Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 127: Please, Please Give Me Face

"You're saying the Fourth Raikage didn't go three strokes in your hands."

Tsunade's surprised expression was exchanged for Su Bai's disapproving nod.

"Specifically, there are two moves."

"I kicked him on purpose first."

"Then when I appeared in front of him again, I killed him."

Speaking of this matter, Su Bai's tone did not change at all.

At the beginning, it was also to test my physical strength, and I was kicked tens of meters away by the fourth Raikage, who was covered in electricity.

Where it passed, a deep pit of tens of meters was drawn on the ground.


Su Bai didn't feel any discomfort, nor much pain.

Then Su Bai appeared again in front of Fourth Raikage.

The shot speed is extremely fast.

Use the Ten Fist Sword directly to seal Fourth Raikage, and then absorb it.

And the rest Xi and Darui.

Darui was just like what Cloud Shinobi Village found before, Su Bai didn't seal him.

Instead, the Chakra Scalpel directly slit his throat.

So I took a chance and threw it at the gate of Cloud Shinobi Village.

But I have to say that Fourth Raikage's physique is still very strong.

After absorbing his power, Su Bai obviously felt that his physical strength had been strengthened again.

It's just that Xi's perception ability has not been acquired by Su Bai.

It just strengthened his Chakra a bit.

Tsunade: "

Lifting his head slightly, Tsunade glanced at Su Bai.

Is this even personal?

The other party is Fourth Raikage, so he will die if he says he is dead?

If it weren't for Fifth Raikage's high position.

Tsunade couldn't believe what Su Bai said was true.

"You said that Samui is the calmest person in Cloud Shinobi Village, I really didn't see it at all.

"After losing Jinchūriki and Raikage, the current Cloud Shinobi Village's strength has been greatly reduced. Why do they dare to release this news?"

Tsunade was suspicious.

Isn't this telling other ninja villages: We are weak now, so hurry up and beat us.

After Su Bai heard this, he smiled and said: "Except for Kirigakure who has not interacted with the outside world for many years."

"The rest are Konoha Village and Sunagakure, which have just been through the war."

"Among the Five Great Ninja Villages, the only one that has no influence is Iwagakure."

"But didn't you hear what Cloud Shinobi Village said?"

"They suspect that Akatsuki organized Killer Bee, Fourth Raikage and others from their village to be killed."

"This is obviously telling the other ninja villages to pay attention."

"If the other party dares to touch their Cloud Shinobi Village, they dare to touch the other five Ninja Villages."

Tsunade frowned, then laughed after a while.

"Hehe, you people who play tricks are really scary.

"The behavior of dumping the pot is simply easy to do, and it doesn't care about the life or death of other people."

Especially when I think of Cloud Shinobi Village who will come to Konoha Village for the second negotiation in a few days.

Tsunade was almost ashamed.

Su Bai in front of me...

I'm afraid it didn't take too long to stay in the black market.

Contaminated with something horrible.

"I completely understand."

"The purpose of that Samuel coming to Konoha Village to negotiate is to come to you to discuss cooperation."

Su Bai nodded, indicating that what Tsunade said was correct.

"At that time, I have to ask Master Tsunade to fully support me and play a scene with me to frighten Samyi and Terumi Mei."

Terumi Mei?

Hearing this familiar name, Tsunade became suspicious again.

"What does this have to do with Terumi Mei?"

"Maybe you don't know, Kirigakure's Mizukage has also been replaced."

"But due to the passing of Kirigakure's long-term ninja, they did not dare to make a statement to the outside at the first time."

Su Bai's answer was beyond Tsunade's expectation.


Rub it.

Tsunade stood up in shock, Meimu was a little flustered.

"Are you saying that within a few days, you have even meddled in Kirigakure's affairs?"

Su Bai waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have too much to do with Kirigakure.

It was just that after telling Terumi Mei the truth of the matter, he took the time to send a Shadow Clone to mix in Kirigakure through the Transformation Technique.

