Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 121: Hinata Would Rather Serve Tea Than Do Hokage

Originally, I wanted to discuss how to solve the matter of Yuhihong and Kurama Yakumo.

Did Su Bai lose his mind because of a sentence he blurted out?

This caused Tsunade's dissatisfaction.

So the two made a big fight in front of Hinata.

Look at Hinata is really.....

I always want to leave in my heart, but I want to watch again.

Finally, shivering, Hinata watched as Su Bai knocked Konoha Village's Fifth Hokage to the ground.

But what shocked her was...

With the powerful Chakra bursting from Tsunade's body, her appearance became even younger.

No! You can't say it's young, after all, Tsunade never looks old.

It can only be said that the current Tsunade has faded and become more immature.

To learn, be sure to ask Tsunade to teach yourself this special spell.


Now Tsunade is full of remorse.

After staying with Su Bai for a long time, she also knows that this guy occasionally uses some unpleasant mantras as suffixes to his words.

I just didn't know what to do, so it went out.

However, what Tsunade didn't expect was that Su Bai actually dared to fight Hyūga Hinata in front of her.

Is this okay?

As the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, how can he be ashamed in front of Hinata?

In a moment of excitement, Tsunade unlocked the Hundred Healings Mark.

But at this moment, she suddenly regretted it.

After all, unlocking the Hundred Healings Mark can give her a temporary strength boost.

But what happened next was horrific.

It's over!

It's all over!

Thinking of Su Bai's reaction after seeing his old appearance.

Tsunade turned against "600" and became more and more impatient, and his strength level fell to the lowest level.

They were defeated on the spot.

But what puzzled her was that Su Bai didn't mention this matter at all.

Some food for thought.


Su Bai wiped a little sweat from his forehead, and lightly stepped on Tsunade who was lying on the ground like a toad.

He said casually: "Hinata, come over here to help with it, and take care of Tsunade by the way.

"I'm going to take a bath."


Good guy, this opening is like asking her to handle a murder scene.

But Hinata still nodded obediently.

Wait until Su Bai leaves.

She hugged Tsunade who still had tears in his eyes.

Take a closer look, sure enough, Tsunade's skin feels smoother than before.

It must have been a mutation caused by her use of that power.

Out of curiosity, Hinata asked shyly, "Master Tsunade, how did you make yourself so young?"

What a ghostly ghost.

As soon as Hinata spoke, Tsunade's heart skipped a beat.

It was obviously teasing her.

Tsunade thought that Hinata in front of him was afraid that he would steal Su Bai, so he deliberately humiliated her.

But the fact is so, what can she say?

"Can you teach me?"

"In case I get old that day, I want to be like Master Tsunade, and I can use some kind of secret method to bring myself back to my twenties."

Look like in your twenties?

This time, Hyūga Hinata's words made Tsunade feel puzzled.


She subconsciously swept her arm...

His eyes widened for a moment.

"The skin hasn't shriveled?"

Emotionally, Tsunade startled Hinata beside him.

I'm afraid he was bullied by senior Su Bai and was stupid.

I looked back and forth at my body several times.

Tsunade finally determined that she did not suffer any side effects from unlocking the Hundred Healings Mark.

On the contrary, the skin was smoother than before.

"Hinata, how old do you think I am now?"

"Around twenty..."

Hyūga Hinata's voice was trembling, and she couldn't understand why Tsunade was so excited and excited.

Could it be that she is not aware of her changes?

It's really confusing.

"Hinata, go find me a mirror now.

Tsunade urges Hinata to get the mirror.

When she saw her appearance, she was completely dumbfounded.

"My God, what's going on here?"

Hyūga Hinata: ".....

Ah this!

Chakra that you released yourself, don't you yourself not know?

Tsunade was indeed unclear.

She admired her appearance in a daze.

Recalling the heroic figure on the battlefield.

At that time, Tsunade looked very immature, not like now. Although he looked very young, he looked quite mature.

Compared to now, of course she still likes herself more when she was a girl.

"Hmph! Looks like it must be the result of Su Bai's research."

"He even kept it from us."

At this time, Tsunade seemed to be much smarter, and the brain that had been flying away flew back.

"Hinata, you don't have to learn these things at all."

"With the passage of time, we can all achieve eternal youth."

At this time, Su Bai walked out of the hot spring room and said the matter without any concern.

Anyway, he thought, things have come to this point.

It's better to just put your thoughts out on the pallet.

Especially about the sacred tree.

Say hello to Tsunade in advance, and from now on, no one can hinder the home after materializing from Konoha Village.

"What do you mean?"

The young Tsunade also forgot who he lost in front of Hinata before.

If the prediction is good, it will happen sooner or later...

No one can escape the palm of this devil.

But for Su Bai's secret, she thinks it is necessary to know.

Of course, Hyūga Hinata was also curious why Su Bai would say such words.

Such a statement is simply too shocking.

What does eternal youth mean?

Just kidding.

Is it possible that human beings still have a way to fight against time?

"Come with me……"

Su Bai didn't pay attention to the two people who were stuck on the ground,

He just waved at them and strode towards the courtyard.

After the two looked at each other in blank dismay, they also walked out with big strides.

"Isn't this the tree that turned from a toad that you mentioned, senior?"

When he came in front of the sacred tree, Hinata was taken aback for a moment.

The tree in front of me is much more lush than before, but judging from the planting position.

This is indeed where the strange-looking toad was.


Tsunade was even more confused, and even poked Su Bai's ribs in dissatisfaction.

Hyūga Hinata sure knows more than she does.

"That's not a toad. Specifically, it's the seed of this sacred tree."

God tree?

The more Tsunade and Hinata listened, the more confused they became.

"How should I explain it to you, I have discovered a lot of interesting information during the years of sneaking into the black market.

