Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 120: Master Hokage, You Can Call Her Sister

Tsunade rushed out of the Hokage building in a hurry and directed the guards to put out the fire.

And Su Bai had already left, standing in the distance watching Kurama Yakumo's every move.

The flames printed in the girl's eyes are like the anger in her heart.

Delusional attempt to burn down the entire Konoha Village.

But after a while, Anbu and the medical ninja from Konoha Village rushed to the scene and subdued him.

"It cost us so much effort."

"Hurry up and take it back to watch."

The medical ninja muttered.

"It's really troublesome to keep an eye on her."

It is indeed troublesome enough.

It is hard to guard against the fact that the illusion released by Kurama Yakumo can be realized.

If you want to break her illusion, you must completely shut down your five senses.

Otherwise, as long as you immerse yourself in her illusion, it will be realized in reality.

It's really tricky.

But Kurama Yakumo doesn't know that her power doesn't belong to her.

It came from the monster with blue face and fangs that was born in her spiritual world.


After the fire was extinguished, Tsunade looked at the mess in the office and was speechless.

Shizune and Haruno Sakura rushed to the scene immediately after discovering the fire.

The two were packing up the documents scattered on the floor.

"Take these out and dry them well.

Tsunade waved his hand.

Haruno Sakura nodded, picked up a stack of documents and walked out.

The moment she left the house, it happened that Yuhihong came to Hokage's office.

"Hello, Teacher Hong!"

Seeing this, Haruno Sakura warmly greeted her.

When Yuhihong heard the words, she smiled softly: "Is Fifth Hokage here?"

"Here I am.

"Oh, I see."

Kurenai Yuhi bid farewell to Haruno Sakura, walked straight into the office, and closed the door tightly by the way.

"Huh? I always feel that Teacher Hong is a bit strange."

Haruno Sakura was slightly taken aback, but didn't think too much, and walked away with the file in his arms.

in the office...

Tsunade's face was a little dignified.

Yuhihong gave her a problem.

He gave up leading the eighth class and chose to take care of the eighth floor of the pommel horse.

very strange.....

Tsunade doesn't know why Yuhihong made such a request.

"Actually Yakumo did this accident. I'm sorry, and I hope Lord Fifth Hokage won't blame her too much."

Apart from Kurama Yakumo, Yuhihong couldn't think of another person who could do such a thing for no reason.

From the moment you see thunderclouds appearing in the sky for no reason, and the lightning strikes

She suspected something strange.

This fire, in particular, was extremely strange, as if it had been created out of nothing.

Don't think too much about it.

Kuruma Kuruma set the target of suspicion on Kurama Yakumo.

"You mean the girl from the Kurama family?"

Hearing Yakumo's name, Tsunade frowned.

In the secret file left by Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is about Kurama Yakumo.

Tsunade also went through these files when he succeeded Fifth Hokage.

Naturally, I know about Kurama Yakumo.


Yuhihong nodded.

Tsunade sighed: "I didn't expect that she would do something that hurt Konoha Village, if this is the case..."

As soon as these words came out, Xi Hihong's heart trembled.

"Master Tsunade, please let me take care of Yakumo first."

"I'll figure it out."

For Kurama Yakumo, she felt guilty.

Back then when Sarutobi Hiruzen was still there, Kurama Yakumo was handed over to her.

According to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Kurenai Yuhi is the ninja who he thinks has the strongest illusion ability in Konoha Village.

Guiding Kurama Yakumo couldn't be more appropriate.

But Kurumi Yuhi discovered the existence of Ido in Kurama Yakumo's body.

Whenever Kurama Yakumo casts illusion, Ido's ability will be greatly improved.

If it goes on for a long time, Ido will completely devour Kurama Yakumo.

In order to protect her life, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered Kurenai to seal her power.

It's a pity that the second half of the conversation between the two was overheard by Kurama Yakumo.

Since then, Yakumo has held a grudge against Kurenai Yuhi and Konoha Village.

I thought Sarutobi Hiruzen and Kuroyuki were jealous of her talent.

"Then you really decided to give up Class Eight?"

"Hinata, Shino and Ya, what should they do in the future?"

Tsunade's question also made Yuhihong's face bitter.

She smiled and said, "The three of them actually don't need me to take care of them anymore."