Sure enough, it was as expected by Su Bai.

After returning, Terumi Mei first went to join Changjuro, and then hurried back to the village.

And secretly told the senior elders of Kirigakure the information he got.

Finally, through Qing's white eyes, he did find evidence that Fourth Mizukage Yagura was controlled by someone.

It's just that the loss of Kirigakure of Fourth Mizukage is even worse.

Now they have almost nothing but Terumi Mei.

Due to the previous operation of Uchiha Obito.

Today's Kirigakure is really a weak group.

Three Tails finished with Yagura.

Six Tails Jinchūriki even escaped from Kirigakure during the persecution that year.

The number of ninjas in the village is also pitifully small.

Compared to Cloud Shinobi Village, Kirigakure is much weaker.

"Okay, let me get ready first.

"Didn't I go to Kirigakure myself while Samui was on the road?"

Su Bai stood up slowly and glanced at Tsunade: "To be conservative, you send Kakashi and Asuma to lead the tenth squad to meet Samui."

Tsunade heard the words, didn't say anything, just nodded.

Today is a free day.

Even Anbu's Uzuki Xiyan felt a little boring.

Since she informed Su Bai of the news of Cloud Shinobi Village Fourth Raikage, within a few days she received the news that Cloud Shinobi Village would change Raikage.

This has to be imaginative.

Of course, the human mouth in Anbu is still very strict.

Even if they had some thoughts in their hearts, no one would foolishly express such suspicions.

"Xiyan, what are you doing here?"

Kurenai Yuhi has been too busy and panicked recently.

The eighth class has no special tasks, and the three of Hinata are still practicing non-stop.

Xi Hihong is happy and leisurely.

"No, nothing."

Uzuki Xiyan smiled.

In the days when there was no Su Bai, her life in Anbu was quite fulfilling.

Since Su Bai came.

She felt like her body was going to rust.

However at this moment....

A familiar voice came into her ears.

"I didn't expect the two of you to get together."

"That's right, you guys go to Kirigakure with me."


Hearing the sound, Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong raised their heads at the same time.

The person who came was none other than Su Bai.

"Master Su Bai?"

"Why are you here?"

The moment Yuhihong saw Su Bai, she seemed to remember something.

Some shy.

Uzuki Xiyan pouted furtively.

By the way: "My lord, shall we go to Kirigakure?"

"I remember that Kirigakure didn't interact with the outside world at all in recent years."

Su Bai always agrees with Uzuki Xiyan's words.

After nodding, he said casually: "Yes, so we can say that we forcibly entered their Kirigakure this time."


The two were startled at the same time.

Forced entry into Kirigakure?

It's just that they haven't waited for the two to figure it out.

Su Bai's words sounded again: "Xi Yan, from today onwards, Master Tsunade has transferred you away from Anbu.

"You are now the special Jōnin of Konoha Village."

"No need to manage anything with Anbu anymore."


Uzuki Xiyan was stunned on the spot.

This is totally against the rules.

If it is said that her identity as an Anbu ninja is to be removed, Hokage's hand must first notify her.

"Master Su Bai..."


Uzuki Xiyan was about to ask a question, but Su Bai stopped on the spot and said, "That's how things are, when we come back from Kirigakure.

"Master Tsunade will hand over the procedures to you."


Yuhihong also felt that things were a little weird.

There is always a...

This order is the same as that issued by Su Bai.

"Is Master Su Bai overstepping his authority?"

Xi Hihong murmured in her heart.

She and Xiyan were completely unaware that this was because Su Bai had let them get used to the real relationship between him and Tsunade.

Don't when things are revealed in front of them...

They couldn't accept it for a while because of shock.


Distortions occurred in the distant space.

It didn't take a while.

Su Bai, Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan came out from the portal.


Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong were still a little confused.

It seems that Su Bai's time and space ninjutsu cannot be accepted for a while.


"Could it be that this has come to Kirigakure?"

Yuhihong was in doubt.

"Well, yes, Fuyin Village is ahead."

On a building not far away.

