Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 128: Since You Give Face Like This, How Can I Not Give You Face

The blue of Kirigakure.

One of the eyes is covered with a black patch.

Under the eyepatch is a white eye of the Hyuga family.

This white eye is the white eye that Ao got from the Hyuga family who killed on the battlefield at that time.

He regarded it as a treasure and directly transplanted the supercilious eyes.

And, for Kirigakure, this white eye is also a precious trophy.


Su Bai looked Qing up and down.

I feel a little sad.

As an ordinary ninja who can no longer be ordinary, the upper limit has been so high in his life.

It is not bad to be able to kill the ninja of the Hyuga family with personal ability.

Of course, Su Bai is still clear about the ninja Qing.

This man is fun.

He seems to have some magical powers.

That's right, Qing has a characteristic, she likes to exchange face with others.

It is said that I will save face for you, please give me face too.

The most representative one is that at the end of the Third Ninja World War that year, he took advantage of the emptiness of Konoha Village and led a few people into the Land of Fire.

Want to get some benefits.

As a result, it was sniped by Uchiha Shisui, who was very far away, leading several ninjas from Konoha Village.

They even fell under Uchiha Shisui's illusion without even being seen.

Then Qing was horrified, and looked into the distance with white eyes.

When she found the other person Shisui, Ao was even more horrified and told her companion that it was Shisui, the instant body of Konoha Village.

Through his own white eye, he saw clearly the Chakra that belonged to Shisui.

After bragging about Shisui, Ao is about to retreat with his companions who have been enchanted.

However, the strange thing is that there are so many people in Uchiha Shisui, but none of them went after him.

Of course, in the Fourth Ninja World War, Ao, as a member of the general headquarters, was attacked by Ten Tails' Tailed Beast Bomb along with Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Haiichi and others.

Everyone died, but according to the follow-up part, Qing seemed to survive and was transformed into a half-human, half-machine.

Su Bai thought of this.....

Qing gave a thumbs up in his heart.

I wondered if it was Qing who yelled at the sky before dying: Ten Tails!

Of course, this kind of thing is just a joke.

Ao once exposed Danzo's conspiracy to control Mifune during the meeting with the Five Kages.

As a result, Danzo's men were almost killed.

If you don't give me face, then I can't give you face either.

Da da da!

Su Bai's thoughts were interrupted by a group of Kirigakure patrols who rushed over.

"Senior Qing, what happened?"

The dozens of Kirigakure ninjas present looked a little flustered.

Just when he wanted to come to Qing's side, Qing stretched out his arms and blocked him behind him.

"do not come."

"The other party is the youngest Hokage assistant in Konoha Village."

"Ninja people call Su Bai of White Yasha.

"We are no match for him."


This green looks very interesting.

Now I am a female ninja with two Konoha Village.

Didn't he think about it, once the fight broke out, Su Bai might be overwhelmed?

But Qing didn't think about it.

Now he is so nervous that he is sweating.

"Master Su Bai, why did you come to Konoha Village to find our Master Terumi Mei?"

"Talk about cooperation, and you don't need to hide it. If I think right, the current Terumiyan should be Mr. Mizukage from Xunyin Village.



Terumi Mei?

When Maoyue Xiyan and Yuhihong heard the words, the two women were obviously a little surprised.

"Master Su Bai, you are not mistaken, are you?"

"That Terumi Mei who went undercover in Konoha Village became Kirigakure's Mizukage?"

Mao Yue Xiyan hurriedly leaned close to Su Bai's ear, and reminded him quietly.

Regarding Terumi Mei becoming Kirigakure Mizukage, Anbu from Konoha Village has not received any information at all.

After hearing this, Yu Hihong on the side also frowned.

This Mr. Su Bai really hit the spot.

What about breaking into Kirigakure?

It seems that they are taking the two of them to show their identities.

However, after hearing Su Bai's words, all the ninjas in Kirigakure stopped, and their legs moved slightly backward involuntarily.

Qing was even more horrified.

He glanced vigilantly at Su Bai[hastily whispered to the people behind him: "Hurry up and invite the Fifth Mizukage people.

But Su Bai seemed very indifferent.

There is no rush.

This was beyond Qing's expectation.

He is very nervous.

Nervous enough to hallucinate.

He thought that Su Bai would not wait so obediently.

The more Su Bai remained still, the moister Qing's palm became.

It wasn't until Terumi Mei appeared that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Bai: "????"

"This one-eyed senior? What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Su Bai glanced at Qing with great interest.