"Especially Hinata, since Su Bai appeared, her strength has even shown signs of surpassing mine."

Having said that, Yuhihong smiled wryly.

Especially since the Snow Country and her party came back, she had already noticed that something was wrong.

Hyūga Hinata was clearly barely contributing when he was fighting Rage.

What a kind and innocent child.

Kurenai Yuhi felt happy for Hinata's strength, but also sad for her own powerlessness.

"As the teacher of the eighth class, I am ashamed that I failed to lead them well.

"For now, please let me stay by Yakumo's side."

Yuhihong applied again.

"Hey! This..."

Facing the resolute Kurenai Yuhi, Tsunade rubbed his temples, feeling dizzy.

The damn thing is...

At such a critical moment, Su Bai disappeared without a trace.

As Hokage's assistant, I usually don't share my worries for Hokage, but just let Hokage help him relieve the pressure.

It's unforgivable.

Seeing Tsunade's displeased face, Yuhi Hong was even more worried that she would order Kurama Yakumo to be dealt with.

So he quickly said: "Master Tsunade, I was very responsible for what happened to Yakumo back then."

"I also hope that you will give me another chance to complete the task that Third Hokage gave me."

Thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen's recognition back then, Yuhihong felt even more embarrassed.

Pretend to have such a strong self-esteem.

In the end nothing was done well.

But the more she talked, the more headache Tsunade got.

The monster in Kurama Yakumo's body has no other way but to seal it.

Now it seems that the power of the seal is running out.

The monster jumped out again.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Kurama Yakumo to release such a terrifying illusion.

How to solve this matter?

There was no way for Yuhihong before, so does she have it now?

Of course Tsunade didn't want to hurt Yakumo, but he was really forced to do so, and it was impossible not to deal with Yakumo.

"Master Tsunade, Yakumo is like this because he hates what I did to her."

"Just trust me once and let me handle it.

The more Yuhi Hong talked, the more anxious she became.

Seeing this, Tsunade had no choice but to agree to her request first.

Wait until Yuhihong leaves.

Tsunade also found an excuse to get out of Shizune's sight.

The next moment, she came to Su Bai's home space.

"You really are hiding here."

At this time, Su Bai was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, playing games leisurely.

For some electronics, the world of Hokage still exists.

Su Bai also thinks that this kind of thing is not suitable for the situation, but it exists.

Seeing that Su Bai was silent, Tsunade frowned slightly, and angrily sat beside Su Bai and shouted: "Something has happened, so you don't want to play here."

Something big happened again...

Su Bai grinned.

Tsunade, who is Fifth Hokage, is the same as Hyūga Hinata.

"About Kurama Yakumo?"

Tsunade: "????"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Is it strange? On the way back, she happened to be captured by the medical team, with Anbu by her side.

"I guess he ran away."

Su Bai didn't care at all.

Tsunade looked at his irrelevant appearance and closed his eyes.

She didn't doubt that Su Bai knew about Kurama Yakumo, Sarutobi Hiruzen must have told him long ago.

"Then you should know everything about Yakumo."

"How to solve this matter, especially the monster in her spiritual world, now the seal can no longer suppress it.

"Once Yakumo's power is fully awakened, I'm afraid she will do harm to Konoha Village."

"At that time, it will be really difficult to deal with."

Tsunade wasn't worried that it was fake.

Yido's ability is indeed a bit weird.

Once everyone in Konoha Village falls into Kuruma Yakumo's illusion, it will be over.

"It's fine if you kill it, there are so many things."

Su Bai didn't care, changed his posture, lay on Tsunade's lap, and continued to play the game in hand.

Tsunade: "……………

"What nonsense, if you can kill her, you will kill her sooner."

"Yakumo is also a member of Konoha Village. If she can solve this matter while ensuring her life, then her life must be guaranteed."

At the same time, Bai felt the space distort again.

Hyūga Hinata also ran over.

But the scene in front of her shocked her a little.

"Master Fifth Hokage...."

Seeing Tsunade present, Hinata was dumbfounded.

And so is Tsunade.

Such a scene seems a bit embarrassing.

Damn it, this bastard didn't even close the channel of time and space.

"Are you also here to tell me about Yuhihong?"