A sign with the word "water" hung high.

"Ugh! Didn't you say to break in by force?"

Yuhihong was still a little confused.

She is also ready for everything.

There was even some panic in my heart.

I thought it was going to forcibly break in from the border of the country of water, and then come to Kirigakure.

Never imagined....

"Hasn't this entered Kirigakure yet?"

Su Bai's laughter aroused Uzuki Xiyan's suspicion.

She said lightly: "Lord Su Bai."

"I take the liberty to learn."

"You asked me and Hong to accompany you. Is the purpose pure or..."

Uzuki Xiyan did not speak clearly.

Generally, when the senior officials in the village go out, they must have at least two guards by their side.

Let's not talk about Su Bai's strength.

With his weird appearance and disappearance, does he need guards?

Obviously, not at all.

That is to say, she and Xi Hihong are just here to make up the number.

The role played is Su Bai's face problem.

"I really didn't expect Senior Xiyan to become more and more intelligent."

"After all, I am also Hokage's assistant. If you come alone, you will inevitably be looked down upon by others."

Uzuki Xiyan:

Sunset Red:

Ah this!

What a confusing operation, he actually admitted it on the spot.


"After all, with the looks of the two seniors, serving as guards for this subordinate is very satisfying for my vanity."

"It's hard for the two seniors."

Su Bai smiled, immediately making Mao Yuexi and Yuhi Hong Muggle on the spot.

The senior shouted one mouthful at a time.

The two of them can't afford it.

"No, Master Su Bai, don't make fun of the two of us."

"I know I was wrong, and I said something I shouldn't have said, okay?


"Just keep your mouth shut."

Maoyue Xiyan broke out in 927 cold sweats all over her body, and she couldn't help shivering.

Secretly scolding myself for being stupid.

How can you ask such a clear thing as a question.

But Su Bai frowned after hearing her words.

"Don't be too nervous, okay?"

"I'm not a bad person."

"Forget it, let's go now.

After greeting the two of them, the three of them strolled towards Kirigakure.

It was not until the door of Kirigakure that someone suddenly appeared and blocked the way of the three.

"Ninjas from Konoha Village?"

"who are you?"

"Why is it here?"

"What is the purpose?"

Kirigakure's ninja was visibly terrified.

They haven't interacted with the outside world for a long time, and now it's only a few days since Fifth Mizukage took office.

The ninjas of Konoha Village suddenly appeared at the gate of the village, which inevitably made them a little scared.

I am afraid that the other party has some purpose.

"Please go and inform Terumi Mei, the Assistant Hokage of Konoha Village, Su Bai wants to see him."

Su Bai?

Hokage Assistant at Konoha Village?

My obedient.

As soon as these words came out, Kirigakure's ninja thumped even more.

Come and come.

One is the big shot at Konoha Village.


In an instant, several Kirigakure ninjas were caught in a dilemma.

However at this moment.....

A one-eyed dragon wearing a black blindfold rushed out quickly.

"what happened?"

"I didn't warn you, this is a critical moment for us Kirigakure."

"Is there absolutely no room for any discrepancies?"


During the patrol, noises were heard outside the gate.

He rushed over in a hurry.

"Master Qing, this person who claims to be the assistant of Hokage from Konoha Village, Su Bai..."

"To see five..."

"To see Master Terumi Mei."

"And he called Master Terumi Mei by name."

Kirigakure's ninja seemed a little dissatisfied with Su Bai's plain address to Terumi Mei after seeing Qinghou.

But he didn't dare to tell the story of his Mizukage alternation.

In an instant, he changed Terumi Mei's address.

But this scene made Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan frown.

Just now I was still wondering why Su Bai wanted to find Terumi Mei who went undercover in Konoha Village.

Just looking at it this way, that Terumi Mei's status in Chongyin Village seems to be a bit special.

"Hokage Assistant at Konoha Village? Su Bai?"

Qing was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately his face changed drastically.

He looked at Su Bai warily.


"White Yasha!".

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