, then turned his gaze to Su Bai.

"Senior, you have to teach this ignorant guy a lesson."


Akamaru also let out a few angry roars.

In the face of ridicule, coupled with the blow of the snow country's secret treasure.

The wind, flowers and raging waves completely ran away.

"You bastards!"

"Give me all to die.

"Shuanglong Storm Kill."

The wind and flowers are raging with anger.

Stretching his arms, two hovering black dragons intertwined with each other.

In an instant, the world changed.

The frantic storm turned into a black tornado, which was moving quickly towards Su Bai.


"I really didn't expect that raging waves still retain such terrifying power."

The director and the cameraman who followed him were scared to death.

And Yuhihong was also staring blankly at the black storm tornado not far away.

The unintentional gust of wind also made her unable to open her eyes.

"Damn it, that guy had never used a calendar before."

Yuhihong was hit hard in her heart.

But she wasn't worried at all, just relying on an attack like Feng Hua Nuo Tao would have no effect on Su Bai.

It's just that the wind is too strong, and it's impossible to open your eyes to see clearly what's going on now.

Just when Yuhihong was trying to open her eyes, a stronger wind hit them.


"Lie down!"

Kurenai Yuhi screamed, but it didn't take long for that wind force to disappear without a trace.

"Why is there no movement?"

Several people raised their heads in doubt

look around.

Everyone froze in place.

How that powerful tornado disappeared, they didn't know.


at this time.....

The black long sword in Su Bai's hand had already pierced Feng Hua Nu Tao's chest.

Pierced along with the Chakra armor he was wearing.


"What the hell did he do?"

The director and cameraman of Xueji Ninfatie crew were dumbfounded.

"Hey, did you get a picture of everything just now?"

Excitedly, the director glanced at the previous shooting records.

Seeing this, he suddenly froze.

"Uncle, did you catch it?"

Inuzuka tooth is also extremely curious.

He didn't know what happened just now, just in an instant, that arrogant Fenghua Futao was directly killed by Su Bai?

Looking at the wind, flowers and raging waves, he fell to the ground.

Fenghua Xiaoxue seemed completely in disbelief that this was true.

Someone actually defeated Feng Hua Fu Tao, and it was so easy.

Unfortunately, by the time she realized it, Su Bai had long since disappeared without a trace.

In the Konoha Village Hyuga residence.

Hyūga Hinata sat in the courtyard and looked at the aggrieved Yamanaka Ino in embarrassment.

The eighth class successfully completed the task of protecting Fenghua Xiaoxue.

By the way, she helped the other party regain the Snow Country that originally belonged to her.

What is surprising is that the underfloor heating device, a secret treasure of the Land of Snow, can make spring appear in the Land of Snow, which is always winter.

This is a device specially researched by Fenghua Xiaoxue's father to let Fenghua Xiaoxue see spring.

All in all, the ending of the story is perfect.

The director team of Xue Ji Ninfa Tie also made a documentary specially for Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Among them is the scene of the eighth class fighting against the Wind and Flowers and Raging Waves Group.

"Damn it, why do you have such good luck."

"It's actually possible to be on camera with that big star Fuji Fuyuki."

"What I didn't even expect was that the big star turned out to be the princess of Snow Country."

Yamanaka Ino pinched his waist in dissatisfaction.

Why didn't she come across such a good thing that can promote herself.

Recently, in order to confirm the identity of Fenghua Xiaoxue's Snow Country Princess.

This documentary was widely circulated in the form of a promotional film.

It also includes the scene where Su Bai kills the storm.

It is shocking that in the face of such a manic tornado, Su Bai cut it in two with a single sword.

What's even more weird is the way Su Bai killed Feng Hua Nu Tao, simply and neatly.

Only the afterimage of Su Bai can be vaguely seen in the camera, and the next second, it is the scene of him in Janan's turmoil.

The chakra armor of the wind and flowers is like it doesn't exist at all, and it doesn't play any role at all.

"I'd say the most annoying thing about it is that my clips get cut."

Inuzuka was even more indignant, with displeasure written all over his face: "Obviously I said that Senior Su Bai is the strongest ninja in the ninja world.

"In the end, His Royal Highness Fenghua Xiaoxue added another paragraph in the form of acting."

"The words that praised the senior turned out to come from her mouth.

Hearing the sound, Aburame Shino said lightly: "Tooth! Anyway, it's a bit strange to say it out of your mouth."

"But it's much better to say it from the mouth of His Highness Fenghua Xiaoxue."

Inuzuka tooth: ".........

"Ah? Shino, why do you even say that?"

Hearing the noise of several people, Hyūga Hinata puffed up his face.

She thinks that Inuzuka tooth is right.

Does senior Su Bai need to be praised by Fenghua Xiaoxue?