Qing quickly shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's okay.

Inadvertently, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Qing was indeed flustered, but after facing Su Bai for a long time, she never felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

He was so depressed that he couldn't breathe.


The word Su Bai didn't blurt out.

Terumi Mei felt two not-so-kind glances shot from not far away.

Wei Wei looked over, but saw Xi Hihong was staring at her steadfastly.


"Assistant Hokage of Konoha Village, what are you doing here at Kirigakure?"

Terumi Mei pretended to put on airs.

Su Bai secretly sighed in his heart that the acting skills of the woman in front of him were not bad.

"Fifth Hokage of our village, Master Tsunade heard that Master Terumi Mei has become Kirigakure's new Mizukage."

"I was specially sent to invite Mizukage-sama to a meeting about the alliance between Konoha Village and Kirigakure."


Is Konoha Village going to ally with Kirigakure?

Yuhihong and Uzuki Xiyan were confused by Su Bai's words.

They had never heard of such a thing before.


The newly appointed Fifth Raikage of Cloud Shinobi Village did send letters to Konoha Village.

The new Raikage Samui will go to Konoha Village for the second negotiation with Konoha Village.

Why did Tsunade-sama suddenly choose to hold an alliance meeting with Kirigakure during this period?

I really don't understand.

On the other hand, for Kirigakure, each expression is more exciting than the other.

People with a little brain think that this is probably a Konoha Village conspiracy.

After all, not a single word has leaked about Terumi Mei as Fifth Mizukage.

If that's the case...

How did Konoha Village's Hokage learn that Terumi Mei became Fifth Mizukage?

But Terumi Mei closed her beautiful eyes, and her brows were slightly tanned.

When she heard that Su Bai came to her and claimed that she was Kirigakure's new Mizukage, Terumi Mei already had a guess in her mind.

Su Bai in front of him definitely has the means to grasp various secret information about Kirigakure.

Otherwise, how would he know that Kirigakure's Fourth Mizukage has been controlled by Akatsuki?

"As expected of the Shirayasha of the ninja world, your ability to grasp information is really rare."

"I think looking at the entire ninja world, there is no one who has better espionage capabilities than you."

Terumi Mei flicked her long hair and smiled slightly.


Su Bai didn't care about Terumi Mei's praise at all.

But Kirigakure's ninjas and Kurenai Yuhi and Yuzuki Yugao

Everyone was taken aback.

"I really didn't expect Master Su Bai to have such terrifying intelligence gathering capabilities?"

Mao Yue Xiyan was slightly taken aback.

But Yuhihong's surprise was only fleeting, and then she smiled: "Xiyan, I finally understand how Master Su Bai took Hinata away back then."

"It turns out that our actions have long been in his hands."

I remember the day when I met Su Bai for the first time...

Yuhihong couldn't help but sigh that time is really wonderful.

At the beginning, Xi Hihong, who still hated Su Bai, gritted her teeth, but now she admires Su Bai.

It's not just a matter of appreciation.

No matter which way you look at it, the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye, and the more you look at it, the more you admire it.

"Fifth Mizukage-sama...."

Qing finally understood Su Bai's purpose.

I was very nervous.

"Master Su Bai."

While Qing was nervous, she treated Su Bai very respectfully.

However, due to the problem of his position, he still asked suspiciously: "It's about the alliance between our two villages.

"Then why Fifth Hokage, Master Tsunade doesn't come to our Kirigakure."

"Do you want our Fifth Mizukage-sama to go to Konoha Village?"

Qing's words are correct.

If it is for Kirigakure, he is not afraid of death.

Even though he was nervous, he still wanted to speak his mind.

After all, negotiating in your own village must be much safer than going to Konoha Village.

Qing's words also made Terumi Mei's heart tremble.

Immediately, her beautiful eyes fixed on Su Bai.

If the prediction is correct, Su Bai must have the same idea as Qing.

To keep Tsunade safe, Terumi Mei is invited to Konoha Village.

And I personally came to Kirigakure to deliver the news.


"Not to mention the tyrannical strength, the weird space-time ninjutsu and the weird means that can enhance the strength of others.

"Plus the willingness to sacrifice everything for the village."

"I have to say, the White Yasha in front of me is a very outstanding man."

Terumi Mei sighed in her heart.

Some complain that the Hokage at Konoha Village is just as comfortable.

Not only is Konoha Village, the most affluent of the five major countries, but also a group of capable generals.

There is even a Hokage assistant who is so handsome and talented.