Hearing Hinata's voice, Su Bai asked lightly.


"Yes, it is."

‥…seeking flowers 0.

Hyūga Hinata answered mechanically, she didn't expect Tsunade to be in Su Bai's home space.

And the two...

My God, I'm completely out of my mind.

"Don't be shocked, Hinata."

"Let me introduce you, this is Fifth Hokage from Konoha Village."

"Accordingly, the two of you are also sisters."

Hinata: "!!!!"

Tsunade: "!!!!"

Good guy!

What the hell is this shameless bastard talking about.

"Don't listen to him, Hinata."

"I'm here to find Su Bai to do something."

Tsunade stood up with a whoosh.

Fortunately, Su Bai responded in time and sat up on the spot.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to roll under the table.

Unfortunately, Tsunade's words are not convincing at all.

Don't look at Hyūga Hinata being kind, she's not stupid.

"Oh, Master Tsunade must be doing it for Mrs. Hong."

Hinata was clever and clever, and instantly resolved the embarrassment between the two.

"Yes, it's about your eighth class as Jōnin Yuhihong."

Tsunade coughed lightly.

Said solemnly again.

"But I didn't expect her to be so

I'll have a showdown with you soon. "

"Master Tsunade, what exactly is Teacher Hong doing?"

"that is because……………"


Tsunade gave a detailed explanation to Hyūga Hinata about why Yuhi gave up the 8th class as Jōnin.

So as to ease the embarrassment between the two.

During this period, Su Bai didn't say a word, but stared at the two with interest.

I don't know what kind of crazy ideas are going through his mind.


"Is there such a thing?"

This time...

The horror on Hyūga Hinata's face was genuine.

She never thought that Yuhihong once had a student named Kurama Yakumo.


It is also impossible to imagine that Kurama Yakumo is such a terrifying existence.

Tsunade glanced at the panicked Hinata.

She didn't hide.

After all, with Su Bai here, Tsunade even suspected that the little girl in front of him knew as much as he did.

"Then isn't it only Senior Su Bai who can deal with Yakumo Kurama?"

Hinata didn't even have to think about it, if what Tsunade was stuck with was real.

Kurenai Yuhi couldn't really deal with Kurama Yakumo at all.

"Yuhi Kuro wanted to eliminate the hatred in Kurama Yakumo's heart through her own death."

"About the existence of Ido, Yuhihong discovered it, she knows more about Kurama Yakumo and Ido than you.

"The more hatred you have in your heart, the easier it is for Yakumo to release Ido's power."

At this moment, Su Bai finally spoke.

But what he said made Tsunade and Hinata slightly taken aback.

"You mean the monster inside Yakumo is called Ido?"

"How did you know?"

As soon as these words came out, the two of them trembled.

"Wait a moment!"

"What did you just say, Kurenai Yuhi wants to use her own death to eliminate the hatred in Kurama Yakumo's heart?"

Tsunade was taken aback.

She felt that Yuhihong was weird from the beginning.

How can we solve the things that could not be solved before?

It turned out that Yuhihong had concealed some information.


"Ido is what I call that monster."

"Hey! But Yuhihong is still too naive."

"She thought that after Yakumo vented all his hatred on her, he would be able to let go of all his hatred.

"As everyone knows, Kurama Yakumo doesn't hate Kurenai Yuhi at all, the person she really hates is Third Generation Yi.

"She thought it was the order of the Third Generation to kill Jōnin's father, and ordered Kurenai Yuhi to seal her power, making their Kurama clan completely disappear in Konoha Village.

"If she really hated Kurenai Yuhi, it would be Kurenai Yuhi who was struck by the lightning today instead of the Hokage office building."

"It's just a pity that Kurama Yakumo still doesn't know that the person who really killed her parents was Ido in her body."

Su Bai's words obviously surprised Tsunade.

"Why are you so sure, did Teacher Sarutobi tell you all this?"

Su Bai:.......


When Tsunade asked this question in surprise, Su Bai was a bit Muggle.

"Don't you know how to analyze?"

Even if Su Bai has a script in his hands, a general analysis of this kind of problem can reveal its clues.


Su Bai stared blankly at Tsunade.

Is this one of the famous and legendary Sannin, Master Tsunade?

Why does it feel like I have no IQ one. .

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