Obviously she didn't believe that anyone could defeat the wind, flowers and raging waves from the beginning.

It turned out that Su Bai solved the problem so easily.

Their director team added a new paragraph, Fenghua Xiaoxue's expression changed from despair to hope, and then she yelled with a smile on her face:

"Master Su Bai, you are the strongest ninja recognized by Snow Wind Princess."

The whole Su Bai seems to be there just for her.

Thinking of this, Hinata regretted that she should not have invited Su Bai in the first place.

But they have nothing to do, after all, Fenghua Xiaoxue is a serious princess.

He is the heir of the Snow Country, and his status in the ninja world is at the same level as that of a daimyo.

Hinata was regretting, but felt someone gently tugging at the corner of her clothes.

Turning around, it was her younger sister, Hyuga Hanabi.


Hanabi watched this documentary with the company of Hyuga Natsu.

It was the first time she actually saw Su Bai in person.

"Sister, is Lord Su Bai really the strongest ninja in the ninja world?"

Facing Hyuga Hanabi's doubts, Hinata didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "Of course.

"No one in the entire ninja world is stronger than Senior Su Bai."

Hyuga Hiashi: "...."

In Hokage's office.

There were bursts of chattering noise.

Shizune listened to Tsunade's complaint with cold sweat on his face.

Su Bai even lay on the table and didn't dare to raise his head. As long as he raised his head a little, he could feel the two senses of oppression from Tsunade.

Tsunade also pinched his waist with his hands, his face was slightly angry, and he bowed to Su Bai to output a meal.

"Please explain to me your photogenic problem now."

"Do you feel uncomfortable being the assistant of Fifth Hokage now, and want to change careers and want to become a star?"

"It's so powerful, so powerful, the strongest ninja in the ninja world..."

"Very good!"

Utatane Koharu:

Mitokado Homura: "

The two of them didn't know why Tsunade was angry.

Su Bai obviously did nothing wrong, not only helping Xi Hihong and the others successfully complete the task.

Also inadvertently boosted Konoha Village's reputation.

More importantly, because he killed Fenghua Nutao, he helped Fenghua Xiaoxue regain the land of snow.

Indirectly promoted the relationship between the country of fire and the country of snow.

This is a good thing in one fell swoop, why is Tsunade angry.

"Tsunade.... Su Bai he..."

Just when Utatane Koharu was about to speak up for Su Bai, he met Tsunade with angry eyes.

Utatane Koharu: "...

What's going on here? Could it be that Tsunade has entered a certain period?

But seeing Tsunade's horrible attitude, Utatane Koharu didn't dare to argue too much with her, and pulled Mitokado Homura away in despair.


Seeing the two leave, Tsunade snorted coldly: "You let her go without asking anything about Terumi Mei."

"Then immediately ran to find Fenghua Xiaoxue?"

"Master Su Bai, you are the strongest ninja in the ninja world recognized by Princess Fengxue."

Tsunade said in a strange way, and then his expression became slightly condensed: "There are so many strong men in the whole ninja world, no one dares to call it the strongest ninja in the ninja world, you..."

Su Bai disagreed with what he said.

Maybe no one calls it the strongest ninja, but someone claims to be a god, which is no more exciting than the strongest ninja.

Self-proclaimed god Payne....

Angel Konan, and Uchiha Obito who calls himself Uchiha Madara.

The three of them sat in the room tossing and turning, watching the documentary about Feng Hua Xiao Xue.

After a long time, the three of them sighed at the same time.

They seem to see some clues about Su Bai's ability, but they seem to see nothing.

"The overall strength of this White Yaksha looks really good."

Uchiha Obito spoke first.

His words made Konan frown.

Does this bullshit need you to explain it?

But as a cold white tiger, Konan cleared his throat and said indifferently: "It's nothing special.

"I believe that when Bai Yasha faces Payne, he has absolutely no chance of winning."

"After all, Payne is invincible."

Payne didn't say anything, and Uchiha Obito shrugged: "That's best."

Even so, he was still worried.

I heard earlier that Terumi Mei and Chojuro have returned to Kirigakure.

Presumably, they obtained other information about Su Bai.

Not wanting to stay here any longer, Uchiha Obito said casually: "Recently there are rumors that the Eight Tails Jinchūriki of Cloud Shinobi Village is lost."

"We'd better send someone to investigate."

"Okay, I still have some things to do, so I'll leave first."

The voice fell to the ground.

Space is warped.

He quickly disappeared in front of Payne and Konan.

"Payne, I always feel that this guy pays too much attention to Shiraiyasha."

When Obito left, Konan spoke disdainfully.

When Payne heard the words, a piercing look flashed across his eyes, but he still didn't express any opinions.

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