It's true that people are better than people...


As soon as Terumi Mei returned to the village, she was busy with Fourth Mizukage.

She did not inform Kirigakure's higher-ups about her contact with Su Bai in Konoha Village.

There is also a reason for this, which is to increase the fear of high-level officials in the future.

Furthermore, the fate between her and Su Bai may play a crucial role in the future.

But Terumi Mei did not expect that Su Bai betrayed her appointment to Tsunade

Ah! This is not called betrayal.

Just regarding the matter of Terumi Mei going to Konoha Village, Su Bai did not back down, and immediately said: "This is how things are."

"Please, Fifth Mizukage-sama, come with me to Konoha Village."

Damn White Yaksha!

These words seem to be an invitation, but they are actually coercion.

Qing Gang wanted to refute, but a chill rose from his heart.


Once you say the wrong thing, you may die.

Qing also didn't know why she felt like this.

I could only silently scold myself for being incompetent in my heart.

completely dumb


But at this moment.....

Terumi Mei locked her eyes on Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong.

"Isn't this Hong and Xiyan?"

"They're all old acquaintances!"

Who is your old acquaintance?

Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong nodded slightly, and said in unison: "It is our honor to be acquainted with Master Mizukage.

The two women looked kind on the surface, but they were actually agitated inside.

just her?

Terumi Mei?

I really can't figure it out. Before that, I was just a hidden village ninja who sneaked into Konoha Village as an undercover agent.

In just a few days, I became Kirigakure's Fifth Mizukage?

This ninja world......

I'm afraid the sky will change!

Terumi Mei, who is also a woman, can naturally see the subtle expression changes on Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhi Hong's faces.

But she didn't pay much attention to it, and just asked Su Bai indifferently: "It seems that Master Shiraiyasha, the relationship between you and the two behind you should be extraordinary.

I heard...

Su Bai didn't quite understand what Terumi Mei said, but still nodded to indicate that there was no problem with it.

"Well! That's much easier to say."

After receiving Su Bai's statement, Terumi Mei also nodded, and then looked at Qing: "Qing, in the past few days, the matter of Kirigakure will be left to you and Chojuro."

"Both of you must obey the elder's arrangement."

"I'm going to Konoha Village now with Assistant Hokage of Konoha Village."


Terumi Mei's words startled Qing.

What are you kidding?

"Master Fifth Mizukage, let's discuss this matter with the elders before making a decision.

"And what is it for you to follow the other party alone, Changjuro and I must accompany you as your bodyguards.

It's a pity that Terumi Mei didn't pay attention to Qing's words, and stopped immediately: "This is Mizukage's order.

"No one can follow, and no one can quietly follow behind."

"But...(Li Lehao)..."

Qing is still a little bit reluctant.

This kind of thing is simply nonsense.

Terumi Mei watched anxiously with a blue face, really a little speechless.

Pulling it aside, he murmured softly, "I'll tell you a secret, I had a little contact with Shiroyasha in Konoha Village.

"This man is terrifying."

"And now that you've seen it, I've just taken office and he's here."

"This shows that our Kirigakure may have an undercover agent from Konoha Village. Now I pretend to follow him and stabilize him.

"You and Changjuro will take advantage of this time to find out the undercover agent in the village."


When Qing heard this, she was even more surprised.

"But Mizukage-sama..."

"Don't worry, I have a way to deal with him, but if other people follow him, it is very likely to cause unnecessary trouble."

Terumi Mei patted Qing, but Qing was moved by her earnest words and actions.

So he nodded and said nothing more.

But Qing didn't know why Terumi Mei didn't have a guard.

The reason is that if Su Bai wants to harm her, no amount of guards will help.

Furthermore, since Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong are confidantes to Su Bai, they are like Hyūga Hinata.

Able to enter Su Bai's strange time and space.

After all, Terumi Mei can be regarded as someone who has been in and stayed there, and she has some experience.

As long as she goes alone, it seems that Su Bai will directly use time and space ninjutsu to bring her to Konoha Village.

The sooner you meet Tsunade, the sooner you can understand what the other party wants to do.

Of course, in Terumi Mei's heart, she still trusts Su Bai very much.

If Konoha Village really intends to ally with the current Kirigakure, it is not a bad thing.

"Let's go, assistant adult class."

After Terumi Mei comforted Qing, she came to Su Bai with a smile on her face.

Fuxia murmured in a low voice: "After a while, let's go to Konoha Village by car, you should know what I'm talking about.

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