"That's why I explored the ruins of ninja world based on the information from a long time ago."

"Finally let me find the tree seed of this sacred tree."

"In the ninja world, there is only one sacred tree, and it is my luck that I can find it.

Su Bai did not share information about Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Even if this kind of thing is said, it will only add trouble to Tsunade and Hinata, and it doesn't make much sense.

"Then what is the use of this sacred tree?"

Tsunade asked curiously.

Can you stay young forever?


eat bark?


Tsunade was a little panicked, Su Bai wouldn't study the experiments left by Orochimaru, he must have gone crazy.

It's like Orochimaru, who would rather have a psychopath than gain eternal life.

"I said Su Bai, what Orochimaru left behind is not a very good thing, I still advise you not to study him too deeply."

Tsunade said worriedly, but Su Bai didn't take it seriously, staring at the sacred tree and said indifferently: "Although I'm sorry, but today I plan to make it clear to you.

"About Orochimaru's experiment, I actually lied to you."

"The fruits and milk that you eat and drink that can give you strength are all my own, and have nothing to do with anyone else."


As soon as these words came out, Tsunade was dumbfounded.

The amount of information is a bit too much.

Su Bai looked at Tsunade who was completely numb, and shook his head helplessly.

Luckily it didn't tell him that he had nothing to do with Sarutobi Hiruzen at all.

I don't know what the old monkey had in his head before he died, so that he could do such a thing to lure wolves into the house.

"According to the records of the ninja world, the fruit of this sacred tree is Chakra Rishi."

"After taking it, not only can you get powerful strength, but you can also get an immortal body.

"Hehe, stop talking nonsense, if it is really immortal, wouldn't it be invincible?"

Tsunade has fully accepted the fact that he was cheated.

But so what?

Is it possible to tear yourself apart with Su Bai now?

Impossible, absolutely impossible...

Is this the so-called boiled frog?

Tsunade realized now that this bastard had been digging holes for her.

It wasn't until she got stuck in it that she couldn't extricate herself that Su Bai showed her original fangs.

It's too late, and now everything can only be done according to his words.

"What a fool."

"Isn't there still a sealing technique?"

Su Bai smiled and flicked Tsunade's forehead.

It caused Tsunade to complain, but she still reminded: "Su Bai, this matter is not a joke."

"No one can believe that the previous intelligence is true or false."

"Let's not talk about whether this so-called sacred tree can bear Chakra fruit, even if it bears fruit, who can guarantee that it is not poisonous?"

"What if I poison you to death after eating it?"

Tsunade's concerns are well-founded.

Su Bai didn't want to argue with her either, he just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know."


Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, Tsunade was no longer struggling, and even smiled: "If you are really immortal, that's fine."

For the Sixth Hokage, I'm happy and free. "

It's just that when her voice fell to the ground, Tsunade suddenly felt something was wrong.

According to Su Bai's current situation and strength, he is still a Sixth Hokage?

She remembered that Su Bai was going to set up a puppet Raikage in Cloud Shinobi Village.

By the way, thinking of Terumi Mei who was let go by Su Bai, Tsunade asked in shock: "Hey! No way...."

Seeing Tsunade's horrified face, Su Bai knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Didn't I tell you that before?"

"In order to ensure the real peace in the ninja world, of course all ninja villages must be brought into our hands."

"When the time comes, what will the five shadows talk about, just come to the homeland directly

space to talk.

"The shadows of the five great ninja villages will all become my subordinates."

"So troublesome Lord Fifth Hokage, before I order you, weld your ass to Hokage's position."

"After all, I don't want some messy people to come to the home space."

Messy people?

Tsunade understood and gave Su Bai a glance on the spot.

The so-called messy people are probably not of the same gender as you.

"Ahem, Hinata, you have to behave well, and then you will be able to come here to participate in the five shadow talks."

Tsunade coughed a few times and turned his attention to Hinata.

The eldest lady of the Hyuga clan.

It's doing great now too.

When the time comes, Tsunade will accept her as an apprentice again, and everything will be logical.

"No, I don't want to be Hokage."

Unexpectedly, Hinata refused on the spot, then smiled and said, "I can serve Master Tsunade here at that time."

"But let me do Hokage, no way."

Hinata is not stupid 1.7.

Do Hokage that can be as comfortable as it is now.

If Hokage was really that comfortable, Senior Su Bai would have chosen to do Hokage a long time ago.

Are you still struggling to find a puppet here, and you are willing to be behind the scenes?

"Well, now is not the time to talk about this."

"Let's deal with the matter of Yuhihong first.

"Could it be possible to really watch her die?"

"And the sacrifice was in vain."

Right now Tsunade can only ask questions.

Deciding something, she feels that she doesn't need her to do it at all.


To be a puppet is to look like a puppet.

Although occasionally it can be a little uncomfortable.

But she also understands that Su Bai is sincere to them.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hide such a big gift from Tsunade.

Hey, this man really wants to save face, and he doesn't take credit for it.

If I hadn't fought hard to resist today, I'm afraid it would be difficult to discover this matter in this life.

After Tsunade muttered in his heart, he heard Su Bai lightly talk about the solution to the problem of Kurenai Yuhi.

"You don't have to worry about these."

"And if we dispatch it now, it will make Xi Hihong passive."

"Just let her and Kuruma Yakumo toss around as much as you want."

"When Yidu popped out, both of them would be dumbfounded."

"That's fine, let Kurama Yakumo see the truth is more effective than relying on our mouths.

"At that time, I will naturally make a move."

For Ido, Su Bai is simply the biggest nemesis.

Illusion immunity aside, the ten-fist sword in his hand is a powerful sealing technique.

As long as it appears, it represents the end of life. .

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